3 SIMPLE ENGLISH FLUENCY STEPS Simple Steps To Speak Like A Native English Speaker

last week i had a conversation with one

of my favorite students

he said tiff you know i’ve been enjoying

your class

i i really am learning a lot but i have

a question

i said hey you know ask me your question

how can i help you

he said do you have any specific tips

for me

do you have anything that i can do that

would take my

english to the next level now i’ve been

his teacher for a while and he’s

improved so much

but i still was hearing this question

come out

on a regular basis do you have any


tips you see as an english learner you

really want to speak english fluently

and you’re studying hard but sometimes

you need specific

tips so i said you know what i’m going

to create a lesson that will give

not only him but you too three

simple steps three simple steps that

will help you sound like a native

english speaker

now i know it may be surprising when you

think about

english as this large thing that you

have to overcome and accomplish

but trust me today’s lesson these

three simple steps are literally going

to help you start

speaking like a native english speaker

and thinking

and organizing your thoughts in english

you ready now before i teach you this

lesson before i give you these three

simple steps i need you to do

something for me you see my goal is to

help one billion

students around the world speak english

with confidence

and i need your help i need you to do

three simple things for me

i need you to like this video share this


and subscribe here we go

like share subscribe come on i said

like share subscribe last time like

share subscribe i’m teacher tiffany

let’s jump right in


alright so when you speak in english you

want to speak fluently right

and these are the three simple steps you

need to focus on the first step being

name and basic description second

three key features and characteristics

and finally

personal opinion about a certain topic

or subject

now these three simple steps can apply


everything everything in english so i

need you to pay close

attention alright so the first step


jump right in here we go name or basic


the first thing you need to do is state


or what you will be talking about you

also need to give a short description of

the individual or

topic now let me explain this really

quickly the first part again being

stating what you will be talking about


is something that seems very basic

because as an english learner

you normally start off by saying what

you’re going to talk about

right but what happens is you stop there

sometimes right

if someone asks you a question hey how

was your week last week

you may say it was good right

a basic answer but again you need to

state what you’re talking about my week


good but then give a short description

of the topic you need to kind of give a

little bit more detail

and it doesn’t matter what the topic is

but you’re starting off

with the name or title and a short


this also introduces the listener into

what you are about to say it’s an

excellent way

to grab their attention you know i’ve

done a lesson before on how to give a

speech in english right

and we talked about the attention

grabber your goal

your purpose when you’re speaking in

english is to not only use

words but to also get the

the attention of the person you’re

speaking to right

you want them to understand what you’re

saying and also

speak to you go back and forth

in order to do this you must first

state what you’re talking about

introduce the individuals to the topic

all right

so you’re going to give for example the

exact name of the individual

situation or topic and then give a

simple description

so let’s say for example we have this

image right here it looks like a woman

sitting at

a table she’s either editing or

doing some coding on her computer so

we’re probably going to be talking about

someone dealing with computers

so let’s say this is the question

looking at this example here we go

here’s the question someone asks you

what do you study again you’re starting

off with the topic and a simple


here we go i am currently studying

computer graphics

which is a very popular major at my


so what happened the topic what’s the


hey what are you studying maybe they’re

asking about

your university man your university

your university is amazing but i’m


what are you studying now before you may

have just said

i’m studying computer graphics and stop

there but again

we’re trying to develop this system that

will help you speak

fluently using the three simple steps so

now you introduce the topic

i am currently studying computer

graphics oh but don’t stop there

short description which is a very

popular major at my university what


when you give this short piece of

information right after you introduce

the topic

you’re actually grabbing their attention

they’re like oh really

i wonder why that’s so popular at

her university i wonder what else is

popular there

again remember fluency is not just about

the words that come out of your mouth

it’s also about encouraging the other


to want to speak to you right to speak

with you and have a great conversation

so step one again you are

giving the topic and a short description

now if we move on to step number two

step number two is

giving three key features or


the second thing you need to do is give

the three or

key features or characteristics of the

person situation

or topic you will be talking about you

should focus

only on three key features or


now this is so interesting because i’ve

had so many conversations with my

students i’m going to drink some water

real quick guys

i have so many wonderful students and

one of my students

she would always say teacher i don’t

have three key

features right ooh this water’s good


um she said i don’t have three key

features she said i only have

two and i would always tell her hun a


is another term just uh endearment it’s

just a nice way to say uh to someone


hey dear hey hun i say hun you know it’s

important to have

three key pieces of information it’s

very important if you only have

two later on you may forget

you might forget the information but if

you have three pieces of information

it will allow the person listening to

get a good understanding of what you’re

talking about

and once you get in the habit of

providing three pieces of information

your brain will also adapt and adjust so

whenever you’re studying something

it’s like your brain will gravitate and

grab three pieces of information

to hold on to all right so we would

always have this conversation

and exactly what i said would happen did

happen the next time we had class

she said ah teacher i can’t remember i

said i told you

your brain said oh you don’t want us to


three pieces of information fine we’ll

only give you two

again what i’m explaining is you’re

training your brain

to always have three pieces of


no matter what you’re studying again i

just drink some water right

now think about this if you talk about

this situation later

what are three pieces of information

three details or

features you can bring out from that

situation my teacher drank water

my teacher was really thirsty because

she was talking

my teacher said the water was amazing


key details about what just happened now

you see how naturally it was for me how

natural was for me to do that

because i’ve been practicing all my life

i’ve been learning english all my life

as a native english speaker so that’s

why it’s so important

to find three key features or

characteristics so let’s say for example

again we’re continuing

with the example we have this computer

here it looks like it’s dealing with

computer graphics as well

so again the question being what do you


three key details that i must understand

about computer graphics are that it


an extensive understanding of various

math concepts

multiple art genres and modern

tech technology so you see

three key features or details were given

in order to understand computer graphics

it requires an extensive means of vast


right understanding of various math

concepts so now i know oh

math is important as it relates to

computer graphics math is important to


math art genres and technology

math art technology three key details so

now even for you

you’re watching this video maybe you

didn’t know that about computer graphics

but in my short answer giving those

three details now you have a better

understanding of

computer graphics now i want to tell you


you’re going to get to this point as

you’re practicing and trying to apply

these three simple steps

where you need help and that’s where

today’s sponsor comes in guys

you need to have a tutor and cambly

thank you so much for sponsoring this


has tutors for you cambly has tutors

from america from australia

from around the world from native

english speaking countries

and they are ready to help you so i love

partnering with

cambly because they’re awesome company

they really care about

students and individuals like you who

are learning english

so these three simple steps that we’re

learning today

when you get to step number two and

you’re trying to figure out how to

organize your thoughts to get these


details or key features talk to your


your tutor can help you organize your

thoughts because your

tutor being a native english speaker has

already went through this training

in school so cambly thank you so much

for sponsoring this video

guys cambly wants to help you they’ve

given a coupon code

you can click the link in the

description and start using cambly’s

tutors today thanks again cambly

let’s keep going on with the lesson

y’all alright so again

we understand step number two now step

number three

is important your personal opinion

about it the third thing you need to do

is give your personal opinion

about the person situation or topic

you will be talking about you need to

remember to make your opinion clear and

easy to understand

now this is something that was a little


tricky for me to teach my students when

i lived in south korea

because giving your opinion is

such a big part of american culture but

when i was in south korea it was


in south korea you’re used

people are used to listening to the

teacher the professor the person in


and following the rules right not giving

their own personal ideas

it’s the way the culture is structured

and again korea has an amazing culture

but it’s very different from america our

culture is

based on and founded on giving your own

opinion right freedom of speech

and that’s a main or integral part of


english so giving your personal opinion

step three this is so important which

means you

have to have a good understanding of the

topic and you also have to know

hey what is my opinion what do i think

about this topic

this is very important so you’re going

to give your personal opinion

now you state a fact or a debated


related to the person or topic and then

you give your personal opinion

so how is this going to be done let’s

see right here it looks like this guy

he’s looking at his computer

he’s on social media there are graphics

on this page

nice pictures right so if we go back to

our question

what do you study here is how we can

fulfill or finish this question

i am currently studying computer

graphics which is a very popular major

at my university

three key details that i must understand

about computer graphics are

that it requires an extensive

understanding of various math

concepts multiple art genres and modern


now here we go now we’re getting into

the opinion section

step number three right again stating a

fact or an idea and then giving my

opinion or your opinion of that factor


here we go our world is becoming more

digital so i think i made a good

choice when i chose to study computers

you see what happened right the question

what do you study

a simple question and before this lesson

you probably would have just said oh i’m

studying computer science or

oh i’m studying business and that’s


but if you want to speak english

fluently you must

follow these three simple steps you must

do what

you must first state the topic what

you’re describing

and give a short description then the

second step

you must give the three key features or


and finally give your personal opinion

now when you start adapting and start

using these three simple steps

your english is going to go to the next

level and you will sound

more fluent guys i really hope you

enjoyed this lesson

i hope just like my student these three

simple steps will help you

i’m looking for you guys to put in the

comments section

after you’ve applied these simple steps

tell me how you feel

teacher man they really helped me i want

to know because i want to help you more

alright guys i hope you enjoyed i can’t

wait to talk to you next week

remember to like share and subscribe and


remember to speak english

you know what time it is it’s story

time hey i said it’s story

time guys do i have a story for you

whoa okay so i don’t like um

snakes me and snakes nope i don’t like


and some of you may have heard this

story in the past

but man oh man is it a good one so one


you know i was at home my parents they


on vacation for like 10 days so i was at

home and i was doing something in my


and i was you know having a good day

really good day

so i called my dad and we’re on the

phone i’m chatting with him like hey

daddy how things going

how are you and mommy are y’all enjoying

your trip

he said yeah we’re enjoying our trip

baby girl he calls me baby girl

and i said okay good so i was just

walking through the house as i was

talking to my dad on the phone

and i happened to walk into my sister’s

room her old room right she’s married

with kids now

and i walked into her room and i was

looking out the window into our backyard

so i’m looking out in the backyard just

talking like okay daddy what did you

guys eat today you know

i have to check on my parents you know

i’m looking out the window

and all of a sudden i see something

moving i said well wait a minute

something’s moving and i don’t know what

it is

and it was black y’all

it was the longest snake i had seen in a

long time i mean the snake was huge and

it was in my backyard

and it was moving along our fence

i said daddy let’s as a daddy oh my

goodness there’s a huge snake in our

backyard now mind you

my parents were on vacation they were

far away my dad is the one that usually

gets the snakes let me pause

my dad is not scared of snakes my dad

has a machete

machete is a huge knife right

and if a snake comes up he gets his

machete and he just

he gets it he’s not scared of snakes

me i don’t like snakes no i’m not doing

them i’m not doing them so

i’m on the phone i said daddy oh my

goodness there’s a huge snake outside oh

my goodness

do you know what my dad said he said

baby girl go outside and get it

i said what i’m not going anywhere

so i was like are you serious he’s now i

was upstairs in my house two floors

above the ground

he said go outside and get the snake i

said daddy

i’m not doing it so in the midst of me

being on the phone

in shock like is my has my dad lost his


the snake i’m looking at the snake the

snake is huge again

it’s all along the gate and he has

proceeded to go forward and then he


i said daddy how in the world could you

tell me to get a snake he said well baby

girl you said there was a snake so i

wanted you to get it i said no i’m not

doing that

i’m not doing that so now this is the

running joke in our family

whenever we talk about snakes i bring

out the time when my dad

actually thought me who was scared of

snakes was about to go outside

and get a snake that was not in the

house the snake was outside i said i’m

not doing it

so i don’t know if you guys like snakes

or not

but i don’t please let me know in the

comment section answer this question do

you like snakes

hey use the three simple steps we just

learned guys okay

so again i told you that i don’t like

snakes my question to you is

what are you afraid of that’s the

question what are you afraid of

use the three simple steps and make a

comment right below this video i want to

see if you guys can apply the three

simple steps here’s the question

what are you afraid of come on y’all

this is fun

start practicing and using your english

alright guys i really hope you enjoyed

story time thanks

so much for joining and i will talk to

you next week