Learn the Top 10 Autumn Words in English

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Hi, everybody!

And welcome back to Top Words!

My name is Alisha, and today we’re going to be talking about 10 Must-know Autumn Vocabulary Words.

Autumn! Let’s go!

The first word is sweater, that’s that long

sleeve, often knit garment, that you wear;
maybe your grandma has given you a few over

the course of your life.

A sweater, it is a very very, it’s like the
quintessential, quintessential means like

the regular, the expected, the of course item,
for Autumn.

So in a sentence, my favorite sweater is wool,
it’s warm.

In this sentence, I got spaghetti sauce on
my favorite sweater.

Oh! I’ve done that, everybody has done that, everybody.


Soo strong winds in autumn, I suppose, in

some cases.

Windy, in a sentence, if it’s windy in autumn,
you should go fly a kite.

In this sentence, I can handle the cold, but
I hate when it’s windy.

For sure, okay!

Cool, in this case, refers to the weather.

So it’s not quite cold, but it’s not warm
either, it’s cool, it’s cool.

We also might use the word brisk, so it’s
not cold, it’s like that kind of like refreshing,

it’s a little like woah feeling, in brisk.

I don’t know what that means, woah!

That’s how I feel on a brisk day, yeah!

But cool, cool is not quite cold; the difference
between cool and brisk, cool is kind of a

mild feeling, mild type of weather; brisk
has a little bit of bite, there’s a little,

like, freshness to it.

Cool is very mild, I think.

In a sentence, I love going to the park on
cool autumn days.

In this sentence, these cool, sunny days are
my favorite time of the year.

This is cool, alright!

The next word, of course, is autumn.

Autumn, also known as fall, both are okay
to use.

Autumn is that season in your country, depending
on where you live in the world, where trees

will change color, the weather goes from hot
to less hot, it goes from hot to cool, people

start wearing sweaters, or maybe like, I don’t
know, just the temperature starts to drop

a little bit after summer when it’s warm.

So you can use autumn or fall, both are fine.

In a sentence, autumn is my favorite season.

That’s true.

Here, autumn is my favorite season because
of the weather.


The next word is cold.

Cold is the uncomfortable feeling, you just,
the temperature is too low you feel uncomfortable,

it’s cold.

So in a sentence, I like cold days because
I can drink hot chocolate.

And in this sentence, I can’t stand the cold,
I’m moving to Hawaii.

The next word is chestnut.

Chestnut is a food that you can eat, it is
a type of nut, it is a thing that you eat

in autumn.

You can roast them, they smell kind of nice,
you can put them on dessert, you can do all

kinds of things with them.

So in a sentence, you can make lots of desserts
with chestnuts.

In this sentence, chestnuts roasting on an
open fire.

This is a popular, this is the opening line,
the opening lyric to a popular holiday song.

chestnuts roasting on an open fire.


falling leaves
The next expression is falling leaves.

In autumn, leaves change color and they start
to fall off of the tree.

So falling leaves is kind of an image of autumn,
an image of fall.

There’s kind of that nice image of those beautiful,
like, gold and red leaves falling.

So in a sentence, let’s rake the falling leaves
up and jump in them.

The falling leaves reminded me of bittersweet

Oh gosh!


We’ve done a couple of videos about Thanksgiving,

so if you like, I’m sure somebody will put
a link, like, here here here here.

Thanksgiving is, let’s see, I know we have
this holiday in the US and I believe Canada

also has a Thanksgiving, though I’m not familiar
with the date.

Thanksgiving in the US is celebrated in November
and we eat food together with our families,

a huge turkey usually and some other autumn
foods, too.

In a sentence, Thanksgiving is great, but
I always eat too much.

That’s true.

This sentence says, Thanksgiving is the busiest
traveling time of the year.

I didn’t know that! I wonder if that’s true.

The next word is Halloween!

I love Halloween!

At least I loved Halloween when I was younger.

These days it’s like, no, alright, have your

Halloween is a really fun holiday where you
can dress up as a character, you can dress

up as somebody else, or as a creature or monster
or whatever.

When you were children, you can go out and
get candy from the people in your neighborhood.

As an adult, there are lots of fun parties
to go to, as well.


In a sentence, I was once in a flash mob for

That is true.

In this sentence, this Halloween, I’m going
to dress up as a spooky ghost.

Spooky means scary but not next super scary,
spooky is like cute scary.

Ok, leaf.

The last word is leaf.

A leaf is that thing that grows on a tree,
maybe it looks like this, maybe it looks like

this, maybe it looks like this.

There are many different kinds of leaves.

You might find them falling en mass from trees,
you might find them scattered on your streets

during autumn.

Point, the plural of leaf is not “leafs”,
but leaves.

So in a sentence, Ginkgo leaves smell really
bad when they fall.

That is true, they smell really bad.

This sentence says, she stepped on the leaves
on the sidewalk.

All right! That’s the end!

So those are 10 must know words for autumn.

If there is a different word that you associate
with autumn, or a different word that you

think of when you think of fall or autumn
in your country, please leave us a comment

and let us know about it.

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