Top 10 Phrases to Use When Youre Angry in English

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gifts of the month hi guys this is becky

with english top words and we are here

today to explain something very

important ten phrases to use when you’re


let’s begin our first phrase is it’s

none of your business it’s none of your

business this means of course they don’t

need to know why you’re angry so if

someone asks you hey you don’t look

happy what’s wrong and I don’t want to

tell them I say it’s none of your

business in fact you don’t need to know

shut up shut up now I want to be I want

to just tell you this phrase is

considered a bit rude so be careful

don’t say this to your boss for example

but this is said a lot with your family

shut up in fact close your mouth don’t

speak shut up like if someone’s yelling

at you you’re just tired of hearing it

you want them to stop talking you just

say shut up it’s very effective like I

said though pretty rude my mom would not

let me say this when I was a little girl

leave me alone our next phrase is leave

me alone so if you’re very angry and you

don’t want to talk or explain what the

problem is someone comes up to you

says hey what’s wrong you look angry you

say leave me alone go away in other

words I don’t want to talk so earlier I

explained it’s none of your business and

I said if you don’t want to explain

what’s wrong to that person you say it’s

none of your business

I don’t have to tell you this phrase

leave me alone is more like go away just

go away

so that’s the difference there are you

kidding me are you kidding me are you

kidding me said angry like that are you

kidding me it kind of means surprise

like I’m so surprised that I’m seeing

what I’m seeing right now or sometimes

it means are you joking

are you joking with me like I am I am so

shocked at what I’m seeing right now are

you kidding me like I can’t believe this

or it might mean like that can’t be true

I’m walking down the street and I

suddenly see my boyfriend with a girl

and it’s clearly a date or they’re

holding hands or something if I’m really

angry I might go up to them right right

then and like I don’t know tell my

boyfriend are you kidding me I can’t

believe this or we get into a fight

privately and I will say are you kidding

me this happen like oh I’ll be so angry

just think about that yeah yeah are you

kidding me kidding me Dave

whatever our next phrase I believe it’s

a little bit outdated it used to be a

kind of a trend to say whatever in a

movie actually I think 1993 is clueless

this is where we heard it a lot at first

and they did this

whatever whatever

like whatever you say to me I don’t care

because I’m not even really listening

so whatever or please don’t do the w

that’s not really common anymore but

yeah whatever it’s very like I think

kids would say this to the teenagers

would say this to their parents to be

really rude like they’re saying yeah and

you need to take out the trash tonight

whatever I’m not doing that

whatever so for example if your mom you

have mom here take out the trash

whatever I don’t have to do anything

okay cut it out

the next phrase is cut it out now this

is usually what a parent would say to a

child when they

want them to stop doing something stop

it in other words cut it out

really it’s any situation that you want

to have stopped now let’s say my friend

likes to click her pen all the time and

I’m getting really annoyed I would turn

to her and say cut it out Michelle I’m

upset the next phrase is I’m upset upset

here means not happy angry frustrated

I’m upset you can say this in many

different ways the intonation is

important if you’re trying to remain

calm what’s wrong Becky I’m upset I mean

I’m really upset but I’m not going to

show you or you can really just yell

this like I’m upset with you I’m upset

who do you think you are who do you

think you are so you say this to someone

when you feel that they’re being way too

proud maybe way too selfish

they think they’re number one they’ve

done something and you can’t believe

they were so bold as to do that like who

do you think you are Superman you can’t

run that marathon tomorrow with no

training who do you think you are who do

you think you are the President of the

universe watch your mouth watch your

mouth we say this when someone is using

bad language or language we think is too

strong for the situation a lot of

parents will say this to their kids or a

lot of you know people fighting in a

relationship might say that to each

other so I’m not gonna use the language

here but if I said something very strong

very rude my mom or my friend might say

hey hey watch your mouth

be careful about what you say you’re not

listening to me

the next phrase is you’re not listening

to me pretty clear right yeah you’re not

listening to me let me say it again I

don’t want to go or something like that

you’re not listening to me is used when

we’re getting

angry because we really don’t think that

person is listening to us so we say hey

you’re not listening to me I’ve been

saying it many times but you’re you’re

not listening to me let me say it again

I want a raise so which one of these

angry phrases was your favorite which

one is your go-to please let us know in

the comments we’d love to hear it if you

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