hey today i’m going to teach you five

english expressions you must know in

order to sound like a native english

speaker and be able to understand native

english speakers now all of these

expressions come from my ebook 100

english expressions you can get your

copy by going to


or by hitting the link in the

description now are you ready to learn

these five important english expressions

well then

i’m teacher tiffany let’s jump right in

all right so our first expression is


the record


the record now this is a very important

expression so i want to make sure your

pronunciation is correct so after me

for the record

excellent last time after me for the


good job now for the record is just used

when you want to say something publicly

and as a fact basically you want

everyone to know hey this is my thought

this is my opinion this is my position

this is the truth and i want everyone to


in english we say for the record so let

me show you an example sentence using

this expression for example

i am willing to say

for the record

that it has enormous value

one more time watch how i use it i am

willing to say for the record

that it has enormous value now i can

actually take it out of the sentence and

the sentence will still make sense watch

i am willing to say that it has enormous


makes sense but remember for the record

is used to state something publicly as a

fact to let everyone know hey this is my

position and you don’t have to doubt it

i am willing to say for the record so

that everyone knows

that it has enormous value makes sense

right all right let’s look at the second

example sentence

just for the record

perhaps you’d like to tell me what

you’re doing monday

remember we can take it out and the

sentence or question will still make


perhaps you’d like to tell me what

you’re doing monday

add it at the beginning

listen just for the record just so that

we’re all clear

perhaps you’d like to tell me what

you’re doing monday

just for the record

and last what about this one for the


it was she who approached me about such

a deal

not the other way around again making

sure that everyone listening knows hey

this is my position my opinion and i’m

stating it as a fact you don’t have to

doubt it

for the record for the record

it was she who approached me about such

a deal not the other way around i want

you to know that hey

it wasn’t me it was her that’s a fact

for the record

makes sense this is a very useful

english expression for the record now

the second one is also just as useful

the second english expression is for as

long as i can remember

for as long as i can remember so after


for as long as i can remember

excellent now this expression just means

to remember most or all of one’s life

my memory about this person this event

this topic it really spans my entire

life the only thing i can remember is


for as long as i can remember so first

example sentence here we go

her family has lived in new york for as

long as i can remember i don’t remember

her living anywhere else i don’t

remember there being a time that she was

not living in new york

in english we say for as long as i can

remember so for as long as i can

remember my niece has loved black beans

that’s true for as long as i can

remember her entire life she’s always

liked black beans so in english we say


for as long as i can remember now what

about this example sentence

for as long as i could remember

they’ve been together

for as long as i could remember they’ve

been together i don’t remember a time

when they weren’t together

for as long as i could remember now what

about this last example sentence

they moved and have lived on the other

side of the world for as long as i can

remember now you know that i lived in

south korea for about 10 years that’s a

long period of time

so long that many people said wow for as

long as i can remember tiff has been in

south korea when i was living in south

korea because they couldn’t remember a

time that i was not in korea so the same

is happening here they moved and

have lived on the other side of the


for as long as i can remember makes

sense right very simple but very useful

english expression now i want us to look

at the third english expression to lose


over maybe you’re wondering tiffany

teacher what does this mean

why are you losing sleep well to lose

sleep over just means to worry or stress

about something that one can’t sleep

you’re worried or stressed about

something so much that you cannot sleep

now let’s imagine you’re about to get

married right you’re getting married

tomorrow and you’re excited but

you can’t go to sleep you’re losing

sleep over whether you’ll remember your

vows will you remember to bring the ring

so many things are on your mind that

you’re not able to sleep you’re worried

about your wedding day

you’re losing sleep over it now here’s

the first example sentence for this one

i lost sleep over the fact that i did

not get the job i wanted think about it

you went to a job interview and they

asked you a question in english but you

you suddenly got a little nervous and

you weren’t able to answer it the way

you wanted to

then you went home

you got in your bed

but you couldn’t fall asleep because you

were worried about what happened

you lost sleep over the fact that you

couldn’t answer the english question but

i know

after studying my lessons you’ll be able

to do it i believe in you

all right so sentence number two

the ending of our

relationship has got me losing sleep

over her so this individual he he broke

up with his girlfriend and he’s losing

sleep over the fact that oh my goodness

we’re not together anymore he’s losing

sleep over the end of his relationship

worrying about what she’s thinking about


alright so what about this one right

here number three

i’m losing sleep over sending my son off

to college my son my baby boy he’s going

to leave us and go to college by himself

i’m worried i’m concerned i’m losing



sending my son off to college makes

sense maybe you’ve lost sleep over a

test that you have to take something

that causes you to worry and inhibits

you or stops you from getting sleep

alright so again we have to lose sleep

over all right now what about this next

one number four


come on

one more time after me

oh come on

excellent now this is an expression that

you’ll hear very often in television

dramas in netflix programs or in movies

we say this a lot

come on

now it just we use this to tell someone

that we don’t believe what they’re

saying or we don’t take them seriously


you ran 35 miles this morning

come on

again we don’t believe that they were

able to run 35 miles in the morning

before work come on

showing that we don’t believe them or

take them seriously so let’s check out

this first example sentence here we go

oh come on you can’t be serious about

this situation


at the beginning we’re saying oh come on

showing them

i don’t believe you i don’t believe you

i don’t take you seriously

you can’t be serious about this


what about this example oh come on

you’re telling me you grew back a limb

come on now

again unbelievable we don’t take you

seriously we say in english oh come on

makes sense right okay now this last

example sentence here we go

oh come on you did not build this entire

city by yourself we don’t believe that

look at my facial expression i look like

come on now

i don’t believe what you’re saying in

english the expression is oh

come on i want you to start using it

more often all right now the fifth

expression again this is a great one

i’m just kidding

i’m just kidding

now this expression one more time after


i’m just kidding

good now this is used to soften a

serious situation or insult by saying it

was a joke hey hey hey

i’m just kidding i wasn’t serious it was

a joke

i’m just

kidding now look at some example

sentences here we go

sorry to scare you like that i’m just

kidding like i’m not serious i’m just

kidding it’s a joke

sorry to scare you like that i’m just


next one i’m just kidding i didn’t

actually mean what i said earlier i’m



and last one

don’t take what i say or do so seriously

i’m just kidding

i’m just joking i’m not being serious

i’m just kidding this is a very very

useful expression in english now these

five expressions will help you but what

you have to do right now

is take a quiz yep you got it i want you

to see

how much you remember so it’s quiz

time all right now

this quiz i want you to pay attention

you only have five seconds for each

question so here’s question number one

now i’ll remind you really quickly we

had five expressions the first one

for the record second one for as long as

i can remember

third one to lose sleep over fourth one

oh come on and fifth one i’m just

kidding so here’s question number one

fill in the blank


perhaps you’d like to tell me what

you’re doing monday

come on now i’ll give you five seconds


time what’s the answer come on i know

you know it



for the record

perhaps you’d like to tell me what

you’re doing monday excellent very very

good all right question

number two question number two


sending my son off to college five



what is the expression that goes here

excellent i’m losing sleep over sending

my son off to college very good very

good let’s reset our timer and go to

question number three

her family has lived in new york

dot dot dot what’s the answer five


time what’s the answer

excellent for as long as i can remember

very good all right now what about


number four

don’t take what i say or do so seriously





all right what’s the answer come on you

know this one

excellent i’m just kidding

very good all right now question number

five you’re doing so well

let’s see if you remember this one right

here here we go

dot dot dot

can’t be serious about this situation

five seconds five seconds

time what’s the answer

oh come on you can’t be serious about

this situation

excellent job you are amazing now i

really hope you enjoyed this lesson

remember all of the expressions i taught

you today these five expressions you

must know come from my ebook 100 english

expressions you can get your copy by

hitting the link in the description or

going to www.studywithtiffany.com

they will help you

sound more like a native english speaker

alright i will see you next time but as

always remember to speak english

you still there

ha ha you know what time it is come on

sing it with me it’s story time

hey i said it’s story time

all right so today’s story is one that


close to my heart because it was a very

emotional time for me now you know i

lived in south korea as an english

teacher i stayed there for 10 years now

during that time i had the opportunity

to study in university to study and get

my graduate degree i got a master’s

degree in oriental painting now

i’m american

english is my first language and korean

is my second and korean is a very

difficult language beautiful but

difficult and when i got toward the end

of my graduate program there was an exam

that i had to take

the exam was completely in korean and

also included some chinese characters

here’s the thing

even studying in a graduate program in

america is difficult

so the fact that i had to do it all in

korean was extremely difficult i

remember the day that i had to take the


walked in and there were so many

students in there all of us nervous

because we wanted to pass this exam and



i didn’t pass the exam the first time

so i went a second time six months later

and i failed again

two times i failed i was sad i was

frustrated i didn’t know what to do so i

actually made the decision

to come back to america for six months

for six months every day of the week i

studied for about 12 hours for this test

because i did not want to fail again

i failed twice

and now i was preparing to take it a

third time


when i flew back to korea after the six

month period i remember the day i walked

into the test room again for the third


my heart was racing because i did not

want to fail i was given the test

and it was placed in front of me and i

put my name on it

and they said you may begin and all of

us took out our pens and pencils and

started to write on the test the only

problem was i did not understand

the question

and i started to sweat lord i cannot

fail this test and i sat there for about

a 10 minute period because i did not

know what the question was asking i

thought about the six months that i had

studied 12 hours a day during the week

and yet and still

i felt like i was gonna fail a third


but then all of a sudden i prayed and

and god helped me to realize what the

question was asking and i started

writing really really fast

and i finished the test

now the results for the test weren’t

going to come out until maybe a month or

two later

so for about a month or two i was

working at an institute teaching english

but in the back of my head i was worried

about this test

i said lord i

i studied so hard i want to pass the


and then the day came for the results to

come out i was so nervous i was losing

sleep over

whether or not i passed the test because

it was hard and i wasn’t sure if i had

studied enough

then i got the results

i opened it up

and it said tiffany claiborne


i said it in korean but when i say i was

overjoyed i cried tears of joy because i

had put so much effort into studying for

this exam three times but the third time

i was able to pass

now i wanted to encourage you with this

story because sometimes you have to do

things whether it be for your job or for

english tests and sometimes you are

worried just like i was worried you lose

sleep over if you’re going to pass if

you did well enough and it’s really


it’s really frustrating

i’ve experienced the same thing

so if you’ve failed once

failed twice don’t give up keep moving


i kept going and i was so happy that in

the end i passed it doesn’t matter how

many times you’ve taken a test

if you’ve failed multiple times what’s

more important is getting up and trying

again so i hope my experience encouraged

you you may lose sleep over these

situations but it’s more important for

you to just get up and keep trying all

right i love you all i hope again that

you enjoyed today’s lesson don’t forget

to get your copy of 100 english

expressions the link is in the

description or you can go to


i’ll see you next time