10 Ways to say Goodbye in English
welcome to speak English with Tiffany I
am teacher Tiffany and today we are
going to learn the fifteenth secret of
speaking English ten ways to say goodbye
in English this secret will improve your
ability to speak like a native English
speaker are you ready
well then let’s jump right in the first
way to say goodbye in English is Tata
Tata Tata this is a very casual way of
saying goodbye and is usually said to
people you are close to the second way
to say goodbye in English is goodbye
until next time goodbye until next time
goodbye until next time this form of
saying goodbye is used to express that
you may not see the person for a little
while but that you look forward to
seeing them again the third way to say
goodbye in English is later later later
this is a very casual or informal way of
saying goodbye it is very commonly used
between friends
the fourth way to say goodbye in English
is so long so long so long
similar to later this expression is also
a very casual way of saying goodbye to
someone the fifth way to say goodbye in
English is have a nice day have a nice
day have a nice day
this form of saying goodbye is very
polite and is commonly used when
speaking to someone that you are not
close to store owners use it very often
when they speak to their customers
the sixth way to say goodbye in English
is farewell farewell farewell this
expression is quite formal and is not as
common between friends however it is
commonly used when saying goodbye to
someone who was going on a long journey
vii way to say goodbye in English is
goodbye for now goodbyes for now
goodbyes for now this expression is used
when saying goodbye to a person that
will be gone for a long time but that
you know you will see again in the
future the eighth way to say goodbye in
English is see you later see you later
see you later this is a very casual or
informal way of saying goodbye
it is very commonly used between friends
the ninth way to say goodbye in English
is I’ll catch you later I’ll catch you
I’ll catch you later this is also a very
casual or informal way of saying goodbye
it is very commonly used between friends
when they know that they will see each
other again soon it is also used often
when ending a phone conversation and the
tenth way to say goodbye in English is
take care take care take care this is a
commonly used expression it means that
you want the person to be safe as they
go out so it can be used freely alright
amazing today you learned the fifteenth
secret to speaking English ten ways to
say goodbye in English we learned Tata
good bye until next time later so long
have a nice day farewell goodbye for now
see you later I’ll catch you later take
care so instead of just saying goodbye
you will now be able to express yourself
like a native speaker and use multiple
natural expressions for saying goodbye
now try to use at least one new way of
saying goodbye today
you can do it you can speak English I
hope this video helped to give you more
confidence in your English ability if
you would like to learn over 125
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on top of all that have the ability to
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this has been speak English with Peter
Tiffany’s have an amazing day have a
wonderful day
and until next time remember to speak
English remember to subscribe