10 ways to say you are EXCITED in English English Vocabulary Lesson
Hello everyone and welcome back to english with Lucy today, I’ve got a really exciting
Video this video is going to be about ten ways in which you can express
excitement in
English I’m really really excited because I’m going to Madrid next week my old hometown the place where I did my Erasmus. I went to
university that Complutense a near mama D and
I am the official host for Pangea platforms unleash
2017 which is a huge celebration of young talent
We’ve been having the final meetings. I am so excited and it’s going to be my first time ever
Presenting and hosting a big event so I’m really nervous
But really really excited if you want to read anything about it find out some more information
I’ve got the links to all of their social media and their website down below
I’m counting down the days and I will be spending a little bit of extra time in Madrid afterwards
I’ll be there till the 27th so if you’re in Madrid at any point between the 19th and the 27th of
September and you see a confused looking blonde girl walking aimlessly down the street
Maybe say hello because it could be me
So this lesson is going to be a really good boost for your vocabulary
It’s all about ways in which you can express feeling really really excited or happy about something
Let’s get started number one is I can’t wait. I can’t wait
I can’t wait, but when I say it quickly I say I can’t wait
I can’t wait so it almost used a glottal stop in between I can’t wait
I can’t wait so I can’t wait you could say I can’t wait to
present the event or I can’t wait for
Okay, if you want more information about when to use to and when to use for I have done a video all about it you
Can click up here the next one to be counting down the days I am
Counting down the days. I am so excited. I want this week to be over so next week can begin
That’s a really really lovely phrase to use
If someone says are you excited to see me you can say I’m counting down the days
I cannot wait to see you the next one to be looking forward to or to be looking forward to
Doing something we use the ing verb there
Am looking forward to presenting my first ever event I am looking forward to my trip
To Madrid be careful. You might hear the mistake. I’m looking forward to do something
It’s I’m looking forward to doing something
That’s a very common mistake there, so make sure you avoid it the next one is really similar, but it’s a bit more slang
It’s a bit more informal
It’s to be dying to do something
Notice how it’s not dying to doing it’s just dying to do so you look forward to doing something
But you are dying to do something, so I am dying to see my old friends
I am dying to meet everybody at unleash the next one is one
I’ve mentioned in a video before the phrase is to be buzzing to be buzzing and this just means you’re so
Excited you feel so many positive emotions
You’re so enthusiastic about something and I mentioned it in my top five happy expressions video
Which you can watch up here and that video was quite popular
And I think a reason why is because you can see that I’m really really really happy in that video
and I’m gonna tell you a little English with Lucy secret I
Filmed that video after my first date with my current boyfriend
and I was really really happy and excited so I filmed that video and
a lot of people coming to the underneath like ah Lucy’s so happy has she taken drugs is she drunk is she in love and
Well, I don’t know if I can say I was in love at that point, but I was certainly
buzzing so I just thought you guys might like to know that a
little explanation when you look back so if you want to see me really really happy go and check out the top 5 happy ex
In this video and see for yourself how buzzing I was another phrase that’s quite similar to to bee buzzing is to be
Pumped and pumped is a little bit more like you’re ready to go you want to begin you’re full of
Motivation and energy so before unleash I’m going to be feeling really pumped like yes. Let’s go
Let’s begin you’re really ready to start something now the next three are
alternative ways of saying to be
Excited because using the same word over and over again can be quite boring and it can be quite repetitive
Especially if you’re doing a writing exam, and you want to find different ways of saying things, so I’ve got three alternatives
They’re not always exact matches, but they’re near enough
So the first one is to be thrilled this means to be really really happy
but if I say I am
So excited to announce that I’m the presenter I could also say I’m so thrilled to announce
I’m so happy to announce that I’m the presenter you can also say
Elated I am so elated to announce that I’m the presenter or also delighted
I am delighted to announce so those are the so those are three really nice
Alternatives if you don’t want to repeat excited and really happy over and over and over again
That will help you expand your vocabulary a little bit the last one relates a little bit to
To be pumped and this one is to be fired up and ready to go imagine before a race all the athletes are there
They’re moving
they really they just want to run and that’s to be fired up and ready to go the
Motivations there, you just want to get started so those are your ten ways of expressing
excitement in English I
Hope you can see how excited
I am I’ve decided to make a whole video about being
excited if you want to learn more about the event which is an incredible event you can have a look at the unleash video that
I made a while back
Announcing my participation in the event you can click up there and you can also check out their social media and their event pages
Applications are now closed for this year
but if it seems like something you’d want to be involved in you can always look for next year if they do it again and
To anyone who is tending unleash I am
So excited to meet you
I really really am
Please leave in a comment because I can’t wait to meet you now not everyone’s going to be my subscriber, but I’ve never really met
Subscribers before I’ve met a couple so that’s something else that I’m really buzzing about
Anyway guys, that’s it for today’s lesson. I hope you enjoyed it
I hope you learned something don’t forget to connect with me on all of my social media
I’ve got my facebook my Instagram and my Twitter and
I will see you soon for another lesson moah