today i’m going to teach you three

simple steps to help you

speak english more fluently i’m teacher


let’s jump right in


all right three simple steps to help you

speak fluently in english

step one focus on your interests step


don’t stress and step three provide good


now let’s dive into step number one the

focusing on your interests

what you need to do is read and talk


your current interests in english this

will help you stay focused

speak with more confidence and remain

consistent so

let’s break this down a little bit more

think about

what you are currently interested in

right now

i’ve mentioned so many times before that

i love cooking and that i love food

maybe you also enjoy food maybe the food

in your home country is whoa

amazing so you already have thoughts and

ideas about the food of your home


so when you’re studying english if you

learn words or

phrases related to that topic you will

grasp them faster and be able to use


quicker here’s the thing again when

you’re focusing on your interests

not only will you grasp information

faster you’ll also

stay more focused why

because the information that you’re

interested in is not

boring that’s so important when you’re

trying to become fluent in english

also you’ll gain more confidence think

about it

when there’s something that you are sure

of something that you’re interested in

something that you know a lot of

information about when someone asks you

a question about that topic

you answer oh i can tell you all about


it doesn’t matter that it’s in your

second language or your third language

being english because you’re already


in that topic and it’ll also help you be


consistent and you won’t get bored so

let me show you some example

conversations that can stem

from your interests here we go for

example my

interests currently some of them are


basketball and cooking now again i told

you all how much i love

basketball i played it my entire life so

these are three things that i’m

interested in right now

so how can we use these interests to


better fluency in english so let’s say

for example we were talking about


what you can do is describe the most

recent book you read and why

you liked it now whatever that book may


you were interested in it which is why

you picked it up to read it

so all of the information is already

stored in your brain

now you just have to tweak the

information just a little bit

to explain it in english well what about

basketball do we talk about a basketball


or we can actually talk about how you


in love with basketball you see what’s

happening right

the topic the interest is there but

there are many ways

of talking about that interest because

you know so

much about it for example for me

um i fell in love with basketball when i

was very young i still remember watching

my dad

playing all the time at the park every

weekend with his friends

and i was like three or four years old

so i fell in love with the game

watching my dad now even when i speak in


i can speak about basketball very easily

why because i already have the ideas in


head now i can say a little bit in

korean for you for those that are

curious like

so what i said was i’ll translate don’t


i said i really love basketball then i


wow it’s because when i was younger my


almost every weekend would play

basketball with his friends

so i said that in korean and i was able

to switch that quickly

why because i already have the ideas in

my head and it’s very interesting to me

and i’ll be honest with you i haven’t

spoken korean in a while

of course basic sentences but i’m back

in america now so i don’t have the

opportunity to speak as much as i did

when i was in korea

however i’m so interested in basketball

that my brain

already has the information needed to

speak about it

whether it’s in english or in korean and

the same is true for you

when you focus on your interests as you

study english

so what about cooking the same is true i

could talk about the food that i cook

best i love to cook

salads i love to cook mexican food i

like to cook indian food

and these are things that i think about

on a regular basis

so i’m just switching to the language

i’m learning

and that’s what you need to do again

step number one

focus on your interest and you’ll start

speaking fluently

in english now i do want you to remember

one thing

start the conversations about topics

that you

are interested in this is so important

for you to remember when you get into a

conversation with someone

when someone starts a conversation in

english you may feel a bit nervous

well it’s okay take control of the

conversation by

kindly starting to talk about what

you’re interested in

like oh hey do you like cooking i

really love cooking tell me what you

like about cooking

you’ve started the conversation about

something you’re interested in

now i want to challenge you all again

this is something that i feel is very

important for you to be interactive and

to participate so

again step number one is to focus on

your interests

what i want you to do is in the comment

section that’s right right now

tell me your top three interests

right now again by recognizing and

knowing what your interests are you’ll

be able to find out what you need to

focus on

when you’re studying english so in the

comment section

write your three top interests right now

i put reading basketball and cooking but

what are your three

top interests now there is a prize so

i’m gonna pick

one winner now everyone who participates

you’ll have the opportunity to get an


coupon code this episode is being

sponsored by cambly and you all know how


i love cambly they have amazing tutors

from america

canada australia and they will help you

practice what you are learning but they

wanted to give one

student an amazing prize so everyone

that puts in the comments section their

top three interests will have the


to possibly win a 60 minute that’s right

free 60-minute tutoring session with a

cambly tutor

again i believe that as you’re learning

you need to put into practice what

you’re learning so

all you have to do is right now in the

comment section type your three top

interests and 24 hours from now i’ll

select a winner and that winner will get

a free

60-minute tutoring session with cambly

cambly thank you so much for partnering

with me you know how much i love you all

all right so again guys number one is

focus on your interests

now as we move on we have to go to step

number two

which is don’t stress

that’s right don’t stress now this is so

important here’s the thing guys instead

you need to enjoy

speaking in english you see when you


you also stress your brain

i’m gonna explain that a little bit so

stay with me when i say you stress your

brain think about it when you’re


maybe you clench your fists right you

get a little nervous

start breathing a little heavy but your

brain also gets

stressed and you’re not able to think


when you’re feeling all of this stress

this makes it again difficult to think


however when you are relaxed you are

able to speak in english

more fluently now stay to the end i’m

going to tell you guys a story about

this during

story time i have a story about when i

felt stressed and i wasn’t able to think

clearly so let’s look at different ways

you can practice

being stress free here are some methods

that i like to use again

ways to eliminate stress these are

called stress

relievers so you have short breaks

watch movies and track your progress so

the first one

short breaks figure out how long you

need to relax

whether it be minutes hours days or

weeks now this is something that is very

very important for your english language

journey as you’re studying english now i

know that you are an amazing student and

maybe you’ve been studying english for

months or

years and you’ve been studying very


but there are times when you feel a

little bit overwhelmed you feel a little

bit stressed you feel like

i really just want a break now if you’ve

been studying for example for

several months you need to take a few

days where you don’t do

anything you don’t study anything at all

if you’re studying one day and you’ve

been studying for six hours

you need to take about an hour break you

have to give your brain an opportunity

to relax think about exercise again i

tell you all the time how much i love

sports and exercising

when you’re exercising right you you

push the body really hard whether it’s


or weight lifting or doing something


right but you can’t do that all day

every day you push push push then you


push push push then relax the same is

true for your english

language journey as you’re studying you

have to have

moments where you just relax take

breaks it’s so important several months

ago well maybe about three months ago i

took a break i took a vacation

and a lot of you all knew that i hadn’t

taken a vacation in almost two years

but my family my friends and they were

everyone was telling me tiff you have to


i love what i do but they could see that

i was actually getting a little bit


they said take a week off and don’t do


it was such a good stress reliever to

take that break

sometimes you need to do the same thing

maybe you’re wondering teacher how is

this break going to help me

speak english fluently well here’s what

happened to me when i took that break

that vacation

when i came back from the vacation i had

tons of

ideas and ways to improve the business

that i was working on

ways to serve you better why because i

gave my brain a chance to relax

the same will happen for you you’re

taking in so much information and it’s


but you need to give your brain an

opportunity to process the information

to relax and see how it can connect to

other information that’s already in your


your brain has triggers you’re putting

more information in and it needs to


those pieces of information so when you

take that short break

it allows your brain to make those

connections now

another stress reliever is right here


watching movies or watching something

that you enjoy

and i want to emphasize don’t take notes

i want you to turn off your student

brain i know it’s a little weird coming

from me right as your teacher

but there are moments when you have to

just stop

and just relax just enjoy i remember

when i was first learning korean it was


but there are moments like on the

weekends i said i’m not i’m not going to


i would just watch korean dramas i

didn’t take any notes

didn’t have a pen or paper i just sat

down or i laid on my bed

and i watched hours and hours of korean


well you see what happened was my brain

was still making connections but i was

in a relaxed

state so many of the expressions many of

the situations that now i understand

about korean culture or from korean


came from those moments when i

was relaxed not stressing and just

taking information in

and you have to give your up your brain

the opportunity to do this as well okay

finally you can also use this stress


tracking your progress basically


how much you have improved now i know

you can agree with this one

you’ve studied a lot right but you still

feel like ah

i’m not as good as i should be or i have

a long way to go right

i felt the same way before and there are

moments i feel the same way now

but here’s the thing when you do that

you actually stress yourself out so

the way to counteract that feeling is to


track your progress see how much you

learned last month

see how much you’ve learned this month

compare the two

see how much more comfortable you are in

speaking with people about certain


that will actually give you more

confidence and help you speak more

fluently in english

because you’ll feel good about yourself

it’s all about being easy on yourself

don’t beat yourself

up so much relax and realize that you


learning a lot so these stress relievers

are very important

again step two is eliminating stress

don’t stress now you must eliminate


in order to improve now

the final step is step number three

provide good

content here’s a fact content

is greater than grammar i’ll say it


content is greater or more important

than grammar now don’t misunderstand me

this is an

important fact that i need you to

understand you see

content is more important than grammar

as an english learner grammar is


but even native english speakers

sometimes make grammar mistakes

so you must remember that your content

is very important

when you are trying to improve your

fluency let me explain it like this

let’s say you get into a conversation

right and the person

asks you a question they say hey what’s


favorite movie right and you say oh

i love the sound of music perfect


but then you stop and they look at you

waiting for you to continue again

because they want to know more

about the movie or why you like it but

you were only focused on making a

perfect sentence so you stopped

and that means the conversation also


however let’s imagine i’m gonna make

some sentences that are incorrect but

i’m gonna add more content here we go

um my favorite movie are the sound of


people movie are amazing the husband

wife they spent time together

children ran around together and there


exciting things happening in the movie


they had to save their lives or work

hard to save their lives

now you notice that i made many grammar


purposely however you got the content


there was a husband there was a wife

there were children they were together

saved lives i gave you more content now

again i want to emphasize grammar is


but when you’re trying to improve your

english fluency you

must focus on the content

as well so let me teach you how you can

improve your content which will help

your fluency

there are three methods that i like to

use when i’m teaching students

how to organize your content here we go

the five w’s

three details and three examples so with

the five ws you use the five w’s to

organize your content

who what when where and why now

for you i’m sure you’ve been with me for

a long time so you know about the five

w’s again

who what when where and why when you

have all of these

w’s organized you can give the right

amount of information

about any subject any topic any event

your content is important so the person

listening to you

will feel like you are fluent in english

because you provided

all of the necessary parts to explain

what you were talking about so again the

five w’s that’s the first way to


your content or your idea now the three

details is another way of organizing

your content

think about the three most important


of the topic you are discussing this is


important so again let’s go back to what

i talked about earlier with cooking


i said i enjoy cooking mexican food for


all right well if i want to speak

fluently about this topic and i

choose three details i can give you

three details about

mexican food or three details about my

favorite mexican food right

for example i love taco salads taco

salads are really good because they have

so many different

ingredients all put together next i

really enjoy

mexican food because i had it all

throughout my younger years i

was raised in arizona true and when i

was younger i was

from about from birth to about six years

old i was in arizona

there were a lot of spanish and mexican

people in arizona so my mom learned how

to cook authentic mexican food

so mexican food became a part of my life

i love mexican food so again

i’m giving you more details and you see

what’s happening right you’re learning

more about me

more about the topic and i’m speaking

fluently about it

three details now the other thing is


egg samples think about three examples

related to the topic

you are discussing this is another way

to improve your fluency

again organizing your ideas no matter

what the topic is

if the topic is basketball again i

mentioned that earlier

if that’s the topic well three examples

maybe i can tell you three examples of

games that i played in throughout high

school and university

again you want to think about things

related to your interests

and organize your thoughts either based

on the five w’s

the five three details excuse me or

three examples

now the last thing i want you to

remember about this is right here

you must organize your ideas

in order to speak fluently this

is a must so three steps again you need

to speak fluently

one of your interests focus on your

interests number two

don’t stress and provide good

content again number one changed a

little bit right

it’s okay you knew focus on your

interests now i hope these three steps

help you speak more fluently in english

remember i’m always here to help you

don’t forget the challenge in the

comment section write your three

current top interest and remember i’ll


one individual to get the free 60 minute

tutoring session with the cambly tutor

but don’t worry everyone that

participates will have access to

some coupons that will be amazing

guys thank you so much for joining me i

hope this lesson

helped you and i want you to speak

fluently so i’ll see you next week

but as always remember to speak english

you still there you know what time it is

it’s story time hey

i said a story time

all right guys so today’s story i’ve

told part of this story before but i

wanted to go into

a little bit more details about the

story so

today we talked about the three things

the three steps you can follow to speak


more fluently and step number two dealt

with stress right eliminating stress so

i want to tell you about one of the most

stressful situations i’ve ever


in my life now i’ve told you all that i

had to take

an exam right to pass to get my graduate

my master’s degree when i was in

graduate school i had to take the exam

three times in korean so it was very


when i got to the third time right i

remember like it was yesterday again

prior to this i had actually come back

to america for six months and all i did

every day

all day was study for the exam so i i

felt that i was prepared right six

months studying every day

all day so i walked into so

again there were a group of students

that had come together for the exam

there were hundreds of students there so

we had all

you know the doors open and we walked

into the room where the test was going

to be i was a little nervous but

i had kind of managed my nervousness a

little bit because i had studied for so


so we all found our respective seats we

all sat down

and the individuals who were

administering the test they you know

they handed out the test they said don’t

touch it though

leave it face down okay makes sense we

had 90 minutes for the test so they

wanted us to all turn the test over

at the same time so i sat down you know

i was breathing i was i was pretty calm

i said okay god you know i was praying

god you know we’re gonna do this it’s

the third time

i’ve studied hard we can do this so the

person that was administering the test

said okay everyone you can now

turn over your test and the timer

started so you heard

paper rustling of course flipped it over


had my pin ready and there were two

questions on the test

so i read the first question

time stood still i had no

idea what it was talking about so i said


i said okay i’m not gonna get stressed

yet let me look at question number two

so i went to question number two and i


i had no idea what question number two

meant this is when the stress

started coming up when i say i was

sitting in that seat

and literally everything just stood


i heard students behind me writing

writing really fast

i wasn’t writing anything and i felt

like the the people that were standing

in front of me who were watching us

they were just staring at me because i

literally was just sitting there i

wasn’t moving

i wasn’t writing anything and i was just

i was shocked i said i don’t know what

this test is about lord

so all the thoughts started pouring into

my head i spent six months studying i

went to america i spent day and night

studying all for this test

hours and hours and this is my third

time i failed twice

and i started getting more and more and

more and more

stressed and in the midst of this stress

i heard god’s voice say tiff you need to

relax you need to calm down

and i need you to read the questions one

more time now i’m like god i don’t


again this is all happening in my mind

but i was extremely stressed

he said i need you to calm down i need

you to relax and read the questions


so i prayed i turned the test over and i

read the question again

something about the question started to

make just a little bit more sense

he said read it again i was starting to

get a little bit more calm

i read it again and all of a sudden

everything started to click once the


dropped down i had relaxed my brain was

now able to pump normally instead of

being restricted

and i understood the question and now

the funny thing is i felt like the holy

spirit said

now tiff get your pen and start

writing because the time was flying by

honestly i had been sitting there for

almost 20 minutes not writing anything

because i didn’t know what it said i

didn’t understand it

so i immediately started writing and

writing and writing and writing and

everything just started

clearing up for me i started

understanding and i was writing

connecting all that i studied

all of these things started to make

sense and i started writing and i

completed the test right on time now

fast forward as you know i graduated so

i passed the test

um but what i realized about that

situation was

the moment i started to get stressed the

moment i started to allow

my temperature to rise and i was getting

nervous and i was i wasn’t shaking but i

knew that i was stressed

i realized that i wasn’t able to think


and nothing was coming out i had been

studying korean for years so i could

speak korean

but nothing was coming out until i

managed my stress

and relaxed the same is true for you

when it comes to speaking fluently in

english and that’s why i wanted to tell

you all this story because

there are moments when you feel like

you’re not able to speak fluently in


and it’s not because of your

intelligence you are very smart

however it’s sometimes because of your


level so like number two step two

you have to stop stressing you have to

eliminate that stress and figure

out ways to relax now i got through that

ordeal and now i have many stories to

tell my children later on in life

but i hope it helped you and i hope you

learned a lot

from it i will see you all next week

remember to study hard remember you can

do it and don’t forget the three steps

and also don’t forget to write your

three interests in the comment section

i will see you next week