hey so i’m excited to tell you about our

24 hour

challenge and there are going to be five


that’s right five winners are going to

receive the think in

english package and i want you

to be one of the five winners so you

must stay

until the very end so that you can

understand fully

what the challenge is and how you can


all right i’m teacher tiffany let’s jump

right in


all right so the 24 hour challenge has

five steps

step one pick step two find step three


step four define and step five use

so step number one you’re going to pick

one word that you already know the goal

of this step is for you to find a word

that you

already can use comfortably in

conversation so let me show you some


happy english

learning now you see that these are

words that you already know

very simple words that’s how you start

step number one pick a word you already

know now step number two for this 24


challenge is find you’re going to find

one word for each letter

remember that they need to be words you


already know i’m going to explain this

to you again

you basically have to find a word for


letter but the words you find they can’t

be words you

already know so let’s look at the words

that i chose in step

one happy here we go h

hyper a analogy

p pedantic now let me pause really

quickly because

you may be saying to yourself whoa

teacher tiff

i don’t know what pedantic means don’t

you worry all right so after me

pedantic good pedantic

excellent now the next p is peruse

peruse another one really quickly watch

my mouth

peruse excellent again

peruse good job now

for the last letter i can say yield

now what if my word is english so i can

say for the letter e

endeavor the letter n negate

really quickly pronunciation practice


oh good job negate

excellent remember all we’re doing for

this step so far

is finding words for each letter all


now after negate i’ve chosen gouge

all right next livid real quick that’s a

tricky one after me

you ready livid

job last time livid

excellent job all right so we have livid

then we have

ingenious saturate

and horrendous what about learning again

you’re only choosing one word but i’m

just showing you three different

examples so

if i chose learning my words would be


edible arduous

whoa let’s do that together arduous

great again arduous

excellent very good so then i have


next novice next indecent

next notable and finally galore

so again for step two the find step

we found a word for each letter of the

easy word that we had

right now what happens in step 3 for

this 24 hour challenge

now what we have to do is divide you’re

going to

divide your day based on the

number of words you have so here we go

let me show you how this looks so we

have happy

english and learning so my day

starts at 4 00 am it’s true

i am an early bird so you have to look

at your day all right

step three is divide so look at the time

you wake up

and the time you normally go to sleep

and you’re gonna count the number of


so for me i wake up at 4 a.m and go to

bed at 9 00 pm so that’s

17 hours so if i chose

happy happiest five letters so 17

hours divided by 5 is approximately

3.4 so what’s gonna happen is

i’m going to break up my day now into

certain blocks and those blocks are

going to be about three and a half

hours here we go three and a half hours

long so you’ll see right here

4 a.m to 7 30 p.m 7 30

sorry 7 30 a.m then 7 30 a.m to 11 a.m

and i continue all the way down until i

get to

9 00 p.m now we’re going to do the same

thing for the word

english and the word learning again just

showing you examples

you’re only going to choose one word but

i want to show you three examples so

what if i chose english well english is

seven letters

so now that 17 hour period will be

divided by

seven as you can see here on the screen

and learning

is eight letters so my day of 17 hours

will be divided by

eight so you see what’s happening now


you are going to do the same thing now

here’s what happens the reason why we’re

dividing our day is because

you are going to have one word

for each block of time whoa i love this

challenge all right

so here we go for happy from 4 a.m to 7

30 a.m i’m only focusing on

hyper 7 30 to 11 only focusing on

analogy 11 to 2 30 only focusing on


and the same is true for the other

time slots this is what you’re gonna do

so again

step three is very important you’re

gonna do a little bit of math

you’re gonna break your day down and

then apply the words to each

block now step four is very important

here we go

step number four is define

so you’re going to learn the various


of each word now what i did for this one

is i decided to only look at one of the

examples because

i didn’t want you sitting here listening

to so many definitions

but i chose the word learning now

remember learning has how many letters

good job you remember eight letters and

i divided my day

up into eight separate blocks and each

block has a word

so for step four now i have to define

the word

and learn the meaning so here we go


the first one it means using or giving

in great amounts large in quantity

and expensive or impressive

very lavish stay with me we’re going to

get to it how we’re going to use it


so for the first block i’m only focused

on the word

lavish and now i know the meaning now

what about the second one

edible what does edible mean suitable

or safe for eating so for example

an apple is suitable for eating right so

i can say an

apple is edible right you got it right

however a book or a phone

no that’s not safe for eating so it’s

not edible

they aren’t edible makes sense right

okay good

now from 8 to 10 am the word i have is

arduous and that means difficult or

needing a lot of

effort and energy so an arduous

task think of something very difficult

and hard to do

an arduous task again that word

is going to be my focus from 8 a.m to 10

a.m again this is my example right just

helping you see

how to do it now from 10 a.m to 12 p.m

repetitive that means containing or


by repetition especially when


or tiresome something that’s done over

and over and over again right

okay now let’s move on to the next time

period again remember they’re going to

be five winners so hang in there

you know you’re about to do it i know

you can win so 12 to 2 p.m

novice a person new to

or inexperienced in a field or

situation so when i first became

an english teacher i was a novice why

because my initial

my first career was in web development

i had never taught english before i

was a novice makes sense

all right good now when i get to the two

o’clock time period

the word that i have to look at is


which means not appropriate or fitting

not conforming with generally accepted

standards of behavior

so for example normally when you go

outside you wear clothes

right but if someone walks outside and

has no clothes on you can say

oh that’s a little bit indecent that’s

not proper that’s not acceptable

makes sense good now we’re moving to the

4pm time period

and i’ve chosen the word notable but

what does notable mean

worthy of attention or notice remarkable

prominent or important think about your

favorite singer

when they grab the mic and they start


call to belong to jesus

you can say oh that’s a notable singer

remarkable prominent important you like

my song

all right now when i get toward the end

of my day after i

chose learning to be my word the last

letter of learning is

g and the word i selected was galore

so galore means in great numbers

or in abundance so

large amounts we say galore there’s

candy galore there right

lots of candy so this is step four

but what about step number five here’s

where it gets

interesting the use step you need to use

the words throughout the day in other

words use them to describe

different things about your day

so here we go again my word is learning

i have my eight

time slots right then i have these


now these images are showing you what i

do throughout the day during specific

time slots what’s going to happen is

the word that i have placed for that

time slot

now i need to use that word to describe

what i’m doing

that’s what you’re going to do as well

during this 24 hour challenge

you need to describe what’s happening

during that time slot

using the word so for example from 4am

to 6am you see i have food there we have

lavish then we have edible

arduous repetitive all of these words


let’s look at them in more detail here

we go

so from 4am to 6am i usually cook

breakfast so i can say i decided to make

a lavish breakfast

for my family this morning

you you see right a lavish extravagant


breakfast i used the word lavish

during that first time block to describe

what i do

during that time period now here we go


6 a.m to 8 a.m the word is edible i can


oh the apples were not edible so i used

strawberries instead again during that

time period i’m still preparing


and i recognized shoot the apples are


we can’t eat them they’re not edible so

i described the situation using the word

edible makes sense right now what about

the next time period

8 a.m to 10 a.m responding to

all the emails was a very arduous

task now this is something i actually do

around this time i check emails from you


and i respond to them and sometimes it’s

a very difficult task because

because there are so many emails so i

can say

it’s a very arduous task

makes sense right now i’ll never forget

that word because i applied it to an

action that i actually did

the same is true for you now right about

the 10 a.m

to 12 p.m time period recording podcasts

i can say

recording the same podcast intro

over and over again was a repetitive

task over and over and over again

saying the same thing a very repetitive

task makes sense right good job now what

about 12 p.m to 2 p.m here we go

i used to be a novice video editor

but now i am an expert and that’s true

i edit videos around that time and in

the past i was a beginner i didn’t

really know how to edit

but now i’m quite good at it i’m not a

novice anymore

makes sense all right now what about 2

p.m again the word that i have for 2 p.m

is indecent so i can say that comment

under the youtube video was very in

decent again you’re seeing how i’m

applying the word

to what happened during that time period

what about

4 pm to 6 pm i decided to purchase a

notable business book from the bookstore

down the street now this actually

happened i’ll show you

i bought this book around that time this

is a business book

right so i can say i decided to purchase

a notable this is a very popular if

you’re into business this is a great


right a very popular business book all


here we go next 6 p.m to 9 p.m

my friend’s freezer had ice cream

galore lots and lots of ice cream now

i’m vegan but i eat vegan ice cream made

with soy milk or almond milk so

there was ice cream galore in the

freezer so you see now with this

24 hour challenge you’ll be able to


so many words and also learn how to use


properly as you follow this 24 hour


now again i said they’re going to be

five winners so here’s the deal if you

want to win

here’s what you need to do in order to

win you need to

pick a word just like he said in step

number one

pick a word what you’re going to do is

find a word

for each letter remember we talked about


if the word is happy final word for each

of the letters

then what you need to do in order to win

is you need to write

the word and the extra words in the

comment section and i will announce the


in 24 hours they’re gonna be five

winners now

the thinking english package is what you

need and it’s a compliment to this


because this package will teach you how

to make sentences

properly in english how to organize your

thoughts and how to finally think

in english so all of these words you’ll

be learning

now you’ll also be able to learn how to

make the sentence properly

using the think in english package so

again i hope you enjoyed this lesson

participate all you have to do again is

pick a word

find a word for each letter and then

write the word and the extra words in

the comment section

and in 24 hours i will select a winner

to get

the think in english package now i’m

excited i can’t wait to see all of your


in the comment section and i am looking

forward to picking

five lucky winners alright

let’s jump right in i’ll see you guys

next time i hope you have an amazing day

remember to speak



you still there you know what time it is

it’s story time

i said it story time

all right so today’s story time guys is

honestly about a

challenge that i had to face so

challenges are amazing again we talked

about our 24 hour challenge for today

but when i was in grad school in south


i had to write my thesis completely in


now that was already a challenge in and

of itself very difficult very


and i spent months and hours working on

my thesis

now in order to get your thesis approved

you have to go through kind of this

this approval phase with your professors

and it’s not easy so i remember going

into my first

meeting with the professors it was a

little bit nerve-racking very nervous

so i walked into the room there were

about five professors sitting at

some tables and about maybe four or five

of us

uh students who were trying to get our

thesis uh

approved so it was my turn they called

me up and i sat down

at this uh it wasn’t even a desk it was

a small chair

and i was looking at all of the

professors it was very intimidating

so one of the professors opened up my my

thesis they had already read through it

and for the next 20 minutes he proceeded


totally tear my thesis

apart i mean he said tiffany does this

make sense

i don’t understand why you wrote this i

mean it was horrible

to the point i was like wow okay like it

was bad

even my my classmates were like oh kind

of looking down

it was really bad at the end he said

you’re gonna have to start over

i said okay now again i was very polite

very respectful i was like

thank you so much sir yes sir it was so

bad though when he finished and all the

professors walked out my professor that

was the one helping with writing the


she said are you okay tiff i said i’m

i’m okay

um i just realized that i have to start


um and that’s a little bit aggressive

and she said she said tiff i know it’s


i know it’s difficult and it was all

happening in korean

she said but i think if you are up to

the challenge

your thesis will really turn out a lot

better than it is right now

so i went home to my apartment and i

thought about it and i was like man

at that point in time i was like why why

am i doing this why am i going through

all of this stress

because i was working at the same time

living in south korea away from my


and the thesis that i had spent months

on was just totally

torn apart and i had to start from

square one

so i said you know what i have two

choices either i can quit and say you

know what i don’t need this i can go

back home i’m fine i can find a job i

don’t need to stress about this

or i can accept the challenge and try to

make my thesis better

so i contacted my professor the next day

and i told her i said you know what i do

want to try to make the thesis better

so for the next several weeks she and i

met on a regular basis and she told me


you need to change this you need to

update this and she told me all of the

things i had to do

remember i was working a full-time job

at that point in time

and i had to write this thesis so for

the next several months

i think it was about two months excuse

me i had to write

a lot i had to do lots of research but i

had accepted the challenge because

i said you know what the other professor

that tore my thesis apart

he was just trying to make me better he

knew that it would be very challenging

for me to have to go back and edit

everything but he also knew that i could

do better

so i went through the next two months i

would go to work come home

take a nap and start writing researching

all the time and i even had some friends

helping me and

at the end of the two months i had the

next meeting with the professors

i was a little nervous because again the

first time i went he tore

my thesis apart so i finally got the


the revision done i started it over and

i walked into the meeting with the

professors and they were sitting there

and i was prepared

i was prepared to really just get a lot

of complaints

uh a lot of things that needed to be

changed so i sat down

and they all you know they looked at me

and i was like is this a movie

they they were all quiet sat down and i

was like do i start speaking do they

because normally they speak first so

they looked at me and then the one

professor that had tore my

tore my thesis apart he opened it

he looked at me and he said tiffany good


i didn’t say that and i was just like

means thank you

and they proceeded to tell me the things

that they recognized were

updated to things that were better

easier to understand they made a few

comments that things that like hey this

could have been a little bit clearer but

overall was very clear and they said


is a really good thesis so i realized in

that moment that if i hadn’t accepted

the challenge

even though it was difficult and it

wasn’t easy and it required a lot of

work on my part

i would have never become a better

writer i would have never become

the individual i am today i’m able to

explain myself better

and to make difficult concepts simple

and i really appreciate that professor

for pushing me harder

and for giving me that challenge so i

hope this is encouraging for you this 24

hour challenge is going to help

you so much and i want you

to participate and i want you to find a

word and then find the extra words and

put them in the comment section so that


can not only improve your english but

also get an opportunity

to win the prize so again remember guys

in the comment section you need to

put your words and then you’ll have an

opportunity to win the think in english


thank you so much i hope you enjoyed

story time guys i will talk to you later

have an amazing week bye bye