Learn the Top 10 English Foods That Will Make You Live Longer

It has mono saturated fatty acids? Great!

Hi, everybody! My name is Alisha and
this is Top Words. Today’s topic is

10 Foods to Make You Live Longer.

So let’s talk about it!


Avocado is delicious

It’s green, it’s about this big, you cut
it and you eat it, and it’s awesome.

Avocados actually contain more potassium
than bananas.

You can use avocado to make a guacamole,
for example, which is a very popular dish,

you can put it in salads, which is
something I like to do, check out

JapanesePod101 to find Risa who
loves avocado!


you peel a banana from the top, you take
the stem thing, just… I actually really

truly, I ate a banana in a smoothie this
morning and it was delicious! That’s a

popular way to eat bananas.


A berry, which is blue.
blueberries are really really good at

helping burn fat.

You could use them in a desert as well,
alternatively. I’ve seen recipes, or you

bake blueberries into things like
muffins, for example. If you want to

include blueberries in something else,
like I just talked about muffins,

we say “baked into something something”.
So for example,

I’m going to bake blueberries into my muffins later.


I’m all about the fish! Let’s talk about
you and me and fish! So fish are high in

omega-3 fatty acids, so it’s a very very
popular health food.

They are rich in good fats.

They also have a lot of protein in them,
and additionally, they’re delicious!


Oh garlic is very important, if you’re very worried about

vampires. Haha! Vampires on the medical
site! Garlic is delicious, garlic is used

in a lot of different foods, you can
slice garlic or you can make it even

smaller which is “to mince garlic”. So it’s
these tiny tiny little pieces that are

cut even further from a sliced
piece that’s called to mince.

Green tea

Green tea is excellent! Green
tea is so delicious, one of the effects

of green tea is supposedly to help
protect cells in your body from damage,

and thereby reducing the effects of
aging and breaking down in the body.

It’s a fairly healthy way to get
caffeine, if you’re a caffeine drinker.

Macadamia nut

Next is macadamia nut,
macadamia nuts are delicious, i feel that

they are often used in Hawaiian cuisine
a lot.

We have the noun “a snack”,
something that you can eat

just between meals if you like, but we
also can use it as a verb, to snack on…

So I like to snack on macadamia nuts
after lunch, for example.


Oatmeal is the next
food on our list, there are a lot of

different kinds of oatmeal, actually. It’s
rich in fiber, fiber is known for helping

food pass through the digestive
system more smoothly. So oatmeal can be

beneficial for that. A lot of people like
to eat oatmeal for breakfast in the

morning, you can eat it hot or you can
eat it cold, whatever you like to do.

My boss also eats just plain oatmeal and water for lunch.

Oatmeal is very popular with raisins as
well, the two seem to complement each other nicely.

Red wine

So the next word, the next drink
on this list, is red wine.

Yes it’s an alcohol, red wine is said to
be beneficial to your health because it

is high in antioxidants.

So antioxidants protect the lining of
blood vessels and your heart, so

ingesting moderate amount of red wine is
said to be said to be good for you, or

can have positive effects on the body.

I drink red wine when I’m out with my
friends usually. Though maybe sometimes I

have a glass at home.


It’s a really popular source of protein for people who are vegetarians

or vegans, and i’m, like, super into tofu.
Like the last week and a half

I’ve been eating so much tofu. I’m loving
it! Usually if you buy tofu it comes in

it comes in the

a package and there’s water inside it to
keep the tofu moist until you’re about

to cook it.

So you have to drain the water from the
tofu, and usually i wrap mine in paper

towels, and then put a heavy
bowl on top of it to squeeze out the

excess moisture before I use it.

That’s the end of 10 foods that will
help you to live longer.

Also I hope that you picked up a few new
cooking vocabulary words, cooking and

food related vocabulary words. If you
have a favorite food that you think is

really really good or if you know some
other foods that may be

beneficial for your health, please
share them in a comment. If you enjoyed

this video also please please please
make sure to subscribe to our channels

so that you don’t miss more information as
it becomes available.

Thanks very much for watching this
episode, and we will see you again soon.


I don’t open avocados, open

Wow. This and to open, to open your banana!

Why? Oh my god! It was so delicious so i
made cream cheese with tofu

Oh my god! Becky! Look at her tofu! Like seriously!