Is Alisha Tom Cruises sister Ask Alisha

Question and Answer!

Q, A!

I’m the A, what’s the Q?




Welcome to “Ask Alisha,” where you ask me

questions, and I answer them.


You can submit your questions to me via

The first question that I want to talk about.

Many of you have asked:
What time does the live broadcast start every


That happens every week, Wednesday nights
at 10 PM Eastern Standard Time.

10 PM Eastern Standard Time, that’s like,
New York City time.

Next question!

From someone called May.

Is it “from the Internet” or “on the Internet”
or “in the Internet”?

For example, when I search for something,
do I search “from” the Internet, or “on” the

Internet, or “in” the Internet?

Nice one.

The answer to this question is “on” the Internet.

I found it on the Internet.

I need to search for something on the Internet.

Next question comes from [bad name pronunciation].

I am very sorry about how I pronounce your

The next question is:
How to use words like “live,” “work,” and

“stay” in the past and past progressive?

Uh, we use them the same way that we would
in the present or the present progressive.

If you’re telling a story, for example, and
you want to talk about a specific period of

time where you were doing some action…

There was some action happening at that specific
time, you can use the past progressive.

So like, “I was living in France,” uh, at
that time.

Or, “I was working in Russia at that time.”

So if you want to talk about a specific time
period in your life, for example, you can

use the past progressive tense, like “I was
working,” or “I was staying with my friends

that week.”

For a temporary period, like so not a regular
activity, but a temporary activity at a certain

point in time in the past.

You can use the past progressive in that case.


Next question!

From Ta you.

Ta Yo?

Ta you.

Why don’t we use “I’d like to have” and we
use “I’ll have”?

What’s the difference?

You can say both.

Both are fine.

I’d like to have a steak.

I’d like to have a beer.

I’ll have a steak.

I’ll have a beer.

To me, “I’d like to have” sounds a little
bit more formal.

Like, that extra “to.”

I’d like to have.

Uh, sounds a little bit more formal to me.

Generally, “I’ll have” is just shorter, a
little bit easier to say.

So, you can choose.

“I’d like to have blah blah blah” is totally

It’s totally fine.

So, don’t worry about that.

You can use both.

Next question!

From Tin…Tan?

I’m very sorry.

Question is: Do you guys often use “rad” in
the US?

It means like, “awesome.”

Yeah, rad is sort of an old word at this point.

I still use “rad” from time to time because
I think it’s funny.

I like to be sort of, like, not cool, I guess.

So for me, I like to use the word “rad” sometimes.

But in general, like, if you want to sound
hip and sound cool, uh, which I am not, I

don’t recommend this word.

You can use the word rad, but you will sound
very, kind of, out of touch.

You won’t sound like you know the latest information;
the latest, like, lingo; the latest vocabulary.

Next one!

I got the next question, uh, a couple times.

Like, maybe three or four times.


The question was about the adjective comparison
video that we did a while ago.

So, I introduced the word “fun,” uh, as an
irregular adjective in terms of the comparative


So, uh, “fun” is a word—an adjective—we
use for an activity or something that’s enjoyable.

Something we like to do.

Fun is different from the adjective “funny.”

Fun is an adjective and a noun, actually.

Funny is just an adjective.

Fun refers to an enjoyable activity.

Funny, however, refers to something that causes
us to laugh.

It makes us laugh because something is humorous.

Something is humorous.

So, for example, we can say, uh,
going to an amusement park is fun.

It’s not funny.

It’s not humorous.

But it’s fun.

Let’s kind of break this down a little bit.

Let’s think about it like “fun”—in the adjective
form here—“fun” is an enjoyable activity.

Something we enjoy doing.


Funny, however, causes laughter because of

Something funny is humorous.

It is like, witty, or there is interesting
wordplay, or whatever.

So “fun” is kind of—Think of “fun” as like
doing an activity.

Going to the movie theater is fun!

Going to an amusement park is fun!

Watching these videos (maybe) is fun!

I dunno!

Making these videos is fun!

But “funny,” we use funny, for for example,
a person or a movie, or, um, something that

causes us to laugh because of humor.

So, things that are fun.



Not fun.



Not funny.

Not funny.


Not funny.


So, going to watch a funny movie is fun.

Think about that.

Because these two words are different; “fun”
is an adjective, “funny” is an adjective,

fun, uh, the comparative form, is “more fun,”
or “less fun.”

The comparative form of “funny” is “funnier”
or “not as funny.”

So that’s why I used two different examples
in that video.

Thanks for that question, though!

Next question!

Next question.

Also on the adjective comparison video.

Someone asked:
In what universe is Batman more exciting than


Batman is more exciting than Superman because
Batman has limitations.

Superman’s only weakness is Kryptonite.

Kryptonite is not something that the average
human has access to.

Batman, however, is a regular human.

He’s just a really rich guy.

He has more weaknesses than Superman, and
that makes Batman more exciting.

Because he is more vulnerable.

Next question!

Up until now.

Please explain how to use this phrase.

Up until now.

Up until now.

Up until now is a word we use—or a phrase
we use, rather—to talk about the way something

has been done until this point in time.

If you have done an activity or some situation
has continued from the past until this point,

we can use the expression “up until now.”

Up until now, though, implies that maybe a
change is going to happen.

Here, let me make a visual.

Up until now, I have not made any videos like
this for the channel.

Up until now, I haven’t been able to answer
viewer questions.

Or, up until now, I haven’t had to think about
what I’m going to do when I edit videos because

someone else always edits them for me.

Up until now, I haven’t thought about how
squeaky my chair is.

So something that has continued—A situation
or a state that has continued for a period

of time from the past to the present, but
at the present, at this point, maybe something

is going to change, or there’s some difference—Some
new situation or some new state is going to


Next question!

Is from Amjad Shaikhan?

I’m very sorry.

You look like Zelda!


Halloween costume for next year!

Thanks, Amjad!


Next question!

Is the future form “shall” or “shan’t” still
in use?

Uh, yes…“shall” is in use.

We use “shall” like “shall we”?

To make kind of a light suggestion, or like
a gentle suggestion for an activity.

Like, if you’re planning to go to a movie,
or you’re planning to go to dinner, and the

listener understands the plan, you want to
sort of push, like: “It’s time to go,” for

example, you can say, “shall we?”

And that, you know—you—you want to move
to the next step.

“Shall we?”

Um, American English, we don’t really use
“shall” and “shan’t” that much outside of

this phrase.

Uh, though I understand in British English,
um, “shan’t” and “shall” are more common.

So for me, American English, eh, not really.

Not really.

But you will be understood.

In American English, you might just sound
kind of old-fashioned if you use “shall” and

“shan’t” a lot.

Um, but it’s not incorrect, technically.


Next question!

Uh, from Moazam Raza.

I am very sorry.

Are you Tom Cruise’s sister or something?

What do you think?

I’m gonna end there for today.

That’s quite a few questions, just from the
last week or so.

Um, but please, if you want to submit a question,
please check,

and I will—I’m—I’m just going to choose
the ones that I want to talk about.

Or, if there are a lot of questions about
the same topic, I’ll try to answer that.

So, please please please, um, make sure to
submit your questions there.

All you have to do is just log in with your
membership account, and then you access the

page—that’s it.

Um, so, feel free.

I think you can submit as many questions as
you want; there’s no limit, I don’t think.

So please check that out.

Check us out at for other
regular stuff too.

Uh, make sure to subscribe to us on YouTube
as well.


If you liked this video, please give it a
big thumbs up, because if you like the video—If

you like this series, then I can continue
making them.

So please, please, please, hit the like button
and subscribe to’s YouTube

channel if you have not already.

Thanks very much for watching Ask Alisha,
and I will see you again next week!


You guys have a lot of really bizarre questions

Did you know that?

Does Tom Cruise wear—wear these?

Or does Tom Cruise wear different ones?

I don’t know.

This is like, uh, Top Gun.

Top Gun Tom Cruise.

And this is like Risky Business Tom Cruise.

Tom Cruise, if you’re watching, leave a comment.