10 Ways to say I understand in English
how many ways can you say I understand
in English one two or maybe even three
what if I told you there were multiple
ways of saying you understand in English
like a native speaker would you want to
know well if you do today I will teach
you 10 ways to say you understand like a
native English speaker welcome to speak
English with Tiffany I am teacher
Tiffany and today we are going to learn
the 11th secret to speaking English ten
ways to say you understand in English
this secret will improve your ability to
speak clearly and logically in English
are you ready
well then let’s jump right in number one
the first way to say you understand in
English is I hear you hmm
I hear you hmm I hear you this is used
for telling someone that you understand
their opinion especially when you
disagree with it it is often used as a
polite way of saying you disagree with
someone but you still respect and
understand their opinion number two the
second way to say you understand in
English is I hear what you’re saying I
hear what you’re saying I hear what
you’re saying this is an informal
expression and it indicates that the
speaker has been heard but it also
implies that there is no agreement
number three the third way to say you
understand in English is I see what
you’re saying
mmm I see what you’re saying I see what
you’re saying
this expression is used for telling
someone that you understand what they
are saying
very simple number four the fourth way
to say you understand in English is I
see what you’re saying I can see what
you’re saying I can see what you’re
saying this expression has the same
meaning as I see what you’re saying but
it emphasizes that in the beginning you
may not have understood them completely
number five the fifth way to say you
understand in English is I can see that
I can see that I can see that this
expression is used for telling someone
that though you have a different opinion
you can see how their opinion may also
be correct number six the sixth way to
say you understand in English is I see
what you mean hmm I see what you mean I
see what you mean this expression means
that you understand what a person is
trying to explain number seven the
seventh way to say you understand in
English is I see where you’re coming
from I see where you’re coming from I
see where you’re coming from this
expression means that you understand
what a person is saying and how they
develop that opinion number eight the
eighth way to say you understand in
English is I know what you mean I know
what you mean I know what you mean this
expression means that you not only
understand what a person is trying to
explain but that you also agree with
their opinion number nine the ninth way
to say you understand in English is
point well-taken
point well-taken point well-taken
this expression means that someone’s
idea or opinion is accepted and
appreciated and number ten the
and way to say you understand in English
is read you loud and clear hmm
I read you loud and clear read you loud
and clear this is the response used to
express that you understand what someone
is telling you it is informal and used
in general conversation
all right amazing today you learned the
11th secret to speak in English ten ways
to say you understand in English we
learned I hear you I hear what you’re
saying I see what you’re saying I can
see what you’re saying I can see that I
see what you mean
I see where you’re coming from I know
what you mean
point well-taken redo loud and clear so
instead of just saying you understand
you will now be able to express yourself
like a native speaker and use multiple
natural expressions for saying that you
understand now try to use at least one
new way of saying you understand today
you can do it you can speak English
I hope this video helped to give you
more confidence in your English ability
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been speak English with Tiffany I am
teacher Tiffany and I hope that you have
an amazing day until next time remember
to speak English remember to subscribe