Learn English in 30 Minutes How to Teach Yourself English

do you feel like you don’t speak enough


that you need to know more words then

stick around with these lessons you’ll

pick up some of the most common words in

just a few minutes now this video is a

small portion of our learning program to

get the full lessons translations and

fluency fast study tools click the link

in the description and sign up for your

free lifetime account

since you’re learning the language and

coming across new words all the time do

you have trouble remembering new words

if you do then there is a proven and

powerful learning method that’ll help

you learn new words and phrases fast

easily remember the tough words you

struggle with and get you fluent sooner

than later in fact all serious language

learners use this learning method in one

form or another

and the good news is you can do this all

with our flashcards inside of our

learning program

but first if you don’t yet have access

to our language learning program sign up

for a free lifetime account right now

just click the link in the description

to get your free lifetime account

now how do flashcards help you learn

words and phrases faster

these flashcards use something called

spaced repetition learning which is a

science-backed learning method that

spaces out your learning over time and

quizzes you on words at the right times

so that you never forget them

here’s how the flashcards work once you

start learning they start tracking your

progress and sort your cards for you so

the tough words that you struggle with

you’ll see them more often in a study

session and the easy words that you get

right they’ll start getting spaced out

you’ll see them again in two days then

five days then 13 days and so on at

which point these words will start going

into your long-term memory and you’ll

never forget them

once you’re done with a study session

that’s it for the day your flashcards

will remind you when to study again so

you never forget what you learned last


so here’s how you take advantage of this

powerful study tool

simply access flashcards in the

vocabulary dropdown menu on the site

inside you already have the 100

must-know words deck prepared for you

just click on study and start session to

start learning you’ll see a flash card

with the word in the target language do

you know the meaning click on show

answer to confirm the meaning then mark

it as correct or incorrect

based on your answer the flashcards will

start sorting and spacing out the words

for you

then move on to the next card in the

deck until you’re done with the session

you can study with three modes

recognition get the word in the target

language and see if you know the meaning

production get the meaning and see if

you know it in the target language or

listening hear the word or phrase and

see if you know the meaning choose one

two or all three modes of learning

you can create flash card decks from key

phrases presented in lessons

the 2000 core word list

words saved in your word bank and our

free vocab lists want to see how many

words and phrases you’ve mastered

visit my stats for your daily weekly and

monthly progress breakdown to see your

personal study stats

so take advantage of the smart flash

cards right now the top 100 must know

words deck is already ready and waiting

for you but if you don’t yet have access

sign up for a free lifetime account

right now just click the link in the

description to get your free lifetime


remember here’s what you can do to learn

all of these words by heart

drill these words with our space

repetition flashcards which will help

cement these words into your long-term

memory save them to the word bank your

personal vocabulary collection where you

can print out your own study sheets or

review the words with our looped

vocabulary slideshow and play it until

you know all of the words so click the

link in the description right now and

sign up for your free lifetime account

to get these lessons and study tools

you’re learning a language but here’s a

question do you actually remember what

you’ve learned or do you forget

everything a day later

if you’re forgetting everything and not

making any real progress it might be

because you’re missing a crucial part of

the learning process the actual practice

and assessment

for that you’ll want the assessments

inside our learning program and in this

video you’ll discover

one how to access the assessments and

start practicing 2. how you’ll learn

faster and remember everything and 3.

how you can get your language assessed

by native teachers let’s jump in

  1. how to access the assessments and

start practicing

first what are assessments these are

multiple choice and teacher graded

exercises that test you on what you’ve

learned so far and give you a chance to

practice your language so that you don’t

forget what you learn

if you’re learning with our language

program then you automatically get an

assessment after every couple of lessons

this is to make sure you’re practicing

and retaining the language

if you haven’t tried this study tool yet

sign up for a free lifetime account and

get access right now you’ll find the

assessments inside our recommended

learning pathway

two how you’ll learn faster and remember


so after you’ve completed a few lessons

you’ll get a quick multiple choice

assessment the tests you on all the

words and grammar rules you learned

answer the questions the best you can

and you’ll get instant results showing

you what you got right and wrong that

way you’ll know if you’ve remembered

anything and you’ll know what your weak

points are

but there’s more just by taking these

assessments you’re improving your memory

that’s because you’re using a

science-backed learning method called

active recall

active recall is where you try to recall

or remember without looking at the

answer and in doing so you strengthen

your memory plus you get to practice and

use the language that you’ve learned

instead of letting it fade away from

your memory


how you can get your language assessed

by native teachers

you also get hand-graded assessment

exercises on speaking and writing which

are graded by our team of native


with these assessments you can submit a

recording of yourself speaking or submit

a piece of writing and our teachers will

assess your skills and give you feedback

getting feedback from a native is one of

the fastest ways to improve your

language skills

remember you’ll find our assessment

exercises peppered throughout our

recommended learning pathway

so if you want to start learning the

language with our learning program and

make sure you remember everything with

these assessments sign up for your free

lifetime account right now just click

the link in the description and if you

enjoyed these tips hit the like button

share the video with anyone who’s trying

to learn a new language and subscribe to

our channel we release new videos every

week i’ll see you next time bye

want to learn and speak more of your

target language

you’ll need to learn more words and you

can do that with printable visual


so here’s how you can learn over 1500

words easily with a free printable

resource that boosts your retention

keeps you focused on one word at a time

and makes learning fun

in this video you’ll discover one how to

get our printable visual flash cards for


two how you’ll learn words and phrases

even faster and three five ways to learn

with the flashcards

first what are visual flashcards

visual flashcards are our printable

flashcards that teach you 1500 words

across 60 topics

all words come with images and

translations for easy retention and

they’re an easy way for beginners to

boost their vocabulary so how do you get


how to get our printable visual flash

cards for free

just click the link and sign up for a

free lifetime account to our learning


our learning program teaches you the

language through audio and video lessons

study tools and one-on-one access to a


these visual flashcards are a free

supplemental resource for anyone

interested in learning

once you’ve signed up check your email

to confirm your account and download the

free visual flash cards

then print out the pdf files cut out the

cards and start learning

how you’ll learn words and phrases even


learning words can be difficult if

you’re learning on your phone or

computer you have tons of notifications

and distractions competing for your

attention you can also overwhelm

yourself by learning too many words at

once and forgetting them all

so how can you learn faster

our visual flashcards are a physical

resource which means there are no

distractions and they’re right in front

of you unlike an app that’s buried

somewhere in your phone so you can

easily start learning

you get one word per card so you can

focus on one word at a time no

distractions no giant word lists just

one word at a time which takes a second

to learn

all cards include the word in the target

language the translation and a picture

to help the meaning stick better and you

can easily run through the cards and

test yourself until you remember each

and every word

with visual flashcards you learn 1500 of

the most common words which means you

don’t waste time learning words that

aren’t useful for beginners

five ways to learn with the flashcards

once you’ve downloaded and printed the

flashcards how do you learn

  1. set aside 5 to 10 minutes and pick

out 20 cards spend the first half

reviewing the cards and the second half

testing yourself on the meanings two

for the words that you struggle with

keep them in a separate pile that way

you can focus on just the hard words and

skip the ones you know

three since the words are separated

across 60 topics you can focus on one

topic at a time and keep at it until

you’re done with all 60 topics

place the cards on the objects they

represent around your home or 5 turn it

into a game with your friends have them

quiz you on the words

pick which way works best for you and

learn with our visual flash cards

so if you want to boost your vocabulary

and speak more of your target language

download our visual flash cards for free

right now just click the link and sign

up for a free lifetime account to our

learning program

now if you’re wondering how to remember

these words forever so that you can

start speaking more and more here’s how

one review them with our spaced

repetition flashcards our flashcards

will drill these words into your

long-term memory


save the words to our word bank your

personal collection of words where you

can print out physical study sheets

and three watch our looped vocabulary

slideshows on repeat until you

understand every word

you’ll find these tools inside our

learning program just click the link in

the description to get them

since you’re learning the language do

you also learn while you’re on the go

like on the way to work or on a walk do

you put small blocks of time to

productive use

if not here’s how in this video you’ll


how to learn a language anywhere anytime

with our free app

second you’ll find out how to learn two

times faster with study tools third how

to test your language skills fourth how

to learn with your own teacher and fifth

how to get free bonus language lessons

just for watching this video so let’s

jump in


how to learn a language in minutes

anywhere you are

first download our innovative 101 app

for your iphone ipad or android just

click the link in the description to

download it and sign up for your free

lifetime account

once you’re in we give you one clear

pathway of lessons to follow just press

play on a lesson and you’ll absorb a

practical conversation you’ll also learn

all of the words and grammar rules in

minutes yes in minutes because lessons

are just a few minutes long which means

you can easily learn the language while

you’re commuting to work going to the

store or while out on a walk you can put

that time to productive use

two how to learn two times faster with

study tools

if you’re a serious learner and want to

succeed with the language check out our

study tools to help you master words

grammar rules and conversations even


just scroll down in the lesson to access

the tools you can

understand the conversation in full with

the line by line audio and the


review the key lesson vocabulary with

the vocab list and master the grammar

with our in-depth lesson notes

three how to test and practice your

language skills

you also get assessments after every few

lessons to test you on what you’ve

learned and give you the chance to

practice the language

you’ll find assessments peppered

throughout the learning pathway and

they’ll only take a few minutes to

complete which means you can easily do

them while you’re out and about you get

results instantly so that you know what

you’ve mastered and what your weak

points are

four how to learn with your own teacher

on the go

if you’re a premium plus member you can

also learn with your own teacher just

visit my teacher inside the app

there you can interact with your teacher

practice writing ask questions about the

language send audio and video recordings

of yourself speaking the language and

get corrections and feedback all of this

through the app

five how to get free bonus language


since you’ve watched this far here’s a

free bonus that many users don’t know

about we release three to five new

lessons a week every week non-stop and

they’re free for three weeks before

going into our lesson library which

means you can learn the language for

free and get new lessons every week with

our innovative 101 app

how just open up the menu inside the app

and tap on newest lessons to unlock them

so if you’re not yet learning a language

while you’re on the go

here’s your chance to turn those small

blocks of time into something productive

download the innovative 101 app for your

iphone ipad or android just click the

link in the description

one of the best ways to learn a language

is with a native speaker

but what if you can’t afford to take a

class or what if you’re too busy to

learn on someone else’s schedule

that’s why with our program you get

access to your own teacher with a study

tool called my teacher so you can learn

with your own teacher at your own pace

anywhere anytime

how does my teacher work you’ll discover

more in just a second but first to get

access to our learning program and your

very own teacher click the link in the

description and sign up for a premium

plus account right now

what is my teacher

my teacher is a messenger tool that

gives you access to your very own

on-site teacher you’ll find it in the

bottom right corner of your screen and

if you’re on the app just tap on the my

teacher icon at the bottom

so how do you take advantage of this

powerful language tool

one get your language assessed

with language schools you take a level

check test on the first day and the same

thing happens here

the moment you become a premium plus

member you’ll take an assessment test so

that your teacher can determine your

level understand your weak points and

design a personalized learning plan

you’ll find the link to the test inside

my teacher once you’re done with the



interact with your teacher ask questions

and get feedback

getting feedback and corrections is one

of the fastest ways to improve so open

my teacher and start interacting with

your teacher

the first thing we ask you to do is to

send a self-introduction in your target

language as a way to get started and if

you’re not sure how just ask your

teacher you can also ask them language

questions send your writing practice

conversations and they’ll also send you

feedback and corrections

you can do this all at your own pace on

any device you can also

send recordings of yourself speaking the


just record yourself and send an audio

file or video over and get feedback from

your teacher on your accent

pronunciation and how to express

yourself naturally like a native speaker

you can also take a picture of your

writing for feedback

  1. improve your language skills non-stop

with weekly assignments

your teacher will also send you weekly

assignments to test you on what you’ve

learned and improve your language skills

assignments cover speaking listening

reading and writing so if you want to

learn with your very own teacher at your

own pace

then click the link in the description

to sign up now and become a premium plus

plan member today

you unlock our complete learning program

plus your very own teacher click the

link in the description to sign up now

want to perfect your pronunciation and

speak like a native

the best way to do this is one listen to

a native speaker

two repeat what they say and three the

most important part compare yourself

against their pronunciation in fact

mimicking a native speaker like this

which is called shadowing is a powerful

way to master your speaking

and you can do this all with the voice

recorder inside of our learning program

but first if you don’t yet have access

to our program sign up for a free

lifetime account right now just click

the link in the description so what

makes the voice recorder so powerful

first you can instantly spot the

differences between yourself and the

native speaker


the voice recorder records you and then

compares your speaking to the native


just record and listen

once you know what you need to change to

sound perfect you can adjust your

speaking and your pitch until you match

the native speaker

second you get to practice speaking the

most common words and phrases

in other words you won’t be learning to

say random words and phrases

our lessons teach you practical everyday

conversations like introducing yourself

ordering food at a restaurant talking

about where you’re from and more

the kind of conversations you’ll have

with native speakers and our vocabulary

lists teach you the must-know words and

phrases for all kinds of topics holidays

slang the many ways to say hello and



how do you use the voice recorder

you’ll find the voice recorder in our

lessons and vocabulary lists

just look for the microphone icon with

our lessons scroll down to the dialog

section the dialog section is a

line-by-line breakdown of the lesson


next to each line click on the

microphone icon to open the voice

recorder for that line

first listen to the native speaker’s


then click on the round record icon to

record yourself and finally play the two

tracks to compare

successful learners practice one line

three to four times to fully master the


now if you’re using our free vocabulary

phrase lists you’ll find the microphone

icon next to each word or phrase again

click on the icon to record and compare

yourself to the native pronunciation

so if you want to speak like a native

with perfect pronunciation take

advantage of this voice recorder which

is available in every lesson and

vocabulary list but if you don’t yet

have access sign up for a free lifetime

account right now just click the link in

the description to sign up

remember here’s what you can do to learn

all of these words by heart

drill these words with our spaced

repetition flashcards which will help

cement these words into your long-term

memory save them to the word bank your

personal vocabulary collection where you

can print out your own study sheets or

review the words with our looped

vocabulary slideshow and play it until

you know all of the words so click the

link in the description right now and

sign up for your free lifetime account

to get these lessons and study tools

every language learner wants to speak

with confidence without struggling and

without stopping to think of words so

how do you do this

in this video you’ll learn 5 tactics to

perfect your speaking

above all every learner wants to speak

in their target language with confidence

we’ve run survey after survey year after

year and the results are the same

listening reading and writing are all

important but people want to improve

their speaking the most so how do you

perfect your speaking skills


shadow the dialogues you hear in the


what is shadowing it’s a learning

technique where you mimic native

speakers in other words you listen and

then you repeat what they say

this is a fast and easy way to start

practicing speaking you can do this with

any one of our audio or video lessons

and even easier if you have access to

the dialog section you can read along

out loud as you listen

so shadow as much as possible to perfect

your speaking and try harder lessons to

take yourself to the next level

second read the dialogue out loud

we just mentioned this in tip 1 but this

tactic deserves its own special mention

reading out loud is another easy way to

practice your speaking simply read the

lesson dialogue that’s available in the

dialog section the lesson notes or the

lesson transcript by reading out loud

you’re practicing your speaking skills

and here’s a trick if you can get

yourself to read faster you’ll be able

to speak faster too

natives tend to speak quickly and if you

can too that’s a sign that you’re


third record yourself speaking to

perfect your pronunciation

if you’re a premium or premium plus

member look for the voice recorder in

the dialog section with this tool you

can record yourself and compare your

speaking to a native speaker this is

powerful because you instantly hear the

difference between your speech and the

authentic native pronunciation

and then you can easily perfect your

speaking and pronunciation if you don’t

have a premium account record yourself

with your smartphone and while you can’t

really compare you can spot where you

struggle or stutter

this tactic is used by professional

speakers public speakers just about

anyone that has to give a presentation

fourth if you’re a premium plus member

record yourself and send it to your

premium plus teacher for feedback


you’re getting instant feedback from a

native speaker they’ll point out your

mistakes they’ll tell you what to

improve and how and record themselves

and work with you until you reach


that’s the power of having a native

speaker give you feedback so what do

people usually record here’s an easy one

record a one paragraph self intro in

fact we ask all of our new members to do

this give your name your age where

you’re from why you’re learning and

that’s it

it’s a great way to get started our more

advanced students talk about their day

they send three recordings in the

morning in the afternoon and at night

for example i woke up at 7 am and

brushed my teeth i got ready for work my

train was a little late and so on this

can dramatically improve your speaking

because you’re practicing conversations

that people have all the time

the fifth way to perfect your speaking

premium plus assignments

with this feature you get weekly

assignments based on your needs and

goals whether they’re reading writing

listening or speaking

if you want to improve your speaking

your premium plus teacher will send you

speaking assignments non-stop every week

and provide you with constant feedback

this is all part of your personalized

learning experience

so take advantage of our tools and put

these tactics to use and remember if you

want to master your language with our

complete language learning program now’s

your chance

so to test out these tips and start

speaking now check out our complete

language learning program sign up for

your free lifetime account by clicking

on the link in the description get tons

of resources to have you speaking in

your target language and if you enjoyed

these tips hit the like button share the

video with anyone who’s trying to learn

a new language and subscribe to our

channel we release new videos every week

i’ll see you next time bye

are you focused on active language

learning or passive language learning

and which is the best way to learn in

this video you’ll learn the difference

between active and passive learning and

some methods for each

do you know the difference between

active and passive learning you’ll find

out the differences between these two

first the difference between active and

passive learning

here’s the difference

active learning means you’re actively

engaging with learning material and

focusing on it for example you’re

reading in your target language you’re

looking up words you’re translating

you’re memorizing phrases or you’re

speaking out loud so you’re focused on

what you’re learning and you’re really

into it

now passive learning is different it

requires less concentration

it’s usually done when you’re doing

something else for example doing chores

driving to work or taking the train you

could be listening to an audio lesson or

watching a video lesson but the

difference is you’re not focused on

picking apart every word you’re just

passively taking the language in

what about you how do you usually learn

do you have a lot of active practice a

lot of passive practice do you have a

combination let us know in the comments

second how you can learn both ways with

our lessons

if you do a lot of passive learning say

because you’re always on the go then

here are four simple tactics you can

apply right now


press play on a lesson and just listen

or watch just like you would with

youtube so if you’re at home with your

computer on press play on a lesson and

take it in


now if you’re outside if you’re going to

the store or commuting you can learn

with our free innovative language 101

app for the android iphone and ipad

again open a lesson press play and

that’s it if you want to passively

review words and phrases then check out

the vocabulary slideshow tool

this premium study tool is available on

every lesson and vocab list just press

play and with every slide you’ll get the

word the audio pronunciation the

translation and sample sentences you can

even put the slideshow on loop and

immerse yourself that way and third if

you have an amazon echo device then you

can immerse yourself with daily audio

lessons or you can learn with the quick

word of the day you can just play a

lesson and keep it in the background

while you’re at home

just look for daily dose by innovative

language on the amazon skills store and

download it for free

now if you’re looking for some active

learning practice and you have some time

to concentrate here are five tactics you

can use right now

number one listen or watch a lesson and

read along with the translations you’ll

get complete translations in the lesson

notes in the line by line dialog this

will make your reading and listening

skills skyrocket the best part is you’ll

understand every single word the

translations are right in front of you

number two repeat the lesson dialogue as

you hear it this is called shadowing and

it will boost your speaking skills just

repeat the lines that you hear until you

can speak with confidence to make it

even easier you can also get the lines

in the dialog study tool and in the

lesson notes so you can read them out

loud as you hear them in the lesson

number three record yourself with our

voice recorder in the dialog study tool

to perfect your pronunciation and see

how close you are to a native speaker

number four if you want to boost your

vocabulary study words with our smart

flash cards they sort the words for you

so you get the harder words more often

until you master them in the easy ones

show up now and then to refresh your

memory and number five ask questions and


leave a comment in the comment section

if you’re a premium plus user you get

your very own teacher and you can ask

them to review and correct your writing

and speaking you can also ask for

learning advice and get all of your

questions answered

both are great ways to learn but which

one is best

well that depends on you if you have

some quiet time to focus active learning

is best but if you’re on the train and

you’re multitasking then passive

learning is the better option

whichever you choose you can apply both

with our language learning program

so to test out active and passive

learning just check out our complete

language learning program sign up for

your free lifetime account by clicking

on the link in the description get tons

of resources to have you speaking in

your target language and if you enjoyed

these tips hit the like button share the

video with anyone who’s trying to learn

a new language and subscribe to our

channel we release new videos every week

i’ll see you next time bye

have you ever started learning a

language but just couldn’t continue why

does this happen and what do successful

language learners do differently

in this video we’re going to talk about

why you should put your language

learning on autopilot

we asked you and the number one reason

people don’t continue is time either you

don’t make the time for learning or

you’re just too busy but a lot of the

time this is caused by the resources

you’re using if you’ve downloaded five

language apps and bought two books

you’ll get overwhelmed about where to

start and what to do next so what do

successful language learners do

successful learners don’t overwhelm

themselves thinking what should i do

today they put their learning on


imagine this let’s say you have a

favorite tv show a new episode comes out

every tuesday so you know what you’re

doing on tuesday night you don’t have to

think about it you don’t need a reminder

it’s automatic every tuesday you watch

an episode you make it into a habit now

how do we apply that to language



habits if you have a habit of learning

then you’re already on autopilot

so set a small measurable monthly goal

with a deadline like learn 100 words or

do 30 lessons by the end of the month

once you know your goal you can

backtrack so for example divide 100

words by 30 days in a month and you get

3.33 so you should learn about three

words a day

now you know what to do three words a

day there’s no confusion do those three

words and you’re done you don’t need to

think about what you should be doing

because you already know what you’re

doing it becomes a habit

the second way to stay on autopilot is

with language textbooks

this is basically just because books are

sequential you just follow the pages

from one until the end you don’t have to

think about where to go next so it’s

easy to stay on track with what you need

to do

third the word of the day

every day you get a new word in your

email inbox automatically you don’t have

to think about it simply check your

email learn a word and you’re done

the fourth way is with our progress

tracking tools

they spoon feed you lessons one by one

so let’s say you’ve finished lesson one

where you learned greetings then you

automatically load up lesson two where

you learn a basic conversation that uses

the greetings you learned in lesson one

then you have lesson three and four and

so on you don’t have to worry about what

to do next because our dashboard will

keep you on track it’ll even build upon

what you learned in your previous lesson

so you won’t forget it

the point is to put your learning on

autopilot you need something that guides

you from a to b to c whether it’s your

own habits or a book that takes you from

1 to 100 or a learning program that

feeds you lessons so take one of these

tips and apply it today

so to put your learning on autopilot

just check out our complete language

learning program sign up for your free

lifetime account by clicking on the link

in the description get tons of resources

to have you speaking in your target

language and if you enjoyed these tips

hit the like button share this video

with anyone who’s trying to learn a

language and subscribe to our channel we

release new videos every week i’ll see

you next time bye

remember here’s what you can do to learn

all of these words by heart

drill these words with our spaced

repetition flashcards which will help

cement these words into your long-term

memory save them to the word bank your

personal vocabulary collection where you

can print out your own study sheets or

review the words with our looped

vocabulary slideshow and play it until

you know all of the words so click the

link in the description right now and

sign up for your free lifetime account

to get these lessons and study tools