10 Ways to say Hello in English

have you ever wondered how to greet

people naturally in English if so today

I will teach you 10 ways to say hello

like a native English speaker welcome to

speak English with Tiffany I am teacher

Tiffany and today we are going to learn

the seventh secret to speaking in

English ten ways to say hello in English

this secret will improve your ability to

speak clearly and logically in English

are you ready well then let’s jump right

in number one the first way to say hello

in English is hi hi hi this is the most

common way of saying hello in English it

is an everyday expression and can be

used the most number two the second way

to say hello in English is good morning

good afternoon good evening these are

more formal ways of saying hello they

are said the first time you see someone

at a certain time of the day if you see

someone in the morning for the first


it sounds nice to say good morning

number three the third way to say hello

in English is hey hey hey

this greeting is used with people that

you know well it is commonly used among

friends it is not rude to use with the

strangers but they may misunderstand

your greeting and wonder if they

actually know you or not number four the

fourth way to say hello in English is

what’s up what’s up what’s up this

screening looks like a question but

actually is not it

does not require an answer it is a very

informal and cool way of saying hello

number five the fifth way to say hello

in English is how’s it going how’s it

going how’s it going similar to what’s

up this greeting also looks like a

question but it is not always used as a

question sometimes it is used even when

passing a stranger on the street and

simply means hello number six the sixth

way to say hello in English is well

hello well hello

well hello this is used when you are

surprised to see someone it is also used

when you haven’t seen someone in a long

time the feeling from this greeting is

that you are excited to see the person

number seven the seventh way to say

hello in English is yo what’s good yo

what’s good yo what’s good

this is slang that started in the 80s

and 90s because of hip-hop but is still

used today it is a cool way of greeting

someone number eight the eighth way to

say hello in English is look who it is

look who it is look who it is

look who it is

this greeting is used when you have not

seen someone in a very long time you

sound excited to see them when you use

this form of hello number nine the ninth

way to say hello in English is it’s a

pleasure to meet you

it’s a pleasure to meet you it’s a

pleasure to meet you this is a very

formal way of

greeting someone for the first time it

is most commonly used in business

environments and at formal gatherings

and finally number 10 the tenth way to

say hello in English is long time no see

long time no see long time no see this

is a casual greeting used when you

haven’t seen someone in a long time it

is especially used when you meet that

person unexpectedly

alright amazing today you learned the

seventh secret to speaking English ten

ways to say hello in English we learned

hi good morning good afternoon good

evening hey what’s up how’s it going

well hello yo what’s good look who it is

it’s a pleasure to meet you and long

time no see

so instead of just saying hello you will

now be able to express yourself like a

native speaker and use multiple natural

greetings now try to use at least one

new way of saying hello today you can do

it you can speak English

I hope this video helped to give you

more confidence in your English ability

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been speak English with Tiffany I am

teacher Tiffany and I hope that you have

an amazing day until next time remember

to speak English remember to subscribe