Learn the Top 10 School Subjects in English

Hi, everyone, I’m Parris from EnglishClass101.com.

In this video, we’ll be talking about Top
10 School Subjects.

Let’s begin!


“Art” usually refers to visual arts, such
as painting, drawing, sculpture, etc.

But in general, “art” can also include things
like music and movies.

For example, you can say “I’m an art major.”


This is the study of past events.

Usually, it involves a lot of facts, but it
also involves thinking about why certain things


Here is a sample sentence “You can learn a
lot from History, as things tend to repeat themselves.”

History always put me to sleep, but it’s very important.

Then we have…


“Geography” is the study of the earth.

It involves things like the names of countries
and where certain places are, but it also

includes information about the physical characteristics
of places, such as mountains, rivers, oceans, etc.

For example, you can say “He is a geography
major, with a minor in psychology.”

I need to go back to school and learn my geography.


Some science subjects deal with chemical (i.e.,
Chemistry) or space (i.e., Astronomy).

“Biology” is a scientific subject that deals
with living things and how they work.

Here is a sample sentence “Biology is the
study of living organisms.”

Next subject is …


“Chemistry” is a very important science that
focuses on non-living materials and how the

elements that everything is made of interact
with one another.

For example, you can say “The laboratory is
a place to learn about chemistry.”

Another common subject is …


“Physics” is the scientific field that deals
with matter and how it is moves.

There is also a lot of attention paid to energy
and how it affects its surroundings.

For example, you can say “I know the basics
of physics.”

And if you do, to me, you’re genius.


This is the study of numbers and how they
affect each other.

Here is a sample sentence “My favorite subject
in school is math.”

You would never hear that out of me, and I’m so glad that my cellphone has a calculator now.

The next subject is …

“computer science”

“Computer Science” is the study of how computers
work to perform tasks.

It can also be used more generally to talk
about the basics of computers.

For example, you can say “The field of computer
science is relatively new.”

“physical education”

“Physical education” usually involves studying
human biology and exercise.

It is also sometimes called “P.E.” when referring
to it as a class.

For example, you can say “My least favorite
class is Physical Education.”

However, that was my favorite.

Dodge ball, tennis… who can hate Physical Education?


“English” is a language, but it’s also the
study of English-language literature.

Here is a sample sentence “In English class,
we have to read a lot of Shakespeare.”

To be or not to be, that’s all I remember.

Okay, that’s all for this lesson.

Which subject do you like most?

Leave us a comment and of course, let me know.

And we’ll see you next time! Bye, guys!