Weekly English Words with Alisha Acronyms You Might Not Know

Welcome back to Weekly Words. My name is Alisha.
Anyway, this is a show where we talk about

words, so let’s get started. This week on
Weekly Words we’re going to talk about acronyms

which you might not know. We’ve talk about
acronyms a bit in the past, but these acronyms,

you maybe have seen the acronym, but you don’t
know what it means. So we’ll talk about


The first one is NASA.
NASA stands for the National Aeronautics and

Space Administration. They are the organization
that’s in charge of all space-related research

and space-related developments in the USA.
In a sentence, “I wanted to work for NASA

when I was growing up.” That’s a lie.

The next acronym is MSRP.
The Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price.

You might see this on products at the store.
The MSRP is what the maker of that product

thinks it’s worth. So, a store might have
a sale, and they say, “Come to our sale,

everything is 20% off the MSRP.”

Next is the ACLU.
The American Civil Liberties Union. You might

be able to guess what this is about. Civil
Liberties, Civil Rights, how they work to

ensure that people have Civil Rights within
America. In a sentence, “The ACLU is doing

important work for people all around the nation.”

The next is the AARP.
The American Association of Retired Persons.

There’s sort of a joke, I think, that goes
around that, once you reach a certain age

in America, magically, AARP mail will start
coming to your mailbox. As you can probably

guess, it’s an association for people who
are of retirement age. I, myself, am not of

retirement age so I don’t know exactly what
they do, I’ve never looked into it, but

perhaps it’s relevant for some people. It
seems that the AARP is the dos powerful group,

in terms of its members, in the United States.
I’m guessing it’s because they’re retired

and have experience, and money. “I got my
first piece of mail from the AARP last week.”

That’s a lie.

Okay, the next one is NDA.
NDA is a Non-Disclosure Agreement. I don’t

have a Non-Disclosure Agreement for anything,
probably. Anyway, an NDA is a Non-Disclosure

Agreement. You might have to sign a Non-Disclosure
Agreement if you’re working on a project that

requires confidentiality. Maybe it’s government-related,
maybe it’s a specific project, like a movie,

for example, that you can’t talk about.
The employer might ask you to sign an NDA,

meaning you’re not going to talk about anything
related to your project. In a sentence, “I

was working on a project for a TV station
and I had to sign an NDA before I began.”

That’s the end of acronyms that you might
not know. Maybe next time you see them, you

will be familiar with what these mean. Thanks
very much for joining us this week and we’ll

see you again next time. Bye.