1000 English Words And Expressions The Simple Formula To Learn And Use Them
hey if you click this video because you
want the list of 1 000 english
vocabulary words
and expressions used by native english
speakers in real life
you can have it right now that’s right
the full list
all you have to do is click the link in
the description and you’ll get it
totally for free but if you also want
the formula that will help you
learn and use the words and expressions
you gotta keep watching i’m teacher
tiffany let’s
jump right in
all right here’s the breakdown now this
formula has
five different steps select memorize
visualize apply and review
now here’s the first step step number
one you’re going to select
the three words that you will use for
that day
i want to emphasize something as an
english learner sometimes when you’re
studying vocabulary
you feel that you have to learn 25 30 40
or 50 words every single day
now it’s not bad to learn lots of words
but the problem is
you learn them but never use them and
it’s simply because you’ve never had
an amazing formula like this to help you
learn words in chunks and also learn how
to use them in real situations so
even though three may seem like a small
number over time that number will
grow and your ability to use what you
will also grow so how can you find these
words now you can find them from tv
shows or
movies that you watch remember i’ve told
you before
that when i was in south korea learning
and yazeo to all of my students from
korea i used to watch
cooking programs why because i enjoy
cooking so
watching korean cooking programs was
good for me because i was already
in that topic so when new words popped
i could select them because i was
already interested in the topic
and it was easy for me to remember those
words because i had an interest in the
now again i told you all that you can
get the pdf where i have
1000 words and expressions already
organized for you
but you can still use this method if you
want to get
other words or expressions now maybe you
don’t watch
tv maybe you like to read you can select
words from books
magazines or the newspapers you read
and another way of selecting words is to
find synonyms
for words you already know so for
example you already know the word
big right but maybe you’ve never heard
the word
enormous after me enormous
excellent now the word enormous just
very big it’s a synonym for the word big
so you can choose words that you already
and select three of them and then find
synonyms for the words this is another
way to select
three words step one of the formula
now after you’ve selected your words you
want to move on to step number two
which is memorize you’re going to
memorize the definitions of the words
from the previous day now
here’s the interesting thing about this
formula you’re going to select the words
but you’re not going to memorize them on
the same day
and at the end i’m going to show you how
it’s broken down all right it’s a cycle
but you’re going to select the words one
day and then relax
and in the next day you will memorize
the words that you selected so
how will you memorize these words let me
you’re going to read over the words and
and think about them it’s so important
for you to
take time to let the words
sink in to understand the meaning
just meditate on the words then after
you’ve done that what you’re going to do
is you’re going to make flash cards for
word now i love flashcards because
they’re a visual way for you to
understand or learn something right look
at the word
look at the meaning pick them up and
it’s a good way to practice
then you’re going to time yourself as
you memorize each word
your goal is to learn three words in
three seconds
so you’ll test yourself hey do i know
the meaning of this word
and you give yourself 30 seconds to
using the flash cards that you made
now the next step is right here step
number three
visualize you’re going to select various
images that go along with each of the
vocabulary words or expressions
use them to memorize the words more now
i’ve talked about
the importance of having visual triggers
i’m a very visual person
but even when i teach students who
aren’t necessarily
artistic when i use visual triggers
or cues they learn things faster so
let me say for example if i said the
big what comes to mind what picture pops
in your mind
maybe a big animal or a big car
something in your mind comes up when you
think of the word big
this is what we’re searching for so let
me show you the steps in order to
first like i mentioned think about the
and see what picture pops into your head
uh real quick for example we learned
enormous a synonym for big when i think
of the word
enormous a whale pops in my mind right
it’s huge right it’s enormous so
in my mind i have a whale when i think
of the word enormous
so what i need to do then is go online
and find an
image that matches the word remember
we’re still working with
three words a day right so i
found an image of a whale because it
enormous then what’s going to happen is
right here
make image flash cards and practice
with them so i’ll have my image of the
and on the back it’ll say enormous so
whenever i see a whale
instead of thinking big i will say whoa
that’s enormous again visual triggers
so important when you’re trying to not
only learn
but when you’re trying to use what you
learn alright
so we have this step completed now now
we move to step number four
the apply step now that you know the
you’re going to use each of the
vocabulary words in
a sentence that you create so how is
this done
so again review the meaning and think
about your life
think about your life is there anything
in your life anything you know that is
really big all right think about it for
a little while
this is why we’ve chosen three words
because this is going to take a few
right for you to understand and process
and connect
things to your life now after you
reviewed and thought about your life
then you’re gonna find a dictionary
sentence so for example i chose enormous
and the sentence is the building is
enormous but now i’ve thought about my
life so
my sentence just changing one part of
the sentence could be
my university is enormous
think about it when i was in south korea
i did my graduate studies in south korea
the university was huge it was
enormous to walk from one end to the
it took a long time so when i was
thinking about my life and the word
university my university is
enormous so i’ve connected the word
to my life and i’ve applied the word by
making my
own sentence following the pattern that
i saw
in the dictionary this is what you need
to do
now the final step is the review step in
the breakdown method is to review
all of the previous steps and see which
you need to practice more again think
about it
as you’ve went through the steps right
maybe when you got to the visualize step
for the word enormous ah it wasn’t that
so you’re gonna go back and review that
step for that word
or maybe for another word maybe you have
right extravagant that’s a word that you
but you’re having a hard time memorizing
the definition based on the first
flash card so you go back to that step
and you review
on that day so let me show you how this
is broken down now we have our five
but this is a 16 day cycle now you’ll
on the right i’ve listed the words and
expressions i’ve listed 12
words right now again these words come
from the pdf again you can get it for
click the link in the description but
look at the breakdown right here
you’ll see that we have the days the
first column
then we have the second column is select
third column memorize
fourth column visualize fifth column
apply and sixth column is review
so each day you’re going to be going
through certain words
day one you’re just selecting three
day two you’re selecting numbers four
five and six but now you’re memorizing
numbers one two and three this is why i
said it’s so important it’s three words
a day
but you’re simply selecting on the first
day and the second day you’re going to
memorizing so again on the second day
i’m gonna be memorizing
my go-to thing rounded up and born
and raised in very useful expressions
so then we move on to day number three
now on day number three i’m now
selecting numbers seven
eight and nine i’m memorizing four five
and six
and i’m also what am i doing i
am also visualizing numbers four five
and six excuse me
looking at day number three right so
you’ll see that the memorize step
and the visualize step happen on the
same day because you’re creating
flash cards so this happens on the same
then if we move on to the apply phase
now we’re on day number three for the
numbers one
two and three you’ll see that i’m
applying now so again
day number one i’ve selected words one
two and three
day number two i am memorizing
number one two and three and i’m also
visualizing numbers one two and three
now on day number three again you see in
the left column
day number three now i’m applying
numbers one
two and three and if you follow this
simple cycle you’ll get to
the review phase now the review phase is
on day 16
of the cycle so after going through this
16 day
cycle you’ll have memorized 42
words and you repeat this cycle for a
and you’ll not only have learned 1 000
english words and expressions
you’ll learn how to use them properly
and apply them
in real life situations simply by
following the five step
formula and the 16 day
cycle this is how you can learn and use
1 000 english words and expressions
now remember i told you you can get the
pdf where i already
organized one thousand words and
expressions for you
again one thousand words and expressions
already organized for you
and you can download it now totally for
free now again this method is going to
help you literally take your english to
the next level
and sound more fluent i hope you enjoyed
today’s video i hope you
learned a lot and i hope these steps
help you
take your english vocabulary to the next
i will see you next week don’t forget to
study english hard and as always
remember to speak
you still there you know what time it is
it’s story time
ay i said a story time
all right guys today’s story is um
it’s a little dramatic it’s a little
traumatic um
i want to tell you about one of the
apartments i
lived in when i was in south korea now
i’m a very organized person very clean i
like things very neat
and tidy so i’ve had to live in many
different apartments but they were all
very clean however this one apartment
was not clean now my friend and i we’re
good friends now but we had just met
each other she and i we were both
and we had to move into a new apartment
the apartment wasn’t new
it was new for us because we were moving
from a previous apartment
so when we walked into the apartment
there had been someone who was living
there before us a guy
when we walked into the apartment there
were things
everywhere clothes dishes everywhere
so we said okay well we’ll come back
when everything is cleaned up right
so we came back maybe a day or two later
because we still had a place to live
prior to moving
so we said okay you know once they’ve
cleaned everything up it’ll be fine
so we came back two days later she and i
we had our suitcases you know she had
her room i had my room
and we put our suitcases down and we
were just kind of walking around the
apartment to see you know how everything
so she and i both were in the kitchen
area walking around
and out the corner of my eye i saw
something move and i said whoa whoa whoa
whoa wait a minute i said did you see
that she said
i see what and then while we’re talking
there’s another
across the counter i said girl
girl i don’t know what’s going on right
now but i uh i i don’t do i i don’t do
little bugs like that
so when we turned our head we saw that
there were multiple roaches
i don’t do roaches i don’t like roaches
crawling on top of the counter
so again i said i’m a very neat person
very clean
and she’s she was also very clean she’s
still clean so we said you know what
okay hey hey
hey we haven’t unpacked our stuff yet
we’re going to
thoroughly clean this apartment so that
these little
creatures can go away now again it was
an apartment building so
sometimes it can be coming the the bugs
can come from another person’s
you know another person’s apartment but
realizing that the previous person
living there was not the cleanest we
thought okay maybe it was because of him
anyway so we thoroughly sanitized the
entire apartment right especially the
we had our bleach out we had our gloves
on we had everything ready we were
really cleaning hard right
and we finished everything was and
it looked beautiful right we were like
okay perfect we’ve cleaned
these little creatures are gonna go away
so we decided to go to sleep she went to
her room i went to my room we fell
so the next morning we woke up and i had
an early class so i went to the kitchen
in order to make my breakfast i opened
the refrigerator i took out something
from the refrigerator maybe some tofu or
some eggs
and i put it on the counter right
because i was going to cook it in the
i set it on the counter and i went down
to get a pan
when i came up with the pan i saw
something looking at me
it was a roach he was like hey if you’re
eating i’m eating i said oh no
no no no no no no as i proceeded to move
the food more roaches started coming out
of the wall i mean
it was a horror movie there were so many
roaches now again i said my friend and i
are both clean we just moved in so
we hadn’t done anything so my friend
woke up and i said we have a problem
there are roaches everywhere she said
what do you mean like we clean with
bleach we clean
i said i know but the method we use
didn’t work so then we tried a different
method we tried to use a different
cleaning product we called our mothers
we try to figure out hey how do we clean
so that the roaches don’t come back so
my mom gave me a ton of tips
her mom gave her a ton of tips and we
tried everything
so about for a week’s period we were
terrorized by these roaches i mean
every time we went in the kitchen and
took any type of food product out
they started coming out of the walls i
mean honestly just thinking about it
is not there weren’t one it wasn’t one
two it was like 10
12 roaches just coming out of everywhere
so we really
were you know we were spooked out so i
decided i was talking to one of my other
good friends and she was in america and
i was like girl i have to tell you
something i’m traumatized and she’s like
what’s wrong
i said we tried everything i said we
have roaches in our
kitchen we just moved here but there are
roaches everywhere
and i told her i said you know i knew it
was bad when
and this happened this really happened i
said i knew it was bad when i went to my
bedroom because we thought they were
only in the kitchen
i went to my bedroom and i was about to
go sleep
to sleep one night i opened my drawer
where my clothes were
and there was a roach sitting in front
looking at me the roach wasn’t even
scared like i pulled the drawer out
and the roach was like hey girl what’s
going on he literally was that close and
he wasn’t scared
i said okay i looked at the roach and i
as long as you don’t touch me in my
we’re fine and i closed the drawer
that’s how
frustrated i had gotten i didn’t even
want to move any clothes and see
multiple roaches
in my drawer so i was telling my friend
this and she was like oh no tiff oh no
she said i have a solution for you now i
have i tried every method
she said tiff this method is going to
work i said okay what do you have
she said get boric acid i said what is
boric acid she said trust me
she said get boric acid and put it on
every crease and every crack in your
i said okay she said i’m telling you in
three days they’ll all be gone i said
okay i said you know what i’ve tried
everything so i told my friend that i
was living with
we bought boric acid and we put it in
every crease and every crack
in three days the roaches
were gone i mean gone like i i went to
my kitchen
after three days and i took some food
out after we had cleaned up the boric
not one roach came out the wall i said
thank you jesus
i was so happy because again it was
really traumatizing
but here’s the interesting thing my
friend and i had tried
every method we knew we had called our
we call other friends and we still
couldn’t figure out what to do
but one friend had a method that i never
heard about
and she said if you follow this method
if you use this product
in three days they’ll be gone so what’s
what’s the message guys today i taught
you a new formula
that will help you learn english
vocabulary words and expressions
but not just use learn them but learn
how to use them in real life situations
a brand new formula that maybe you
didn’t know before learning three words
a day
and if you follow the method just like i
follow my friends method
you will also see results now guys i
hope you enjoyed this traumatizing story
again it had a good end
but i hope it helped you understand more
about me more about my situation
and also i hope it encourages you to
follow the formula and watch this video
over and over again so that you can also
the formula to learn more words and
alright guys again click the link in the
description to get your free pdf
i will talk to you all next time have an
week i’ll see you next time