hey guys guess what we hit 1 million

subscribers that’s right 1 million of

you all from around the world have been

studying my english lessons and i want

to say

thank you thank you so much for giving

me the honor and the privilege of being

your english teacher i love teaching

english and you know my goal is to help

one billion english learners and this is

just one step closer to my goal now i

want to say thank you to you that’s

right to you

this channel would not be where it is if

it wasn’t for you so everyone that’s

right everyone watching this video for

the next 24 hours my entire


study with tiffany.com i have tons of

english resources there and for the next

24 hours i want to say thank you by

giving you half off of everything in the

store whatever english resource you’d

like to get

everything is 50 off i’ve never done

this before but i’ve also never reached

1 million subscribers because of you so

just to say thank you again you can go

to the website www

use the promo code 1 million and you’ll

get 50 off of whatever you want to get

from the store for the next 24 hours now

don’t go anywhere because i am going to

tell you a story for

story time

a i said a story time

all right


many of you

have told me over and over again how

much you’ve enjoyed the stories that i

tell at the end of each of my english



many of you don’t know the story behind

this channel why i started teaching

english on youtube and why i am so

passionate about helping you and other

english learners

improve their english and speak english

with confidence so i want to tell you


the class that changed everything so i

was an english teacher in korea for 10

years about 10 years

and i had one special class


really affected my decision to start a

youtube channel

so when i was in south korea

i taught thousands of students


one day my boss approached me and said


we have some advanced students

but they need help because our

curriculum they’ve already went through

the entire curriculum would you mind

coming up with the new curriculum to

help these students i said sure i loved

helping i loved creating new resources

for english students so i said okay i’ll

do it

so i remember that class there were

about 10 students in that class and i’m

going to tell you about specific

students because many of them are still

a part of my life now and many of them

affected my life

so this class was made up of students

that were advanced english speakers they

had been at our institute for a long

time so we could have conversations very

easily now when i met them i noticed

that they all had one problem they were

all experiencing one challenge they

could understand me they could express

themselves however they were not able to

speak for long periods of time

they were not able to really speak like

a native english speaker and their

fluency just needed a little bit of help

so i developed a plan i came up with the

curriculum and for the next two months i

was going to teach the curriculum to

these students

my first goal was to help them organize

their thoughts you’re seeing the

connection right between this channel

and what i taught the students

i wanted to help them start thinking

like a native english speaker so i

taught them the five w’s which you all

know who what when where and why

i explained to them and emphasized the

importance of the five w’s and i watched

them change

i watched them start to think in english

like a native english speaker i watched

their speech improve i watched their

fluency improved and i was so happy

because i saw them gain more confidence

then i taught them how to give a speech

in english and by the end of the

semester they were all able to give a

10-minute speech without any notes

something that even native english

speakers struggle to do

but i realized something else

if i was able to help these 10 students

with these formulas and curriculum the

curriculum i produced

how many more students could i help

and that’s when this youtube channel was

started i wanted a place where i could

provide lessons for english learners

initially just in korea but you know how

youtube works students from around the

world started finding my english lessons

and the more students i was able to help

the more i wanted to produce lessons i

wanted to work harder to help more


so why am i telling you this story’s not


even though i’ve hit 1 million

subscribers because of you

it just makes me want to work harder it

makes me want to help you even more

reach your goals so i’m happy to have

reached 1 million subscribers but now

i’m going to work even harder to help

you gain confidence

now back to the students from that class

the class that really led me to start

this youtube channel

you see one of the students from that


we got really close he was a guy who’s

very nice guy


he studied hard he worked hard and i

really got to know him so much so that i

started tutoring him and helped him get

a job because of his english skills

now that same young man is now married

to one of my best friends my korean best


they got married i put them together so

this class

affected my life in big ways now he and

his wife they have a child together and

he’ll be in my life for the rest of my


another student was an older lady and

i’ll never forget her because when she

entered my class she was shy she wasn’t

sure of herself even though her english

was good but she gained confidence after

studying the methods that i taught in

class after seeing other students

flourish and then the other students

that encouraged her

and i’ll never forget her face by the

end of that course how confident she was

to speak in a language that wasn’t her

own i had another guy in that class he

was a pilot for the military and when i

first met him he was a very proud man

and he had this look on his face like

can this woman really teach me anything

by the end of the course by the end of

him studying my methods not only did he

respect me more but he had more

confidence in his abilities he spoke

better english

and these are just three of the ten

students from that class where

everything started

that class led me to start this youtube

channel and i appreciated them and i

continued to help them moving forward as

well we had another course that i led uh

i taught them the next semester

what i’m saying to you is if it hadn’t

been for that class this youtube channel

may have never


if it wasn’t for students that needed my

help and if it wasn’t for the progress

that they made i may have never realized

the effect

of teaching the methods

so again i thank you so much for giving

me the honor of being your teacher i’m

going to work even harder to help you

reach your goals to gain the confidence

you need to speak english like a native

english speaker so again

thank you so much from the bottom of my

heart i love you all and i can’t wait to

see you next week for another lesson

look out for more videos coming and

don’t forget for the next 24 hours my

gift to you to say thank you is 50

off of everything on my store


use the promo code one million

i love you and i’ll see you next week