Learn the Top 10 Pickup Lines You Can Use at Your Own Risk in English

hi everyone my name is Bridget and

welcome to today’s lesson the topic for
this lesson is top 10 pick up lines to

use at your own risk let’s get started
did it hurt when you fell from heaven

did it hurt when you fell from heaven
the way this pick up line is typically

said is a guy goes up to a girl and says
did it hurt and the girl says did what

hurt and the guy says when you fell from
heaven this one is so bad it’s good a

lot of people will hear it and laugh did
it hurt when you fell from heaven is

implying that you you are an angel or
you’re just so wonderful so it’s a very

easy way to flatter someone next one
are your feet tired because you’ve been

running through my mind all day
are your feet tired because you’ve been

running through my mind all day this is
yet another cheesy pickup line when you

say you’ve been running through my mind
all day it’s another way of saying I

can’t stop thinking about you so this is
a fun way to tell someone I haven’t been

able to stop thinking about you you’ve
been running through my mind all day

you’re so hot you would make the devil
sweat the next one is one I have never

heard before but here it goes you’re so
hot you would make the devil sweat

telling someone he or she is hot is a
way of saying he or she is attractive

you’re hot she’s hot he’s hot in English
especially American English we use hot

to describe someone who is physically
attractive whose body looks good

so if you tell someone you’re so hot you
would make the devil sweat is drawing a

comparison between the word hot
used to imply someone looks good but

also hot like who super hot what number
should I call to say good night to you

next one what number should I call to

say good night to you later this is a
very presumptuous thing to say

it’s a sly way of asking someone for
their phone number

Oh what number should I call to say good
night to you later it’s saying can I

have your phone number what number
should I use to say good night is

essentially saying hey I’m gonna call
you later can I have your number

someone should call God because heaven
is missing an angel

next one someone should call God because
heaven is missing an angel this is a

very silly pickup line to tell someone
that they are angelic and so wonderful

and beautiful someone should tell God
that an angel is missing because here

you are you’re an angel it’s a big huge
way to flatter someone it’s very silly

it would probably make the girl laugh
it’s very similar to saying did it hurt

when you fell from heaven you are like
pizza even when you are bad you’re good

you’re like pizza even when you’re bad
you’re good pizza my favorite topic this

first of all is implying that no matter
what pizza is delicious and this is fact

Pizza is always good even bad pizza that
might be oily or overcooked it still

tastes good so this is telling someone
no matter what you are still good even

when you’re bad you’re good it’s
implying that they can do no wrong

there’s nothing they can do or say that
will turn you off that will make you not

like them just like pizza it’s a
wonderful love affair with pizza is it

hot in here or is it just you next one
is it hot in here or is it just

you is it hot in here or is it just you
this is another play on words in English

especially American English when you
think someone is physically attractive

you would say they’re hot it’s sort of a
slang term so if you go up to someone in

a bar and you say whoa is it hot in here
or is it just you that’s a play on words

because hot of course is used to
describe the temperature but it’s also

used to describe someone who is
attractive so if you say it’s hot in

here it must be you it’s a cute play on
words are you a thief because you stole

my heart next one are you a thief
because you stole my heart are you a

thief because you stole my heart telling
someone they’ve stolen your heart is

another way of saying they have your
heart they you have feelings for them

your whole heart belongs to them so if
you tell someone you’ve stolen my heart

it means you can’t stop thinking about
them they have your heart you have

feelings for them your heart belongs to
them do you believe in love at first

sight or should I walk by you again this
next one is pretty good do you believe

in love at first sight or should I walk
by you again love at first sight is a

phrase to describe when two people fall
in love the first time they see each

other you’ll hear this a lot it was love
at first sight

maybe a guy talking about the first time
he saw someone who’s now his wife he saw

her from across the room and she was so

he just fell in love with her right then
in there it was love at first sight

so this pickup line which is cheesy is
do you believe in love at first sight or

should I walk by you again it means do
you believe in

falling in love the first time you see
someone or should I walk by you a second

time to give you another chance to fall
in love with me life without you is like

a broken pencil it’s pointless
next one life without you is like a

broken pencil pointless saying something
is pointless means that there’s no point

it doesn’t make any sense if a pencil
has no point it’s broken you can’t write

with a pencil that doesn’t come to a
point so life without you doesn’t make

any sense
life without you is pointless life

without you is like a broken pencil it’s

well that brings us to the end of
today’s lesson I hope you guys enjoyed

the video if you did please give us a
thumbs up and subscribe to our channel

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