100 Vocabulary Words in 10 Minutes

welcome to speak English with Tiffany I

am teacher Tiffany let’s jump right in

relax to seek rest or recreation to

become less tense rigid or firm now

let’s look at ten words that have

similar meanings to relax chill out

chill out loosen up loosen up unwind

unwind repose repose rest rest

cool off cool off

kick back kick back slow down slow down

de-stress de-stress and wind down wind

down next we have traffic use to refer

to many vehicles moving together in one

direction now we have another group of

ten words that have similar meanings to


the first one is congested congested

bumper-to-bumper now you’ll notice on

the right side of your screen that I’m

letting you know that if you are already

a member of the speak English with

Tiffany Academy you can get the full PDF

that includes all of the words we are

going over all 100 words plus the

sentences so all of the students in my

Academy can download the full PDF for

free alright let’s keep going gridlock

gridlock parking lot parking lot rush

hour rush hour bottleneck bottleneck

stand still stand still

falling crawling traffic jam traffic jam

and rubberneck rubberneck next we have

delicious highly pleasant to the taste

appealing to one of the bodily senses

especially of taste and once again we

have 10 more words with similar meanings

to delicious first we have tasty tasty

delectable delectable delightful

delightful scrumptious scrumptious

divine divine appetizing appetizing

mouth-watering mouth-watering yummy

yummy heavenly heavenly delish delish

next we have organized arranged in a

systematic way or arranged into a

structured whole or order once again we

have a group of 10 words with similar

meanings to organized the first one is

well ordered well ordered neat neat

methodical methodical structured

structured formulated formulated orderly

orderly tidy tidy systematic systematic

arranged arranged and coordinated

coordinated next we have together in a

body as a group or in or

into association or relationship and

once again we have ten words this group

of words that have similar meanings to

together the first word is United United

in cooperation in cooperation in unison

in unison in alliance in alliance

unanimously unanimously in conjunction

in conjunction jointly jointly in

concert in concert in cahoots in cahoots

and collectively collectively alright

next we have thinking the process of

using one’s mind to consider or reason

about something once again we have a

group of words ten words that have

similar meanings to thinking

the first one is contemplating

contemplating next analyzing analyzing

pondering pondering reflecting

reflecting mulling over mulling over

reasoning reasoning considering

considering musing musing ruminating

ruminating and meditating on meditating

on next we have explore to examine or

evaluate or to search for or inquire

into and once again we have a group of

10 words with similar meanings to

explore the first one is discover


next traverse traverse investigate

investigate dig in to dig in to survey

survey tour tour inspect inspect check

out check out dissect dissect examine

examine now remember once again if you

want the PDF with all of these sentences

and the words click the link in the

description to join the Academy and if

you’re already a member you can download

the PDF okay our next one peaceful

untroubled by conflict agitation or

commotion or a sense or time of peace

here we go a group of words ten words

with similar meanings to peaceful first

tranquil tranquil quiet quiet

undisturbed undisturbed composed

composed at ease at ease calm calm still

still serene serene blissful blissful

content content all right next we have

eat we all know this word to consume

food or to take in food or a meal but

again we have ten words this group of

words that have similar meanings to eat

here we go consume consume ingest ingest

gobble up or down gah

up or down demolish demolish chew chew

devour devour partake of partake of

munch munch throw down throw down and

finally inhale inhale

alright next we have handsome this means

to be easy to look at and pleasing to

the eyes so once again we have a group

of 10 different words that have the same

meanings as handsome so here we go good

looking good looking attractive


sharp sharp hot hot hunk hunk nice

looking nice looking striking striking

fine fine gorgeous gorgeous and cute

cute now I hope you all enjoyed this

English video lesson and learned a lot

you can continue studying with me by

clicking one of the videos on the bottom

of your screen and remember to always

speak English don’t forget to also click

the link to download your full PDF