Make English Goals Free PDF Worksheet

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm should you make english

goals let’s talk about it the question

for today’s video is goals are goals

worth it is it important to make goals

for learning English well I think the

best way to know about almost anything

is to ask people who have already

succeeded people who are already

successful in something see what they

did to get to that point so let’s look

at someone who is successful with

learning languages let’s talk about a

teenage polyglot named Timothy doner

Timothy doner speaks several languages I

think almost 20 languages and every day

he knows exactly what he’s gonna do with

each language so that he can improve so

he says I’m going to do this today

because my goal is to speak Japanese my

goal is to learn Turkish my goal is to

go to the Iranian restaurant and be able

to communicate with the people there he

has a goal and he has some methods to

achieve his goal so if you really want

to achieve your goal you have to know

how to get there so for my personal

advice yes you need to make English

goals so that you can improve if you

want everything to stay the same okay

don’t make any goals you will just

continue in the same way as you’re going

at the moment but maybe this year you

have the purpose the goal to speak

better to improve your speaking to

increase your vocabulary then you need

to make some specific goals for how you

can make that happen maybe you’re going

to speak English once a week

with a speaking partner maybe you’re

going to listen to an English podcast

every day making these kind of goals is

going to help you achieve your final

goal of speaking better listening better

communicating in English naturally this

is the most important thing if you want

to succeed deciding how are you gonna

get there so I want to know for you what

are some of your steps for achieving

your goal your goal is to speak English

better become a natural speaker

communicate effectively what are you

gonna do to reach that goal

what are some things that you plan to do

to reach that goal this is a difficult

question because it’s hard to say I am

going to do this because if you don’t

end up doing it maybe you’ll feel

disappointed or guilty oh I said that I

was gonna listen to an English podcast

every day but I didn’t do it

well it’s important to have that goal to

motivate you to push you and to publicly

state that goal is also really valuable

so if you’re not on my website at the

moment in the comments below I want you

to click on that link join me on my

website and answer this question what

are some steps that you are taking to

achieve your goal let us know so that we

can learn from each other I think there

are other English learners who are also

going to be curious about this I’ll see

you again the next time goodbye if you

enjoyed this video be sure to download

my free ebook where you can learn 5

steps to becoming a confident English

speaker you can share it on Facebook

upgrade the listening audio version and

don’t forget to check your email to get

the free ebook let’s see what it is all

right here is the free ebook you can

download yours today just click on the

link and it will be in your email within

a few seconds thanks so much for

learning with me bye