Top 10 Words for Using Computers Email in English

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hi everybody welcome back to top words

my name is Alisha and today we’re gonna

talk about ten words for using computers

and email to save the first word is to

save to save to save a file to save a

document to save means to keep something

like you you save the file you keep it

on your computer to use or open later or

to send later so to save the file is to

keep it to hold it on your computer in a

sentence did you save the file to undo

the next word is to undo to undo this is

a verb so here we have undo so unmeaning


so it’s a negative prefix do is to do

something like to take action so to undo

can be used in many different programs

so it means to remove the last thing you

did to take back to go a step back in

your activities in your document so you

can undo changes you can undo I don’t

know something in Photoshop you can undo

also you can you you can undo for

example like jewelry to undo a clasp

clasp is the little like piece that

holds jewelry together so to undo it is

to remove it to take it off you can use

undo for computers also in a sentence I

have to undo these changes to edit the

next word is to edit to edit means to

fix or to change to revise something to

make something different than it was

before so to edit something means to

make changes to something so there’s

usually an edit menu in like a Microsoft

Word or iTunes or something like that

many menus have an edit subsection so

you could edit within the edit section

there are many

different things that you can change or

settings that you can change for example

you can also use edit outside of

computers for example to edit a document

or to maybe edit information in your

phone I don’t know

but yeah you can use edit to mean change

something or to update or revise in a

sentence he edited the file last night

to rename a file the next expression is

to rename a file to rename so here we

have renamed as our primary verb the

main verb is rename name means to call

something to name a file to give a name

to something re means again so to rename

a file means to give a file a different

name a new name so in a sentence I

renamed all the files in the folder to

restart a computer the next expression

is to restart a computer to restart a

computer so you turn off the computer

one time and it automatically turns back

on so that’s called restarting to

restart a computer again we see this re

prefix re again and start restart a

computer in a sentence I need to restart

to my computer to attach a file ok the

next expression very useful for email is

to attach a file to attach a file means

to to attach a file to an email really

or to a message so usually there’s like

a paperclip icon or you just you can

just attach I don’t know you you connect

a file to a message we say that’s

attaching making an attachment is the

noun form an attachment in a sentence

the file is attached to this email to

send a file the next word is to send a

file to send a file or to send an email

as well so to send something as you

would use the same verb for mail like to


a package or to send a letter we use to

send a file to so in a sentence I sent

you a file with all the information

yesterday to receive the next word is to

receive to receive means to get so

someone sends a file you receive the

file you get the information someone has

sent you that’s to receive in a sentence

did you receive my email about the

project to shut down a computer the next

expression is to shut down a computer to

shut down a computer usually computers

say shut down means turn off to turn off

or to cut power so to stop using the

computer the computer is off we say shut

down a computer in a sentence I shut

down my computer every day to unplug

finally some word that some students

have trouble with it’s kind of strange

to unplug to unplug so here we have

again as we talked about with undo

meaning remove or not and plug so so to

remove plug means to take the plug I

don’t have one the candy that’s okay so

headphones these are huge so headphone

when they’re plugged in we say to plug

in we can use this for any kind of power

using device anything when you’re

finished with it however we just say to

unplug that thing so we say but we don’t

say plug we don’t say to plug I need to

plug my bla bla bla we say it like we

use plug that plug we use from marketing

words like I’m here to plug my book I’m

here to plug my new movie so when you

remove its to unplug like to unplug my

headphones to unplug my computer but

when you put it in its to plug in

something we do not say plug out isn’t

this a weird word like a weird pair and

be careful so like to plug in those are

two separate words too well in the

infinitive form plug plus in but be

careful up

pluggin as a noun is a different thing

like unlike a wordpress template or like

in in a software that you use plug-in is

all one word there’s no space between

plugin in that’s the noun form plug-in

however is the verb form all kinds of

bonus words here so let’s use an example

sentence unplug your device’s when you

are finished with work we’re going to

plug this camera after this so those are

ten words that you can use for talking

about computers and email if there’s

another word that you’re not sure about

or if you have any questions or comments

please be sure to let us know in the

comment section below this video if you

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thanks very much for watching this

episode of top words and we will see you

again soon

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