3 Ways to Say Thank You in English

hi everybody I’m Alisha from English

class 101.com do you know how to express
gratitude in English in this lesson

you’ll learn how to do it in three
different ways

and how to respond let’s start with the
easiest one thank you thank you simply

say this phrase to thank someone

you can emphasize thank you by adding
very much it shows a little more

gratitude thank you very much thank you
very much

to sound like a pro you can add why
you’re thankful for example

thank you very much for the gifts what
about between friends here’s the way to

say it thanks thanks

now you know three different ways to
express gratitude in English but how do

you respond if someone thanks you if
someone says thank you in English simply

say you’re welcome you’re welcome

let’s wrap up this lesson by recapping
what we’ve learned listen to the

expression and repeat after me thank you

thank you to show a little more
gratitude thank you very much

thank you very much the casual way to
say thank you thanks

Thanks and to respond just say you’re

you’re welcome well done many people
will use both thank you and thanks in

daily conversation you will hear the
casual thanks

more often between friends and people
you know well and thank you among people

you don’t know so well however you may
also hear the casual thanks among

strangers since English tends to be more
casual you just learned three different

ways to express gratitude and how to
respond in English and if you really

want to become fluent and speak English
from the very first lesson go to English

class 101.com I’ll see you next time bye
