Is EnglishClass101 Really Free

is english class 101 really free

although there are paid plans yes there

is a free membership

option it’s called the free lifetime


you can learn the language for free with

lifetime access to new audio

and video lessons word of the day

lessons and much more

no credit card required to join and


here’s what you get with your free

lifetime account

one new audio and video lessons by

real teachers so you get three to five

new lessons a week for life

and they’re free for three weeks before

going into our lesson library

two the innovative language 101 app for


iphone and ipad so you can learn on the


three the word of the day learn a new

word every day with this free feature

four the 100 most commonly used words


so you can master beginner level


five free pdf conversation cheat sheets

and writing workbooks

we email these out to our members every


six vocabulary and phrase lists

learn even more words and phrases for

holidays current events and all around

useful topics

seven the first three lessons of every


over 100 free lessons in total so you

can get a preview of each series

and eight you get a random audio or

video lesson every thursday

delivered directly to your inbox so if

you want to learn the language for free

with all of these lessons and resources

sign up for your free lifetime account

just click the link in the description

select your learning level enter your

email address and press

join now you can also choose whether you

want to receive the word of the day

then finally check your email inbox for

the activation email

click on activate your free lifetime

account and that’s it

so sign up for your free lifetime

account today and start learning for
