Weekly English Words with Alisha Commonly Mispronounced Words

Alright, welcome back to Weekly Words. I’m Alisha, and this week we’re gonna talk about

commonly missed pronounced… Missed pronounced. Wow. This week we’re going to talk about commonly

mispronounced words, words that are often pronounced incorrectly. This is funny.

I enjoy mispronouncing this first word. The first word is “hyperbole.” “Hyperbole.”

Um, it’s not “hyper-bowl,” though it
does sound very funny to say that. A “hyperbole”

just means to “exaggerate something,”
um, or to make, to blow something up, make

it really extreme. “My friend uses a lot
of hyperbole when she talks about her life

stories. I really don’t think some of those
things happened to her.” “Hyperbole.”

Not hyper-bowl.

Next, “Antarctic.” Not… Ah, oh, I see.
“Antarctic” is the correct pronunciation

of this word. Some people say
“Ant-ar-tic…” really? Oh. I guess when

you’re saying this word quickly, you might
leave out that first C in the Antarctic, uh,

so don’t say that. Don’t do that. Say “Antarctic.” Be it a very, very cold region. The Arctic

is the North cold region on the planet Earth. The South is the Antarctic. There’s sort

of like a hiccup in the word there. “Antarctic.” Oh, in a sentence, “I’m thinking about

taking a cruise to the Antarctic. What do
you think I need?” Penguin suit.

“Et cetera.” Not “ex-cetera.” Oh,
yeah, okay. I hear this “ek,” “ek”

thing a lot. “Et cetera” is just used
at the end of a list to imply that you mean

other things, ah, so the list is not, um,
exclusive to the things that you’ve listed.

Other things can also be included in it. So
in a sample sentence, um, “Types of fruits

are apples, oranges, peaches, et cetera.”
There are others as well, so don’t say “ex-cetera.”

That’s not correct. “Et cetera. That’s

The next word is “jewelry.” What? The
next word is “jewelry.” “Jewelry.”

I think I’m probably guilty of this mispronunciation. I can’t say that word. “Mispronunciation”

where the word kinda gets a little bit smushed together, and we say “jewelry” instead.

We miss that, that second E sound in there. It should be “jew-el-rey.” Uh, in a sample

sentence, maybe you would say. “I’m shopping for some jewelry for my

mother for her birthday.” “Jewelry.”
We’re too lazy.

“Prescription.” Not “perscription.”
Okay, a “prescription” is something that

doctor gives you when you’re sick, and you require medicine, the doctor will write you

a “prescription.” Some people might say
“perscription.” Wow, okay. I didn’t

even notice, and I was doing it while I was
telling you guys not to do it. That’s embarrassing.

“Prescription.” A doctor writes you a
“prescription,” not a “perscription.”

Uh, when you go to the doctors’ office,
the doctor might say, “Here is your “prescription.”

End. Alright! Well, we’ve learned that I
apparently can’t pronounce some words the

way that they’re meant to be pronounced. So please work on your pronunciation. I will

work on my pronunciation too. Thank you for joining us on Weekly Words this week. I will

see you next time. Bye-bye!