Learn the Top 10 Phrases to Know When Having a Baby in English

I’m very tired and I have to work in the

morning please go to sleep I love you
very much but sleep good like the kind

of mom I am hi everybody welcome back to
top words my name is Alisha and today

we’re gonna be talking about the top 10
phrases to know when having a baby I

don’t have any experience in this but
let’s go quietly so we don’t wake the

I don’t know breastfeed alright the

first word is breastfeed breastfeed
means feeding a baby using the milk from

the mother so there’s like baby formula
which you can give to babies or there’s

just natural milk in the mother’s milk
which is breast milk or what the verb

that we use is to breastfeed a baby so
in a sentence many mothers choose to

breastfeed their children in this
sentence you’re not supposed to drink

alcohol while breastfeeding change a

the next expression is change a diaper
change a diaper so diapers are the

pieces of cloth or like the disposable
things that babies wear because babies

of course don’t have the ability to use
the bathroom like a grown human or like

even like children can so babies need
diapers so to change a diaper means to

take off a used diaper and put a new
clean diaper on a baby in a sentence I

had hoped that I’d never have to change
a diaper in my life put on a bib the

next expression is to put on a bib so a
bib is any is like a protective cloth

that goes right here so actually it’s
some restaurants even for adults like

where there’s a like a lot of oil or
even like rib restaurants I think

sometimes they’ll give you like
customers a bib but for babies who are

very messy eaters you can put a bib on
the baby to protect the baby’s clothes

while they eat so in a sentence put on
his bib and give him some mashed carrots

change clothes
the next expression is change clothes

again of course you can use this for
yourself or for adults this is not an

only baby only phrase this is not a baby
only phrase so to change clothes if the

baby’s clothes are dirty or it’s just
time to I don’t know you just need to

change the baby’s clothes you can say
let’s see like let’s change the baby’s

clothes so in a sentence after her
accident she had to change her clothes

that’s a weird out of context sentence
sing a lullaby ah the next expression is

singing a lullaby sing a lullaby lullaby
is a song that is especially to help a

child go to sleep so they’re usually
really like quiet soft songs they have

like a nice like soothing sound to them
so singing a lullaby is like a classic

way to calm an upset child down so for
example it seemed when I was little my

mother used to sing me a lullaby before
going to sleep that’s true she’s saying

the Edelweiss from The Sound of Music my
mom used to sing me lullabies that she’d

made up on the spot that’s that if I
ever become a mom that’s gonna be me

like I’m just making up a lullaby oh
maybe like go to sleep

I’m really tired I hope you go to sleep
now take a nap the next expression is

taken up so take a nap again we can use
take a nap for grown humans as well as

children take a nap means to take a
short sleep to have a short sleep or you

can say put the baby down for a nap in
this case yeah so let’s see I’m going to

take a nap and I’ll meet you later today
he needs to take a nap because he’s

grumpy that happens to me sometimes to
buy a car seat the next expression is

buy a car seat so a car seat is a
special seat that’s used to transport

babies safely in vehicles a car seat in
a sentence put the baby in his car seat

before we leave surely you can tell I’m
not a parent okay this sentence says we

need to buy a car seat before the baby

feed the next word is feed feed just
means to give

to someone so you can use feed with like
your friends you can use it with your

family members with a baby with a pet
even so for example it’s important to

feed the baby every day another
expression her grandmother fed her today

read a book the next expression is read
a book read a book again you can use

this in other situations other than you
know baby related situations but to read

a book of course when it’s just you
reading a book you can say I read a book

or I like to read books that’s fine but
if you’re reading a book and there’s a

child listening we use a slightly
different expression we say read a book

to the baby so you’re reading the book
for for the baby but we use we use the

preposition to to read a book to someone
to read to someone so in a sentence read

him a book before bed bathe the next
expression is bathe bathe so we have to

take a bath to take a shower but we have
bathe as well like I bathed in a hot

spring last summer for example it just
means like to wash your body or to wash

someone else’s body so you can say I
bathed my baby in the sink last night if

you want in this sentence I bathe my
newborn in the sink you can also say I

give my baby a bath in the sink that’s
fine to bathe to me sounds quite formal

so those are 10 phrases that you can use
to talk about having a baby in English

if there’s anything that you need to
know or if there’s anything else I don’t

know other baby phrases that you know
you can leave them in a comment if you

like please be sure to like this video
if you have not already and subscribe to

our channel as well thanks very much for
watching this episode of top words and

we’ll see you again soon bye
hi everybody my name is Alisha welcome

back shop words my hair’s not moving is
it everything is gonna be only in the

arms for this episode of chalk words
great fall out at the disco for baby

case for the in for baby case they
cases like extra small letters like

uppercase lowercase and baby gates