Learn American Holidays Thanksgiving Day


hi everyone I’m Alisha Thanksgiving is

one of the most celebrated holidays in

the United States it also marks the

beginning of the holiday season the

weeks leading up to Christmas Hanukkah


and the winter solstice which are all

widely celebrated holidays in the US for

retailers Thanksgiving begins their

busiest season Thanksgiving is

celebrated on the fourth Thursday of

November Thanksgiving was founded as a

national holiday by one of the most

famous presidents of the United States

do you know who it might have been we’ll

show you the answer at the end of this


Thanksgiving to a large extent is about

having a feast with friends and family

turkey is the traditional main course

with yams squash pumpkin pie cranberries

and other rich and filling foods

rounding out the meal some families

spend weeks preparing for their

Thanksgiving feast and to stuff oneself

is most certainly encouraged the

Thanksgiving meal of today is rooted in

the meal that the pilgrims from Europe

shared with the Native Americans on the

first Thanksgiving

this was quite a feast turkey duck goose

squash corn and a plethora of other

foods were shared between the Europeans

and the Native Americans

this original fate was said to go on for

three full days football is another

tradition during Thanksgiving

celebrations in the United States

watching the football game while

preparing the Thanksgiving meal is an

important part of the celebration for

many families families that arm sports

fans however may opt to spend the time

outside enjoying the crisp autumn air or

may find other diversions to enjoy while

the turkey cooks

Thanksgiving is not a uniquely American


there are similar celebrations in Canada

for instance the concept behind the

holiday showing thankfulness by having a

feast spans many cultures and now here’s

the answer to the quiz do you know who

founded Thanksgiving is a national

holiday Abraham Lincoln established

Thanksgiving during the dark days of the

American Civil War even though the

holiday was officially born during this

conflict it’s more associated with the

initially good relations between the

first European immigrants and the Native

Americans how is this lesson did you

learn something interesting is there a

day in your country where you give

thanks please leave a comment at English

class 101.com until next time

