The Best Tool for Beginners to Understand English Conversations

do you feel like you don’t speak enough


that you need to know more words then

stick around with these lessons you’ll

pick up some of the most common words in

just a few minutes now this video is a

small portion of our learning program to

get the full lessons translations and

fluency fast study tools click the link

in the description and sign up for your

free lifetime account

want to learn your target language fast

and understand native conversations even

if you’re a beginner in this learning

strategies video you’ll learn all about

the line-by-line dialogue a powerful

study tool that

one makes understanding conversations a

breeze for beginners and two improves

your speaking listening reading and even

writing skills

but first if you don’t yet have access

to this tool and our lessons just click

the link down in the description and

sign up for your free lifetime account

right now

one what is the line-by-line dialogue


the line-by-line dialog is a study tool

that makes absorbing conversations

easier and you’ll find it in all of our

audio lessons inside of our learning


it breaks down the conversations you

learn in our lessons into individual

lines so that you don’t get overwhelmed

for each line you get the text in the

target language the translations and

audio pronunciation so you can listen to

each line read along and understand

every single word and you can also use

the line by line dialogue to perfect

your speaking reading listening and

writing skills how take a look

two how to improve your speaking skills

the easiest way to start speaking on

your own is to shadow what you hear

meaning repeat what you hear as you play

each line

just press the audio icon next to each

line to hear it and shadow along

next if you want to perfect your

pronunciation click on the microphone

icon to start recording then record and

compare your pronunciation with the

native speakers

these tactics get you speaking in

minutes and if you apply these to every

lesson you’ll be speaking a lot more of

your target language

next here’s how you master listening

since the line-by-line dialogue is a

line-by-line breakdown of the

conversation you can listen to each line

separately as much as you want

click on the audio icon to listen again

and again and review the script read

along so that you can pick apart every

word that way you can understand those

fast native level conversations and

never miss a word

four here’s how you can practice reading

as you listen to the conversation read

along line by line and if you don’t know

a word click on the translations they’re

right there in the line by line dialog

you can even read with the romanized

script to help you sound out the words

and finally here’s how you can practice


now this advice is not something you’ll

hear very often because it’s so simple

it’s so simple that most people don’t

even think of doing it here it is just

grab a pen and copy the lesson dialog

down into a notebook the big benefit

here is there’s no writer’s block you

don’t have to worry about what to write

it’s all there for you

so if you want to learn your target

language faster understand native level

conversations and improve your speaking

listening reading and writing skills

then get free access to the line by line

dialogue sign up for a free lifetime

account right now just click the link in

the description to sign up remember

here’s what you can do to learn all of

these words by heart drill these words

with our spaced repetition flashcards

which will help cement these words into

your long-term memory

save them to the word bank your personal

vocabulary collection where you can

print out your own study sheets or

review the words with our looped

vocabulary slideshow and play it until

you know all of the words so click the

link in the description right now and

sign up for your free lifetime account

to get these lessons and study tools