Top 10 Phrases to Survive at the Station in English

hi everyone I’m Bridget and welcome to today’s lesson

the topic for this lesson is ten phrases
to survive at the station let’s get

started I’d like to go to I’d like to go
to I’d like to go to this hotel when you

tell someone I’d like to go to this town
the person selling you a ticket will be

able to tell you which train you need to
take to get there I’d like to go to

means this is the destination I want how
do I get there is this the right

platform for is this the right platform
for is this the right platform for the

train to Greenwich a platform is where
you wait for a train to pull up so if

you’re on a platform and you aren’t sure
if you’re on the right one for the train

you need you might ask someone else
who’s standing there excuse me is this

the right platform for the train to
Greenwich and they will tell you if

you’re in the right place what time is
the last train what time is the last

train to San Francisco you might ask
someone what time is the last train

depending on which city are in the last
train of a day might be at maybe 10:00

p.m. for example you’re going to want to
make sure you get to the station to get

that last train where do I change for
where do I change for where do I change

for the express train when you’re taking
a train sometimes you might need to do a

transfer at a particular station this
means if you’re on one train you might

have to get off at a certain train
station and wait for another train

that’ll take you all the rest of the way
to where you need to go asking where do

I change for the Express train you’re

what station do I need to get out off
the train and wait for the correct train

where can I buy a ticket where can I buy
a ticket where can I buy a ticket in

town you should ask where to buy a
ticket so you know whether you need to

purchase your ticket on the train itself
or if you need to go up to a kiosk and

buy your ticket there it’s always
important to know ahead of time where to

buy your ticket because you don’t want
to get on a train and find out you were

supposed to buy your ticket at the
station how much is it - how much is it

  • how much is it to the airport
    you might ask this question to find out

how much it costs to take a train or a
bus or a taxi to where you need to go if

you get into a taxi for example and you
ask how much is it to the airport the

taxi driver will tell you
thirty dollars he’ll tell you the price

you need to pay to get to the airport if
you’re taking a train you might ask the

ticket seller how much is it to the
airport and the ticket seller will tell

you the train to the airport costs $10
for example that way you know how much

it costs to go to where you need to be
does this bus go - does this bus go -

does this bus go to the suburbs does
this bus go to is a way of asking

whether or not the bus that you’re
looking at has the destination that you

need so you might get on the bus and ask
the bus driver does this bus go to the

suburbs whatever destination and the bus
driver will answer and tell you yes get

on or no you want a different bus what
time is the next bus what time is the

next bus what time will the next bus
arrive by asking what time is the next

bus you’re asking when the bus is going
to come to the bus stop or whatever

station the bus will stop at this way
you know

time you need to be at that bus stop the
train is running late the train is

running late the train is running late
again this is something I say all the

time in New York City the train is
running late if the train is running

late that means you will probably be
running late when you get off the train

where are the ticket machines where are
the ticket machines where are the ticket

machines in this station a ticket
machine is a machine that you go to to

purchase your tickets you might see this
in any station whether it’s a subway

station or a regular train station or
sometimes even a bus station there will

be kiosks that you can go to to enter
the information and purchase your ticket

that brings us to the end of today’s
lesson ten phrases to survive at the

station how often do you need to take
public transportation and how often do

you rely on phrases like these please
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course don’t forget to go to English
class to learn more english you

might ask yeah I know there’s a spider

that was a bug