Learn the Top 10 English Phrases that Make You Look Like a Fool

Here I go, here I go, here I go!
Hi, everybody! My name is Alisha, welcome back

to Top Words. Today we’re going to be talking about

10 Phrases that Make You Look Like a Fool.

Hopefully you never use them, let’s start!

I don’t need to learn anything anymore.

If you say this, you sound like I know

all the information ever,

I’m done learning, i’m done studying. Of
course you need to learn, of course you

need to study.

please don’t say this phrase.

I don’t need your advice.

You sound like you don’t appreciate what
they’re saying, you sound like you don’t

want to hear anything from them.

“I really think that you need to be studying
or I’m concerned about your grades, Jeff.”

“Who need your advice, mom?”

I know everything.

This is awful! Nobody wants to hear you say
this, because it’s just not true!

“Are you ready for the test next week,
Steve?” “Yeah, I’m good, I know everything.”

No, you don’t.

I’m not ready to learn English.


You can study anything in any time,
pretty much. “I really think that you

should start studying English before
your trip to America next year.”

“mm… no I don’t think I’m ready to start
learning English.” See how stupid that


I’m right and you’re wrong.

You sound awful when you say this, nobody likes to
hear that. They’ve made a mistake and that you’re

happy about that, that’s what the nuance
of this phrase is. I’m right you’re wrong,

don’t say this phrase unless you’re very
very close with the other person, and you

know that it’s okay to joke together.

I’m right you’re wrong, haha.

It’s too hard, don’t even try.

This sounds like you’ve given up

before you’ve even started doing
something, if you don’t try you never

know, right?

“Hey i think i’m going to start studying
English this week

because i’m going to Canada next year,
what do you think?”

“Don’t even try, it’s way too hard.”

“Oh really? You think it’s too hard? Hmm…
okay i guess i won’t.” Don’t do that!

Just do what I say.

Parents might use this phrase a lot with their children

actually, but if you say this to your
friends or to your colleagues, you’re

going to sound like a really mean or
difficult-to-work-with person.

Just do what I say.

We can’t do that.

The next phrase is “we can’t do that”. This
could also be changed to “I can’t do that”.

Again, that sounds like you’re giving up
before you even try to do something.

I can’t do that.

You’re just, you’re not prepared, or
you’re not even willing to try.

“Hey Stevens, do you think that you could
take care of this report for next week?

We need it for our client meeting.”

“Ah no, i don’t think i can do that. No, that’s not my job, that’s not my responsibility.”

You’re not very smart.

That’s not a nice thing to say!

If someone makes a mistake and you say
“oh, you’re not very smart”,

that’s so mean! It’s so rude! Everybody
makes mistakes from time to time,

don’t tell them they’re stupid, don’t say
“you’re not very smart”, that’s hurtful.

An example of what not to do: “I’m so so
sorry about this mistake that I made in

my report last week.

I’ll fix it, I promise I’ll fix it and
i’ll send it to you right away.”

“I can’t believe you made such a simple
mistake, you’re not very smart, are you?”

Everybody makes mistakes.

You’ll never succeed.

This is a phrase that shows you’re not
supporting the other person, and maybe

you’re even trying to hold them back, how
awful is that! Who would say that?

Don’t say that!

And I hope no one ever says this to you.
“I’m going to join a marathon race next summer,

I can’t wait!” “A marathon? You’re never
going to succeed with that! Do you know

how hard those are?

Have you even started training?” “Well, no,
but I i think i can do it! I just need a

few months, and you know I need to take
care of myself and work hard.”

“No way!There’s no way that you can do
that, it’s not possible.”

“Oh! You really think so? I was so looking
forward to it too…”

Thank goodness that’s the end! Oh my gosh!
Those were some sad phrases! I hope

that nobody says those phrases to you!
But I hope also that you don’t use these

phrases with other people, because they’re
hurtful, really! Try to be positive! So

thanks very much for joining us for this
lesson, and we will see you again soon.


I’m very insecure about my acting abilities.

There’s sound coming through this.

I love the awkward pauses!