Learn the Top 10 Ways to Say Hello in English

hi everyone I’m Bridget and welcome to

today’s lesson
today’s topic is ten ways to say hello

in English good morning good morning is
the first thing you say to someone when

you see them in the morning good morning
sir would you like a cup of coffee

good morning could I please get some
orange juice good morning I’m still

tired from the night before hello hello
is the most common greeting you’ll hear

that and hi hello is a polite nice way
to greet someone when you see them hello

everyone says it you cannot go wrong
saying hello hello can be used at any

time of the day no matter whether it’s
morning or at night or at 4 a.m. when

you see someone you can say hello and it
will still be appropriate long time no

see long time no see
it’s not necessarily grammatically

correct but it’s a saying that we have
hey long time no see what it means is

that you haven’t seen that person in a
long time so it literally means long

time no see long time no see is
something you say to someone when you

haven’t seen them in a while hey John
long time no see how are the wife and

kids how have you been Hey how have you
been I haven’t seen you in a long time

how have you been is asking someone how
they’re doing and how they’ve been for

the past however long if you haven’t
seen them in a while

you might say hey long time no see how
have you been how have you been that’s

past tense it implies that you haven’t
seen them in a while and you want to

hear about how they are and how they’ve
been for all of that time

you haven’t seen them hey long time no

how have you been how are you how are
you means how are you doing how are you

feeling how is everything it’s a
standard thing that you might say to

anyone even if you’ve seen them the day
before you might see them today and say

hey how are you how’s it going hey how’s
it going how’s it going is a more

informal way to say how are you so how
are you and how’s it going they mean the

same thing it’s asking how you’re doing
how you are feeling is everything okay

with you
what’s up what’s up is another way of

saying hey how is it going but this one
is even more informal so you might say

this to friends hey what’s up and
they’ll say nothing just living my life

you know day in and day out hey what’s
up hey what’s up good afternoon good

afternoon how are you would you like
some lunch good afternoon is a polite

way to greet someone in the afternoon so
if you run into your boss you might say

good afternoon it’s very nice it’s
polite not a lot of people say it to

their friends but it’s it’s a polite way
to greet someone good evening good

evening is a nice way to greet someone
in the evening time you can only use

this phrase in the evening because it’s
wishing someone a good evening it’s

saying hello at a certain time of day
good evening would you like some dinner

good evening have you eaten yet
all of my examples involve food it seems

it’s nice to meet you it’s nice to meet
you this is something that’s very common

to say the first time that you meet
someone you might shake their hand and

say hi it’s nice to meet you my name is
Bridget my name is it’s telling

person that you are happy to be meeting
them it’s a pleasure to meet them hi

it’s nice to meet you that brings us to
the end of this lesson ten ways to say

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