hey you want to sound like a native

english speaker right

you want to speak english fluently well


want to help you so today i’m going to

teach you 10

english expressions that will help you

and you can use them

every single day are you ready

all right now before i teach you these

expressions i want to remind you to


my app english with tiffany and start

improving your english

i’ll tell you more about it later

alright well

i’m teacher tiffany let’s jump right in

all right so let’s get into the very

first english expression

the first expression is bend

the rules and it means to not

be strict or exact about following a


now this expression bend the rules is

very common

and when you use it you will sound like

a native english speaker

let me tell you about one of my friends

who likes to bend the rules

i won’t say her name now this friend is

great everyone loves her

but she always likes to have her way

so one time we went to another friend’s

house and

he had a pool he had an apartment

actually but there was a pool

connected to his apartment now the pool


at a certain hour but my friend decided

she still wanted to go swimming

she said i know the rule says that we

can’t go swimming at this time but

if somebody opens the pool or we happen

to get in the pool area

i mean is it really that bad it was at

that moment

i realized ah she really loves to

bend the rules makes sense right

maybe you have a friend just like that

alright so

let’s move on to number two the second

english expression you can use today

is word of mouth

now this means given or done by

people talking about something or

telling people about something in

english we say

word of mouth now this is again an

expression you can use

every day i’ll tell you something


july 10th was my birthday and my

favorite food is

indian food i really love it so i wanted

to figure out

what the best indian restaurant was

restaurant was in maryland where i live

so i posted something on facebook i said

hey fam

hey friends can you tell me what’s the


indian restaurant in the maryland area

and so many comments came under that


and people said many different locations


one location amber spice if you’re ever

in maryland

came up multiple times so i said hmm

amber spice the indian restaurant must

be good

so i tried it and he was the food good

so because of word of mouth i decided to

try the indian food so word of mouth

is very powerful again word of mouth


other people saying hey hey hey and you

hear it and it

influences you we say oh word of mouth

like word of mouth

marketing makes sense all right let’s

move on to number three

here we go so number three expression

number three is

to doze off now this means to fall


especially for a short period

of time so let’s say you’re in class and

you’re learning something and all of a


you doze off

like honestly many times you don’t even


that you fell asleep this used to happen

to me when i was in college

you see i am a very um

hard-working individual uh and when i

was in school i studied very hard

and i loved learning however the classes

that i had

after lunch they were pretty difficult

for me to focus in

because i would eat and have a really

good lunch and then i’d get drowsy

after lunch so i’d go to class sit up


be be ready i was ready to listen to the

teacher and then before i knew it

i had dozed off makes sense right

maybe you’ve dozed off before too all

right so

number three is doze off here we go

number four number four is make

a first impression now this means

to have or create a strong

impact on someone whether good

or bad so in english we say first

impression how does someone make you

feel when you first meet them

or what is your opinion of someone after

meeting them for the first time

we naturally as human beings look at


okay what is he doing what is she doing

okay i like the outfit

we assess a person their first


how they look or how they speak the

first time we meet them

so i remember when i was i was in


there was this guy and i think i told

you all this story before he was pretty

handsome but

i didn’t know him well he had come to my

church one sabbath

and i still remember him to this day


he had such or made such a great


he spoke very well he was really well

dressed and he really was attractive he


a good first impression on all the


makes sense alright so number four is


a first impression here we go number

five number five is get a

feel for something it means to develop a


knowledge or understanding of something

you know when you first start something

you’re a little bit uncomfortable you’re

not really used to it it’s not really

easy but over time it gets easier

we say ah get a feel for something so

for example

when i went to south korea i had to

learn the curriculum that i was going to

teach in class

prior to going to korea i had never

taught english before

so when i arrived at the institute they

gave us

training and they gave us books to study

so in the beginning

it was a little bit difficult even

though i enjoyed teaching i had to learn

the curriculum and follow their system

but after about two or three weeks i

started to get a feel for the curriculum

makes sense right i started to develop a

good knowledge of the curriculum

i got more comfortable in class and it

was more enjoyable

so in english we say to get a

feel for something all right here we go

number six

we have something speaks

for itself now this means something is

clearly so good or effective

that no additional argument about it

is necessary again you don’t need to

prove anything

it is evidence enough so for example

i said yesterday was my birthday and one

of our close

family friends she likes to make


and there’s this 7-up pound cake

that she said she makes and we had never

tried it before

she said no it’s really delicious people

always tell me

how much they like it so we said hey you

should make it

for tiff’s birthday and she said okay

so yesterday she came over to our house

and she brought the cake

now remember she had told us it was

amazing but we had never tried it

so she sliced the cake and she gave us a

piece and i tasted it

the cake speaks for itself oh that cake

is good

so after i tried it my dad tried it and

then we went out on the deck

area and people were out there and they

were like what’s going on we were like

you have to try the cake

it speaks for itself

and everyone realized oh that cake is

good so they went inside to get a piece

makes sense right so when something

speaks for itself

you don’t have to say anything else it’s

clear how effective

or how good something is you got it

all right here we go let’s move on to

number seven

expression number seven is wing

it and this means to do or try to do

something without much practice

or preparation no preparation

just start no practice so think about it

like this

so i teach you english and i love it

normally i have to prepare a lot

before i teach you something i have to

prepare the slides the designs make sure

the colors match

there’s a lot of preparation before i

come on camera to teach you something

but let’s say one week i didn’t have any

time to

prepare a powerpoint or a keynote

presentation and i said

it doesn’t matter i’m just gonna turn

the camera on

turn the mic on i’m just gonna wing it

you got it right again no preparation

don’t worry i always prepare because i

want to make sure you

understand i don’t wing it when i teach

you something

all right makes sense so wing it just

means you’re doing something without

preparation and just

i’m just gonna do it i didn’t need to

prepare all right

all right here we go number eight


number eight is moral of

the story moral of the story and this

just means the main

message of the story or what the story

is really about so whenever i tell you a

story you know during

story time hey i said it’s story time

writing that song you know what’s gonna

happen so i tell you lots of stories

about my life

and different things that have happened

right well at the end

i normally wrap up the story by telling

you something i

learned or telling you something that i

hope you will learn

i can say hey the moral of the story

is you must treat people well or

the moral of the story is always do

things and give 110

so again moral of the story just means

the main message

the main idea and what the story is

really about makes sense right

okay good now we have number nine and

number 10 coming up

but i did want to tell you once again

about the app

english with tiffany i have spent so

much time with the team

building this app and i’m so excited so

many of you have

already downloaded the app so i want to

encourage you

download the app right now now the free

version has a lot of lessons in it

but we’re having a special promotion

right now half

off of the premium membership that’s


now as a premium member you will get

more than

double more than triple the lessons that

you see

in the free version that’s right and

every other course that i

add as a premium member you’re


have access and when i say i have some

plans in store for this app

you don’t want to miss out just recently

my team and i added a conversation


that’s right last week when this app


there was only the pronunciation course

now this week we’ve added the


course with this course you will be able

to practice

that’s right you’ll have a conversation

the app will tell you what to say

you can record your voice and go back

and forth

with the app great practice so that when

you get in a real conversation

you can speak with confidence so again

check out the app i don’t want you to

miss out on your opportunity to get

the premium membership for half off

don’t miss

out click the link in the description i

know you will love it

alright so now let’s jump into

number nine here we go number nine

is right here rubbing off

on someone now this means

to have one’s characteristics

mannerisms or behavior be

adopted by someone with whom one has


a lot of time we say rubbing

off on someone now

i have some good friends one of my


we rub off on each other a lot meaning

we influence each other our


and mannerisms mimic each other so for


i can get on the phone with this friend

and we can laugh

we can talk about everything and

normally we bounce off of each other

meaning that i’ll do something and then

she’ll do the same thing back and we’ll

start laughing

so we are rubbing off on each other

think about this when you go somewhere

and something gets on your hand and

you’re like

oh man what is that when you rub

it it gets on your arm so when someone

that you’re around

a lot someone you enjoy spending time


after a while you start to

act like that person and they start to

act like you

rubbing off on each other it happens a

lot too between

close friends couples and family members

all right

all right let’s keep going we got number

  1. here we go

number 10 is right here number 10

is drop everything for

someone or for something

now this means to stop one’s

current activity to tend to someone

or something else again

in english we say drop everything for


or something now i’ll tell you this

quick story

um one of my friends unfortunately she

lost her child

now i was overseas in south korea i was

an english missionary

i had a really busy schedule but when my


called me and said tiff the person’s

name her son passed away

i dropped everything i stopped all of my

classes i got on the plane

i think in two days i was able to find

an airline ticket

and i flew to america here in order to

be there for my friend for the funeral

i dropped everything because i cared

about my friend

her husband her other children and i

wanted to be there for them

so again dropping everything is stopping

your activity

in order to help someone with something

or to do

something else makes sense right all


now i hope you enjoyed today’s lesson i

hope you start

using these 10 english expressions

starting today because you will start


more like a native english speaker all

right i will see you next week as

always remember to speak english and

don’t you forget

to get the app right now and get 50 off

the premium membership before

that deal goes away all right i’ll see

you next week

you still there ha you know what time it


it’s come on and join me story time

hey i said a story time


all right guys so today’s story is

actually about how i became

your english teacher now this happened

toward the

end of my time in south korea

so let me tell you what happened this

story really touches my heart

because i realized what my purpose in


was so i had been in korea for almost 10


i had taught english i had taught the

bible for a long time

and i even had finished my grad program

i had a master’s degree in oriental


god had blessed me and i had done a lot

but i was about to come back to america

and i said i have two choices

either i can become an art professor

because i have learned so much about

oriental art

and i wanted to teach other individuals

in america

the beauty of asian art or

i could continue teaching english online

i had started my youtube channel

it wasn’t really a business at the time

it was just more of me

helping students like you and i enjoyed

it i had two choices

but i knew that whichever one i chose i

was going to give

110 i couldn’t do both at that time

because i wanted to make sure i was

focused on one thing

so i called my uncle um he used to be

a provost basically kind of like a

president of a college

in this area and i was asking for you

know some advice

and you know recommendation i was going

to apply to different schools to see if

i could become an

art professor in the maryland area so i

was going through that process and i

decided you know what for one week

i am going to pray and ask god to show


what he wants me to do i wanted to know

how i could best help people around the


again because even if i was going to

become an art professor

i was going to be affecting young people

lives were going to be changed because

they were going to be exposed to

asian culture and learning about other

people and

i was excited about that too so

for a full week excuse me for a full

week i got up early in the morning and i

would have worship

and i would pray and search the bible

looking for

some signs that would help me know what

to do excuse me guys

so throughout the week you know i said

okay god you know how can my life

help more people how can me working

affect other people tell me what’s the

best thing to do

so i went sunday monday

tuesday wednesday still had no clarity


answer from god on thursday

had worship studied and i prayed god do

you want me to be an art professor or do

you want me to

go head forward like move forward head

on with

the youtube english business

on that thursday i received an email and

the email was from

a korean television station now i had

been receiving lots of emails and some

of them were spam so i honestly thought

it was spam

but when i opened the email and i read

through it

i realized that it was not spam


the television station said hi we found

you on youtube and we love your content

and we’d like to put it on our


station please contact us so we can work

out a contract

i said wait a minute remember this was

thursday i had

two more days before my full week was

done of praying and asking god to show

me what to do

so i responded and we started this

conversation back and forth

and i’ll fast forward and let you know

that yes that contract went through

yes my videos i think they’re actually

still being shown on a korean television


right now and i took that as a sign that


wanted me to move forward with this

english teaching

business and here we are today

i’m more passionate than i was then to

teach you

english i’m more excited than i was then

to help you speak english with

confidence and i am happier than i was

then to get up every morning and know


what i’m doing is touching someone

else’s life

around the world so you never have to

doubt my passion for helping you learn


it really makes me happy and i know that

i’m doing what god had placed me on this


what god placed me on this earth to do

so thank you again for giving me the

honor to be your teacher

and thank you again for studying with me

i hope you enjoyed thank you again so

much guys hope you enjoyed this story

and if you have any stories about asking

god to help you with something

put it in the comment section i’d love

to know have a wonderful week

don’t forget to get the app and i will

see you all next week