25 Phrases to Talk About Nature and Landscapes in English Visual Vocabulary Lesson

Hi, I’m Martin.

Welcome to Oxford Online English!

In this visual vocabulary lesson, you can
learn to describe landscapes, countryside

nature in English.

What does the countryside look like near your

What kind of landscapes does your country

Let’s see how you can answer these questions.

I grew up in a small village in England.

The countryside around there is very typically
English: there are fields separated by stone

walls or hedgerows, and rolling hills in the

A ‘hedge’ is something like a wall, or
a fence, but made out of plants.

A ‘hedgerow’ is similar, but it’s used
as a barrier between fields.

In Britain, farm fields are often surrounded
by hedgerows.

‘Rolling hills’ means low hills with gentle

When I was a student, I studied in Canada
for a year.

Although it wasn’t cold all year, my main
memory is of these bleak, wintry landscapes,

full of never-ending pine forests.

‘Wintry’ is the adjective from ‘winter’.

You heard ‘wintry landscapes’; another
common collocation is ‘wintry weather’.

‘Bleak’ means empty and cold.

It has a negative meaning.

Bleak landscapes are not necessarily ugly,
but they’re often depressing.

After I graduated, I took a road trip across
the USA with a friend.

It was interesting to see how the landscape
changed as we drove.

A lot of the USA is quite flat.

There are these huge plains, which go on for

A ‘plain’ is a large, flat area of land
without trees.

You can also use the word ‘grassland’
for a flat area which is covered with grass.

Further south, we passed through mountainous

The mountains there have this weird liquid
look, like someone

just poured them onto the land.

It was a barren region, but beautiful nonetheless.

Have you ever heard the word ‘badlands’?

It describes a specific type of landscape
which is made of soft rock which has been

shaped by erosion.

Badlands are generally quite bare – without
many plants or trees – and often have steep-sided


Before, I used the word ‘barren’.

Do you know what that means?

If something is barren, there are few plants
or trees.

You could also use the word ‘bare’, which
has a similar meaning here.

We drove through Utah and Monument valley.

It’s a rocky desert, with these incredible
mesas and weird rock formations, like nothing

I’ve seen elsewhere.

You can use the phrase ‘rock formation’
to refer to an interesting or unusual rock


One example is a mesa, which is a flat-topped
rock formation with steep sides.

In California, we visited the redwood forests.

Of course, we have forests and woodland in
England, but nothing like this.

The trees are enormous!

You can use different words for land which
is covered with trees.

You heard ‘forest’ and ‘woodland’.

If you’re talking about a tropical forest,
you can say ‘rainforest’ or ‘jungle’.

You might also hear ‘wood’, as in ‘There’s
a small wood next to the river.’

Technically, a forest is bigger than a wood,
but English speakers sometimes use the words


We finished in Yosemite National Park, which
is one of the most stunning places I’ve

ever visited.

The highlight was this towering waterfall.

You can use the word ‘towering’ to describe
natural features which are tall and impressive.

‘Towering’ is usually a positive adjective.

You can have ‘towering mountains’, ‘towering
cliffs’, or ‘towering trees.’

Now, I live in Germany, in a small town on
the banks of a river.

The countryside is quite similar to England,
with fields, forests, and lots of greenery.

It’s pretty, at least, when the weather’s

Here’s a question: what’s the difference
between ‘bank’, ‘shore’ and ‘coast’?

They all mean a place where the land meets
the water, but they’re not exactly the same.

Do you know the difference?

Generally, you use ‘bank’ for the sides
of rivers.

‘Shore’ is mostly for lakes; ‘coast’
is for where the land meets the sea or the

ocean, although ‘shore’ is also possible
in some contexts.

Another useful word you heard here is ‘greenery’.

‘Greenery’ means plants in general.

It could mean grass, flowers, trees, bushes,
or a mix.

If you come to Germany, you should try to
visit Neuschwanstein castle.

It’s in a beautiful setting, perched in
the mountains.

The landscape all around is incredibly rugged
and dramatic.

If you want to describe mountainous terrain
which is very steep and rocky, you can use

the word ‘rugged’.

You can also say ‘rugged coastline’.

If you describe landscape as ‘dramatic’,
you mean that it’s impressive and beautiful.

It’s often used for wilder, more remote
landscapes, like high mountains.

I like where I live, but my dream is to start
my own business and work online, so I could

live by the sea, maybe on a Greek island,
with sandy beaches and clear, turquoise water.

‘Turquoise’ is a colour between blue and

It’s not that common in everyday conversation,
but if you use it to describe water or the

sea, you usually mean that the water looks

What about you?

If you live in a city, what’s the surrounding
countryside like?

Are there forests, fields, or mountains?

Do you live near the coast?

If you live in the countryside, describe it!

Look out of your window; what does the landscape
look like?

Think about your answer.

You can write it down, say it out loud, or
put it in the video comments.

Or, do all three!

That’s all.

Thanks for watching!