hey i’m teacher tiffany and my goal is

to help 1 billion students

1 billion english learners just like you

around the world

finally speak english with confidence

and that’s why i created today’s lesson

especially for

you i’m going to teach you the four ways

you need to learn

in order to answer any question in


are you ready well then let’s jump

right in

all right i want you to imagine that

someone asks you this question

why do you think it is important to keep

a clean house basic question

but sometimes basic questions are hard

to answer

that is until you learn the four


ways let’s start with way number one the


w’s so again we have the question why do

you think it is important to keep a

clean house

well with five w’s help you organize

your thoughts from the very beginning

so for me for example i can say who for


i can say organize the desk for when

i can say every morning for where i can

say home office

and for why i can say i can’t think


when my office is messy now again your

answers when you’re organizing your


may be different from mine but i want to

show you how i can use the five w’s

the first way and actually answer this


in multiple ways for example using the

five w’s i can say

in my opinion keeping a clean house is


because the way your house looks affects

your productivity

i organize the desk in my home office

every morning

because i can’t think straight when my

office is messy

but let’s look at this answer in a

little bit more detail you see

remember the first part was who the

first w

and you see that i have the who right

here for i

then what well i organize the desk

when i specifically said every morning

what about where i mentioned the home


and finally why i can’t think straight

when my office is messy so you see that

using this first way

i have answered the question and given

all of the information necessary

to speak fluently in english now in this

answer there were two specific words

that i wanted to explain to you so let

me explain them now

productivity now this just means the


of productive effort and it’s measured

by the amount of work

produced based on time and effort

so if you are a productive person it

means that you get

a lot done in a short period of time

so productivity again after me

productivity you got it last time

productivity excellent now

another expression that i used actually

in my answer was right here

think straight now this just means to


rationally calmly and clearly

this is a really useful expression that

i want you to learn

and try to use to sound like a native

english speaker

again think straight good last time

think straight excellent again

so i’m saying that ah keeping a clean


actually helps me think straight

think clearly have a clear mind and


calm so that’s why i think it’s so


to keep your house clean this is just my

first response

based on the five w’s but i can actually

change the way my response is given

still based on the five w’s

now let’s look at this one a little

closer here we go

i think that a clean house affects your


i personally cannot think straight when


office is messy so to keep a clean house

i actually organize the desk in my home


every morning now for the who again i

put i

for the what i have it in my answer

organize the desk

for the when every morning for the where

home office and for the why i personally

cannot think straight when my office is


so again you’re seeing that i’m

answering the question

in a different way but the foundation is

based on the first way

which is the 5 w’s method right

so i want to explain one part of this

answer that i gave i

said the word personally now this is


when you want to emphasize that it is


and not another individual for example

i really like salads right many people

like salads but i

really like salads so i can say i

personally think salads are amazing

i’m emphasizing that hey this is my


somebody else they may disagree but it’s


this is my opinion so i added personally

so again you’re seeing that i’m able to

answer in a different way

still using the five w’s and you can do

the same

now what about another way again we’re

still with way number one with the five

w’s but i can give the answer in a


organization right based on the five w’s

in my opinion

keeping a clean house actually helps a

person be

more productive i can’t think straight

when my home office is

messy so i usually organize my desk

every morning now do we have the 5ws yes

we have

i for who what about what organize my


when every morning where home office

and why again we have i can’t

think straight now again what i’m trying

to help you understand

is if you master this way the first way

the five ws you’ll be able to answer any

question because your thoughts

will be organized all right now there is

a word here that i want to go over with


really quickly messy now this just means

untidy dirty lacking neatness

or something that’s disordered so again

after me

messy good messy

excellent many times people say ah

children can be very messy

right they have clothes thrown around

everywhere when they eat something they

put the plates just anywhere

so people say ah children can be messy

sometimes make sense all right good so

again we’ve looked at the first way

being the five

w’s now what about the second way to

organize your thoughts and speak english


the three reasons so again we have the

same question

why do you think it is important to keep

a clean house

now i’m gonna answer it in a different

way using three

reasons this time not the five w’s

here we go let’s say in my opinion the

first reason would be

a clean house helps you focus reason

number two

motivates you and gives you more

confidence to complete

other tasks and reason number three

reduces stress now using these three

reasons you see that i have a

long answer so let’s look at this answer

in more detail here we go starting off

there are three reasons why it is

important to keep a clean house

the first reason is that keeping a clean


helps you focus research has shown that

the eyes can be

overwhelmed by a multitude of objects

that are not related to a specific task

or project now that’s actually true this

is really true research

so what happened look what i underlined

i underlined

helps you focus that’s my first reason

but then the next sentence supports

my reason so for way number two which is

based on three reasons

you want to always support your reasons

now i said a multitude of let me explain

that really quickly so

a multitude of that just means a lot of


or many so i said a multitude of objects

now what about reason number two i


the second reason is that keeping a

clean house

motivates you to complete other

tasks now i’m going to support my reason

when you work in an

organized space your brain gets the


and motivation it needs to organize

other tasks again you’re seeing this


i give a reason and then i immediately

give a support

for my reason this is so important when

you’re answering a question in english

this shows your fluency when you’re


way number two all right so motivation

let me explain this word to you real


motivation is the reason or reasons one

has for

acting or behaving in a particular

way now let’s go to reason number three

finally the third reason is that keeping

a clean house

helps to reduce stress as human beings

we usually get stressed and anxious

in an environment that is not organized

so if a house is

clean this stress will be non-existent

again my reason is it helps to reduce


but i supported that reason right right

after that i supported it

now i do want to go over two of the

words here we go the first one again

for this reason is anxious which means


by extreme uneasiness of mind or concern

about something all right concerned

about something like

i’m not really sure if this is gonna

turn out okay

i feel anxious now real quick after me

anxious good again

anxious excellent now the word right

before this one was motivation so

real quick i want to practice that v

sound for motivation again

motivation excellent last time

motivation good excellent now

there was one other word that was found

in the third reason

non-existent now this just means not

existing or not real so after me

non-existent good

non-existent excellent all right so

again we have our third reason

and the support to go along with that


now that was the second way what about

the third way to organize your thoughts

and speak english fluently

the third way is three details

so we again we have the same question

why do you think it is important to keep

a clean

house and we have three details that

we’re gonna look at

and again i want you to pay attention to

the fact that we are using the same

exact question but we’re answering it in


different ways why because once you

master these four different ways

you’ll master english and be able to

speak fluently

no matter what someone asks you okay

alright so three details that i can give

for this one detail number one

not a lot of clutter detail number two

organized spaces and detail number three

surfaces that are free from dust and


so you see what i’m doing right i’m

giving you details

about a clean house i’ve chosen to focus


that part of the question hey let me


what a clean house should look like in

my opinion all right

so here we go now using these three


this is the answer i would give so let’s

kind of go into it in a lot more detail

here we go

detail number one in my opinion a clean


is a house that is free of clutter

number two oh real quick free of clutter

means to be free of mess

or disorder everything is ordered and

organized remember i taught you messy

right well

free of clutter means not messy free

of clutter you got it again

free of clutter now say it quickly to

sound more natural

free of clutter there you go there you

go very good

so reason sorry detail number one free

of clutter

detail number two has organized

spaces and detail number three

and includes surfaces that are free from

excessive dust and dirt now i’ve given

the three details that i wanted to focus


in my answer to explain or describe a

clean house

but you’ll notice that i have a word

underlined and put in red

excessive now let’s see what this word

excessive means it means

more than is necessary normal or


immoderate so for example real quick

before i give you an example

after me excessive

good excessive excellent now the word

excessive again means

more than is necessary so let’s say for


i go to someone’s house and they say hey

tiff do you want to eat something and

i’m like yeah i’m starving

and they bring me three plates of food

now i love food but come on that’s

too much that’s a little bit excessive

i only need one plate of food makes

sense right

too much more than is necessary we say


good job so continuing this type of

environment encourages productivity

that is why i believe it is so important

to keep a clean house

now what you’ll notice is this answer is

shorter than the previous answers right

but it’s so clear it gets right to the


it gives three details and it’s an

excellent answer

this is still a fluent answer for

someone that says this answer gives this


they still will sound very fluent in

english so you can follow this way as


now there’s another way that i want to

show you again to help you answer any

question in english

and to organize your thoughts and speak

english fluently

this way is the three examples way

again we have the same question why do

you think it is important to keep a


house here we go we have three examples

i love working in threes

first example when the kitchen is clean

i feel like cooking

big meals for my family example two when

the basement is clean

i feel like exercising more and finally

example three

when my office is clean i come up with

better ideas now notice what’s happening

now i have chosen to give answers based


what happens excuse me what happens when

a house is clean

now i want to show you the results hey

when a house is clean

this is what happens so let’s see how i

would answer this question

using the three examples let’s kind of

look a little bit closer here we go

in my opinion looking at example number

one in my opinion

keeping a clean house is important

because the way your house looks

affects your productivity for example

getting into example one

i am more prone to cook a large meal for

my family

when the kitchen is clean i get more

excited about cooking food

because everything is organized now this

is actually very true

but you see what happened is right i

gave the example and then i gave a

little bit more information to kind of

help you understand what happens for me

when the kitchen is clean

it’s organized i get the design i get i

feel something inside like oh

i want to cook this actually happens so

i feel more productive

when the house is clean specifically the


now prone to let me explain what this

means having a tendency

or inclination being likely to do

something so

i have a tendency to clean

i have a tendency to cook i have a

tendency to

dot dot why because it’s something that

i’m likely to do so we say

prone to do something alright so


prone to you got it one more time

prone to excellent very good now

the second example let’s see how the

second example will come up

also i feel like exercising more when

the basement area is clean

it feels good to have more space to do


exercise routines so again i’m adding

another example that proves my point

that hey

you’re more productive when your house

is clean and i’ve given you a little bit

more information

to help you understand my example now

example number three is also very


finally i get better ideas when my

office is clean

my thoughts seem to get organized faster

and i have peace of mind this is why i


a clean house affects your productivity


excellent response three examples very

clear they’re connected to the question

and the answer

and everything looks great now in my

third example

i use an expression piece of mind let me

explain what this actually means

this is a feeling of being safe or


or to simply be at peace

so again feeling peaceful feeling calm

in order to explain explain this we use

the expression

peace of mind good again

peace of mind excellent so again you can

use this way the three examples method

in order to answer any question in


so here’s the thing guys you may get

asked a question that seems tricky

but remember there are four ways to

answer any question the five w’s

three reasons three details or three


i really hope you learned a lot from

this lesson today i hope it helps you to


confidence and to speak english fluently

no matter what the topic is

and no matter what the question is i’m

teacher tiffany i really enjoy teaching

you all i love you all

remember you can like this video share

this video and subscribe to help

this channel grow and help more people

see this lesson

and also speak english with more

confidence i can’t wait to see you next


remember if you want to continue

studying with me you can join my academy

go to


i would love to have you join our family

all right well i will see you next week

i hope you have an awesome

week and remember to speak english


you still there you know what time it is

it’s story time

hey i said a story time

all right for today’s story you know the

question that we went over

in the lesson was talking about keeping

a clean house so i wanted to tell you

all a story about keeping your body

clean all right

so when i was younger as a child

i loved going outside like i literally

would stay outside

all day my mom had to force me to come

inside for lunch

literally i’d stay outside with my

friends riding my bike

climbing up the monkey bars swinging off

the monkey bars

i had so much fun growing up

and i even went outside in the winter

now when i was growing up we got a lot

of snow in maryland

now we don’t get as much but i remember

uh one winter it snowed a lot so

i woke up in the morning i looked out my

window and i saw at least two feet of


i was so excited so i went downstairs to

mommy please please can i go outside can

i go outside

she said okay okay you can go outside

make sure you put

lots of clothes on you know bundle up

bundle up means just make sure you’re


so i had my sweater my snow suit i got

my sled

and i was about to go outside and play

with my friends and she said hey


stay safe stay warm i said okay mommy so


ran outside and there were about 10 or

15 of us we were having

a ball running up and down the hill

sledding down

running back up and doing it over and

over and over again

for hours now it was freezing outside

but you know when you’re having a good


you forget about pain so we were having

a great time and

and then around lunch time because we

went out

early we probably got outside maybe

around 8 30 or 9 we were excited

so maybe around 12 or 12 30 i heard my

mom call my name

tiff i said man i gotta go inside

so about that time all of us realized we

had to go inside to eat lunch and we

planned on coming back outside after but

so we all ran back

to our different home so i ran inside

and i was like yes she was like it’s

time to eat lunch i said ah

okay so i ran inside she said okay go

clean up

and then come back downstairs to eat

lunch so i ran upstairs now again i was

covered in snow

but you know snow is pretty clean so

there wasn’t too much dirt on me

so i took my snow suit off and i was

literally i said okay let me take a

shower because even though it was cold

you still kind of sweat so i was like


let me take my snow suit off and let me

kind of jump in the shower real quick to

kind of clean off and then i’ll go

downstairs to eat

now remember i had been outside for over

three hours

right i just took my snow suit off and i

was freezing outside but i was having


i took my snow suit off and i said oh


so cold i’m gonna turn this water up

super high

so it can be super hot now for those of

you who know where this story is going

you know what i’m talking about children

don’t realize so

my body was extremely cold like my

fingertips were white

i was cold but you know as a kid you’re

okay i turned the shower

up super high super hot and i was so

excited i was like oh this shower’s

about to be

good so i turned the water on

you know i took my clothes off and i

jumped in the shower

and as soon as the water hit my body

i let out a silent scream like

it hurt so bad it felt like

needles were all over my body like the

water droplets were individuals needles

hitting my body and i yelled out my mom

said what’s wrong

she came upstairs and i said why does

this hurt so bad and she said ah

she said you have to let your body kind

of thaw out first

you’re super cold you can’t get in a

super hot shower

so she proceeded to explain to me you

have to turn the water down a little bit

it can’t be too hot and i said why do i

want cold water

i’m cold she said she laughed of course

she said you have to understand

you can’t put hot water on your body

your body has to kind of

uh come to a point where it’s level

right now your body is too cold so

anyway she helped me understand that i

turned the water down i finally thought


i took a shower i was a little bit

nervous a little bit apprehensive

but ever since that day whenever i’m

cold when i come back inside

i said oh no you don’t i sit and i just

wait and i’ll let the water run a little

bit but i just wait until my body kind

of gets a little bit warmer

on its own but again my whole goal was

to be clean

i wanted to clean my body so i don’t

know if you guys have ever experienced

that maybe when you were a child and it

was snowing outside or extremely cold

and you ran inside and you thought that

a hot shower would be the best thing

and you were shocked too let me know in

the comment section

i’ll never forget this forget that

situation i learned a lot that day

all right guys i hope you enjoyed

today’s story time thank you again so

much for joining remember if you want to

keep studying with me

all you have to do is go to speak

english with tiffanyacademy.com

i would love for you to join our family


that is all i will see you

next week i almost lost my words right


all right guys i’ll see you next week

have a great week