RISE Basic Verbs Learn English Grammar

hi everybody welcome back to know your

verbs my name is Alicia and in this

episode we’re going to talk about the

verb rise let’s begin

the basic definition of the verb rise is

to move upwards some examples the

balloon rose in the air the Sun rises

every morning okay now let’s look at the

conjugations for the skirt present rise

Rises past rose past participle risen

progressive rising

now let’s talk about some additional

meanings for this verb the first one

means to become successful or to achieve

a higher position some examples the

group rose to power in 2016 our channel

has risen in popularity over the years

so these example sentences both refer to

kind of improving your rank or improving

your level of success becoming more

successful in the first one we see the

group rose to power rose to power means

became gradually more successful like

gradually gained more power rose to

power like kind of leveled up you can

imagine in the second example sentence

our channel has risen in popularity we

see that we’re becoming more and more

successful more and more popular over

the years so this refers to gradually

gaining some kind of success or

achieving a higher rank in some way okay

let’s go on to the second additional

meaning for this firm the second

variation is to increase to increase

some examples temperatures are rising

around the world our electrical bill

seems to rise every year so this just

refers to a simple increase perhaps the

easiest way to think of this as numbers

going up so in the first example

sentence temperatures increasing

temperatures are increasing around the

world means temperatures are going up

temperatures are rising in the second

example sentence it’s an electrical bill

so the cost goes up every year the cost

rises every year so we use rise to

prefer two simple increases as well okay

let’s go on to the third additional

meaning for this one the third

additional meaning for this verb is to

oppose a bad ruler so this can mean like

a king or a queen or government or

someone who is like in a managerial or

administrative role someone who’s ruling

over other people or controlling other

people examples the people rose up

against the government his troops began

to rise up against him so here you can

see rise up against and then we follow

that with the person or the ruler or the

government that’s causing the problems

for the people who are

opposing so in the first example

sentence the people the people are

rising up against a government in the

second example sentence troops members

of the military are rising up against

someone who is in control of them

so we commonly see rise against or rise

up against in this case

let’s continue on to some variations of

this verb the first variation is to rise

above this means to not allow something

to affect you negatively so examples of

this he’s trying to rise above all the

drama at the office they rose above the

ignorance in the community so rise above

refers to not letting some kind of

negativity affect you in the first

example sentence he’s trying to rise

above the drama in the office means he’s

trying not to let drama in the office

affect him negatively in the second

example situation it’s a community

situation they rose above the ignorance

in the community so perhaps there is

ignorance in the community that could

potentially create a negative situation

but they decide not to let that affect

them so they tried to go beyond it this

has a positive image actually rising

above something that could create a

negative situation okay let’s go on to

the next one

the next expression is to rise from the

dead or to rise from the grave this

means coming back to life after being

dead or we can use it to talk about

someone who wakes up after a long long

sleep in a very casual situation

examples zombies are humans risen from

the dead whoa look who’s risen from the

dead so in the first example sentence

it’s a fantasy situation about zombies

so zombies are kind of humans like

monsters humans that died and now they

are back they’re sort of risen from the

dead they’re back and walking around so

risen from the dead in the second

example sentence it’s about a person who

probably just woke up whoa look who’s

risen from the dead look who has risen

from the dead

meaning not literally you died and then

came back but instead you’ve been

sleeping for a long time so long it

seemed like you died but now you’re back

you’re risen from the dead so we can use

this in most cases to talk about like

zombie movies or people who sleep for a

long time so perhaps there are other

situations too especially in some

religious situations as well where we

can use this expression okay so those

are hopefully a few new ways that you

can use the verb rise of course if you

have any questions

comments or other ways that you want to

try to use Rhys please feel free to do

so in the comment section don’t forget

to give us a thumbs up if you liked the

video subscribe to the channel and check

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for other good study tool thanks very

much for watching this episode of know

your verbs and we’ll see you again soon

bye bye