Top 10 MustKnow English Verbs When Cooking

hi everyone my name is Bridget and

welcome to today’s lesson the topic for
this lesson is top 10 must know verbs

when cooking let’s get started
to cook to cook I’m going to cook dinner

tonight to cook is to prepare a meal
using heat tonight I’m going to cook

chicken marsala I’m going to cook beef
stew to fry two fry I don’t want to fry

the chicken because it’s too unhealthy
to fry something is to cook something in

hot fat or oil french fries are fried
and fried things are unhealthy so when

you eat fried foods you want to eat in
moderation I don’t because fried stuff

is delicious but you should to add to
add before you eat you should taste the

food and add salt if necessary to add in
this context means to add something else

onto a dish to put more of something
onto a dish so you might add salt to a

dish or add some paprika to the chicken
to cut to cut could you please cut up

that beef to cut is to use a knife to
cut food to make it into smaller pieces

usually so you can bite it or so you can
mix it more easily I cut my steak so I

can eat it you make food smaller into
more bite-sized pieces by cutting to mix

to mix mix all of the spices in a bowl
before putting them in your dish to mix

is to combine so you might combine or
mix all of your ingredients together

before cooking or doing something else
with them you might mix

ingredients together to create a dish to
season to season to season is to add

spices to a food to make it taste better
usually you season every dish with salt

and pepper
to mash to mash four great mashed

potatoes you should add garlic to the
potatoes to mash is to crush food so

that it becomes almost paste like so
mashed potatoes is a very common example

of this also in the UK you might find
mushy peas which are sort of mashed to

saute to saute I sometimes like to saute
asparagus instead of boiling it to saute

is to quickly fry something in hot fat
to put to put put cold water into the

mixture or you’ll get lumps in the stew
to put in this context means to add to

something or to move into place I put
salt in the stew and I put the dish in

the oven to slice - slice if you want
them to cook evenly

you should slice the carrots to be the
same size - slice means to cut I sliced

the Apple I sliced the pizza I sliced
the cake and that brings us to the end

of today’s lesson if you guys enjoyed
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