Top 10 MustKnow English Phrases For the Restaurant

hi everyone my name is Bridget and

welcome to today’s lesson the topic for
this lesson is top 10 must know phrases

for the restaurant let’s get started a
table for three please a table for three

please you tell them the number of
people that you are total so that the

host can bring you to an appropriate
table a table for two please a table for

five please could I please see a menu
could I please see a menu

usually menus are given to you as soon
as you sit down at your table but if

that’s not the case and you need to ask
this is a polite way to do it

did I please see a menu I’d like to try
this dish I’d like to try this dish when

looking at a menu hopefully you’ll find
something you want to eat I’d like to

try this dish could you leave out the
onions could you leave out the onions if

there’s an ingredient in the dish that
you’re ordering that you don’t want you

can always ask the waiter if it could be
prepared without that ingredient so for

example I might say can I get the burger
but with no cheese could you pass the

salt could you pass the salt when you’re
at a restaurant especially if you’re at

a big table with a lot of people you
might not always be able to reach things

so you would ask could you pass me the
salt could you pass me the ketchup could

you pass me another napkin waiter waiter
a waiter is someone who takes your order

and brings you food in America and in
many other Western countries it’s more

polite to call a waiter to your table by
simply saying excuse me or if you see

another waiter walking by but it’s not
your waiter

you can always say excuse me if you see
our waiter could you please let them

know to come to our table is there any
dairy in this dish is there any dairy in

this dish this is something you would
say if you have a dairy allergy a dairy

intolerance or you just don’t like dairy
you’re asking the waiter about the angry

in a particular dish I do this all the

is there any cheese in this no okay and
if there is an ingredient that you don’t

want for example onions you could say
are there any onions in this and the

waiter might say yes and if you don’t
want it you could always request could

you leave out the onions could you
prepare it without the onions please can

we get separate checks
can we get separate checks this is

actually something that’s very common
especially in America if you might go

out with a group of friends or even if
you’re on a date sometimes you might

want to get separate checks pay for your
own things that way you can all pay

separately just for what you yourself
ordered and you won’t have to worry

about owing each other money or
calculating off a big huge bill

are there any specials today are there
any specials today a special at a

restaurant is a dish that isn’t usually
on the menu it’s something that’s

special but it’s a special that the chef
is offering that day or that week or

that month so sometimes if you don’t see
what the specials are you’d ask your

waiter excuse me are there any specials
today could we have the bill please

could we have the bill please this is
how you request that the cheque or the

bill comes to your table could we get
the check please could we get the bill

please you’re asking this to your waiter
who will then bring you the check and

you can pay and that brings us to the
end of today’s lesson if you guys

enjoyed this lesson please don’t forget
to give us a thumbs up and subscribe to

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