10 Things to Know How to Say before Traveling

hi everybody my name is Alisha welcome

back to top words today we’re going to

talk about 10 things to know how to say

before traveling let’s go I’d like to go

to the first expression is I’d like to

go to bla bla bla I’d like to go to your

hotel name I’d like to go to attraction

name I’d like to go to the nearest

station please this is an expression you

can use with perhaps a taxi driver or

maybe like a shuttle bus driver from

your hotel I don’t know so if you want

to explain where you’re trying to go you

can use this expression I’d like to go

to la pobla I’d I’d like to go to bla

bla bla in a sentence I’d like to go to

the Empire State Building number of

people please the next expression is

number of people please number of people

please by this I mean like the number of

people in your group this is an

expression you can use when you go to a

restaurant so if you’re traveling with

your family for example you could say

for please when you enter a restaurant

or if you’re traveling with one other

person you could say to please so just

the number of people in your group when

you go to a restaurant this can be just

a small thing that you learn how to say

so that you can quickly communicate with

the restaurant staff so in a sentence to

people please numbers okay next is just

numbers numbers are very useful when you

travel especially if you’re traveling to

a place where the price tags for items

might not be clearly displayed so if

you’re going to maybe like a flea market

or if you’re going to like a yard sale

or something where the prices are not

clearly marked you can use your

knowledge of numbers to ask about and to

listen for prices of things so if you

know your numbers this can be very

helpful for you and maybe you can also

like protect yourself from getting

charged too much money for something in

a sentence Wow fifty dollars for this

sandwich thank you the next expression

is thank you thank you so before

you travel make sure to study how to say

thank you and maybe a few different ways

that you can say thank you to people of

course the most basic form in English is

thank you

but maybe consider thanks or I

appreciate it or thanks a lot

so make sure to know how to say thank

you before you travel in a sentence

thank you for your help can you tell me

where is the next expression is can you

tell me where something is so if you

need to ask for directions you can use

this pattern can you tell me where the

bathroom is for example or can you tell

me where this restaurant is or can you

tell me where this sightseeing spot is

so you can use this when you need to ask

directions or when you’re like in a

department store or a shopping situation

and you need help finding something can

you tell me where something is in a

sentence can you tell me where the

station is excuse me the next expression

is excuse me excuse me

so this is useful for if you bump into

someone on the street or if you need to

interrupt someone like you need to

approach someone with a question you can

sort of begin the conversation with

excuse me and then maybe could you tell

me where the station is or excuse me I’d

like to go to blah blah blah so using

excuse me can be a polite way to

initiate to begin a conversation with

someone excuse me so in English we have

excuse me or we have sorry as well but

sorry is used more for like like an

apology like I did something wrong

excuse me is just a way to say like I’d

like to begin a conversation but I

recognize that you might be busy with

something so excuse me it’s like you

want to start a conversation sorry is

like an apology so I recommend using

excuse me in English in a sentence

excuse me where can I buy a train pass

where is the restroom okay the next one

is very important where is the restroom

where is the restroom so this is an

important question I think so if you’re

out shopping or if you’re at like in a

sightseeing location it may be important

to know where the restroom is so where

is the restroom is a nice one to use in

English you can say where is the toilet

but in American English it might sound a

little bit too direct you could also use

like where is the washroom

perhaps in British English but generally

where is the restroom is quite a nice

expression to know for English travel in

a sentence where’s the restroom

I’d like please the next expression is

I’d like something please this is useful

when you visit restaurants I’d like a

beer please

I’d like a salad please you can also use

it when you’re shopping so I’d like

three of that t-shirt please I don’t

know why I need three or I’d like four

of these please so I’d like again that D

sound so the same I’d like as we talked

about in the first word in this episode

I’d like to go to we can use I’d like

plus a noun phrase I’d like something

please very useful for ordering and for

shopping so in a sentence I’d like a

beer please how do you say in English

the next expression is how do you say

something in English how do you say

something in English so if you don’t

know the English word for something but

you want to know how to say it you can

ask somebody maybe like a friend or

maybe staff at your hotel for example if

there’s someone nearby that you can ask

you can use this question how do you say

this in English how do you can point to

something like how do you say this in

English just pick it up if it’s like a

water bottle in my case how do you say

this in English or like how do you say

that in English you can use that

expression and you can just point to the

object to to make it clear what you mean

so how do you say something in English

do you speak language the next

expression is do you speak language so

do you speak language so if you want to

check and see if the other person speaks

your language you can use this

expression so in my case I would say do

you speak English or if you travel

somewhere else maybe maybe if you’re

from like Vietnam you could say do you


Vietnamese or do you speak Portuguese or

do you speak Chinese so you can ask

people around you what languages they

speak if you have like an idea that

maybe that person can speak that

language you can ask them do you speak

Japanese so maybe a useful one do you

speak English - all right in a sentence

then do you speak Portuguese so those

are 10 things to know how to say before

traveling I hope that those are a few

good pointers for your next trip

somewhere if you have something else

that you think is a good thing to know

before you travel let us know in the

comments for sure if you liked the video

please make sure to give it a thumbs up

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other good stuff too thanks very much

for watching this episode of top words

and I will see you again next time


