hey so you found a partner you found
someone to study
english with and you both are excited
but the only problem is
you don’t know how to study together
well don’t you worry today i’m going to
teach you five ways to study
with your english partner are you ready
well then
i’m teacher tiffany let’s jump right in
all right so we’re going to look at five
different ways to study
with your english partner and these
different ways will help you both
speak english more fluently now method
number one method number one is called
the topical discussion method
you’re going to use topics to practice
giving your ideas
and opinions this method will help you
organize your thoughts
about various topics now before i
exactly how to use this method i want to
why it’s so important as an english
you are trying to become fluent you want
to sound like a native english
speaker well that means you need to
the ability to have discussions in
english you need to master
organizing your thoughts in english
about various topics
so for method number one you and your
partner need to practice
speaking about various topics in
english organizing your thoughts and
organizing your ideas
so how do you do this based on method
let me show you so what you’re going to
do is right here
first you’re going to pick a topic that
you both would like to discuss
and search for questions about that
in english now for this one again i
tell you and i try to emphasize this as
you’re studying
english you need to study based on
topics you’re actually interested in
so you and your partner can discuss hey
what do you like what are your interests
what are your hobbies
once you come to a decision and a
consensus on a topic that you are both
interested in what you’re going to do is
go to google and type
discussion questions about dot dot
so whatever topic you chose i love
cooking i love exercising
so my partner and i may say hey let’s
talk about cooking
so we’ll go to google and type
discussion questions
about cooking and you’ll get a ton of
questions so
for method one first you need to decide
a topic and then find
questions about that topic now after
you’ve found the questions
what you’re going to do is write the
questions down
and spend some time sometimes you need
more hours and sometimes you need more
to organize your answers for each
question and you’re going to make sure
your answers are based on
the three reasons details or examples
remember i always explain in order to
speak english fluently you need to give
information so after you have the
the two of you can decide hey should we
wait one or two days so that we have
time to organize our ideas and then
meet back up or you may say no
we can meet in a few hours you decide
how much time you need to organize your
answers for each question
but make sure your answers give either
three reasons
three details or three examples all
right that’s very important
now after you’ve done that what you’re
gonna do is come back together
meeting via video or audio call and
you’re going to ask each other the
the goal is for each of you to make sure
the other
gives three reasons details or examples
for their answer so by doing this by
english in this way using this method
with your partner
you both will increase your ability to
speak in english fluently
about various topics all right now let’s
move on to method number two
here we go method number two is also
very useful
method number two is the question and
answer method
now you’re going to use questions to
practice english conversation skills
this method will help you learn how to
carry on a conversation naturally
in english so there’s this thing that
happens in english conversations
i like to call it kind of like a tennis
match someone
asks a question you receive it and then
ask a question so you go back and forth
and forth and in order to speak english
fluently you need to be able to do this
naturally so with your partner using
method two
you both will learn how to start doing
more naturally which will improve your
fluency so
let’s see how this method works here we
go first
you’re going to pick something that you
are both interested in it can be a movie
an activity a book a show a topic it
doesn’t matter
just pick something you’re both
interested in
i love emphasizing this you must be
interested in something
because that will help you speak easily
and fluently about it in english
so pick something you’re both interested
in for example
my favorite movie is the sound of music
so let’s say my partner says oh my
goodness tiffany
i love the sound of music perfect
we both like the sound of music okay
so let’s move on to the second part here
we go
second individually create five
to ten questions so you’re gonna create
five to ten questions related to
whatever you chose
my partner and i we chose the sound of
so i’ll create five to ten questions to
ask my partner
and he or she will also do the same i
may say
ah when was the first time you saw the
sound of music
first question second question why do
you like this movie
so much third question what was your
favorite part of the movie
so again creating questions based on
what we chose
make sense right okay now after the
questions are created
then finally me via video or audio call
and ask each other the questions you
remember i encouraged you several months
ago in a previous video
about hey just stepping out there and
asking someone to be your partner
online even underneath this video if you
need an english partner
in the comment section say hey guys i
would love to study with someone
you can find people all over the world
that want to study
and you can use this method and the
other four methods to study with your
okay so again method two is based on
and answer this method questions and
answers okay
all right here we go let’s move on to
method number three
visual sentence method now this method i
you use images to practice describing
in english this method will help you
think faster and more creatively
in english now i truly love this method
i’ve used it
so much with my students with thousands
of students during my time as an english
because many people are visual learners
they need to see something and then
connect what they see
to maybe some textual information so
using this method
you and your partner can increase your
english fluency
using something visual so let me show
you how this actually works
for this visual sentence method
so first what you’re going to do is
select one
picture i’m actually going to do that
right now in real time
i have some pictures on my phone and i
will show you the picture that i select
so i want to pick a picture and again
with your partner you can select the
picture so here we go
this is my picture doesn’t it look
whoa yes don’t worry
i caught it all right so i picked a
picture of some delicious
pizza alright now i am vegan some of you
know that but we have vegan cheese so
i selected this right here let’s see if
you can see it let’s see let’s see
there we go that’s the picture i chose
so maybe my partner and i
we both love to eat pizza so we select a
of a piece of pizza or a whole pizza all
you select the picture then second set
a three minute timer why do you need a
timer here’s why
you’re going to look at the same picture
and go back
and forth describing it for three
minutes that’s right you’re gonna go
back and forth so again
i chose the picture of the pizza right
so i have the pizza right here let’s see
if you can see it let’s see there we go
that’s the picture so my partner and i
we meet via video call
i say hey how are you my partner hey i’m
good too
so we start talking and i say okay now
we’re going to describe
this picture we set a three minute timer
and for three minutes we go back and
oh i love the way the sauce looks on the
my partner might say oh i love how they
basil leaves on top of the pizza and
we’re going back and forth describing
the picture
so this again helps you to start
thinking more creatively in english
and it’s actually quite fun now i do
want to say something i do want to
mention really quickly before we go to
method number four
our sponsor for today now you all know
how much
i love working with cambly now cambly is
the sponsor of today’s video
and i want to tell you why they’re so
important because for method
three remember i mentioned that you are
going to work with your partner
and you go back and forth looking at an
image and making sentences
well sometimes you don’t know if your
sentences are
correct if they’re grammatically wrong
you don’t know
that’s when you need a tutor and cambly
we have worked together for a long time
and cambly wants to help you with that
they want to help you improve your
you see cambly has tutors as you can see
from all over the world
cambly has tutors from the usa canada
and the uk cambly has one-on-one
private english lessons so if you want
to meet with your tutor before you meet
your partner
and just practice some sentences to make
sure your grammar’s okay
cambly is here for you cambly also has
tutors that are available 24 7. it
doesn’t matter where you live
you can find a tutor that’s awake when
you’re awake
and also all the lessons are recorded
you heard me right so after you study
with your tutor
after the class you can watch it over
and practice cambly is amazing
and cambly wanted to partner with me to
sponsor this video to help you
you see cambly wants to give you a free
10-minute lesson
or if you are really ready to step up
your english
you can get cambly’s 40 off of their 12
month plan that’s right you can get 40
off of their 12 month plan and all you
have to do is
click the link in the description
they want to help you they are ready to
help you take your english to the next
level and i am so honored and i’m so
excited that cambly chose to partner
with me
in this mission to help you learn
english so cambly
thank you so much student once again if
you really want
help with your english you want to
master english and get help with your
sentences and your grammar as well
click the link in the description get a
cambly tutor and i guarantee you will
not regret it
thanks again so much cambly i always
love working with you
all right so you see again how you can
improve your english while you’re
studying with your partner and even
before you meet your partner
now let’s move on to method number four
method number four is alphabet
vocabulary method
now this method uses the english
to practice using the english vocabulary
you learned this method will help you
remember and use
english vocabulary faster now this
is probably a new method you’ve never
heard about but oh
when i say i love it now this method
you’re going to use the alphabet
and it’s going to help you recall all
the vocabulary you’ve learned so many
students tell me teacher i learned so
much vocabulary
but i can’t recall the vocabulary when i
need it
this method will help you and your
recall the vocabulary so let me explain
how you use this method here we go
first decide who will go first
then set a three minute timer
finally starting with the letter a go
and forth saying an english vocabulary
that matches the letter of the alphabet
now you may want to decide the minimum
number of
letters each word must have you don’t
want your partner saying
i for the letter i alright so for
let’s say my partner and i hey how are
hey tiff we’re going back and forth
right and so i’ll start off with letter
i set my three minute timer and i say
okay partner are you ready
and he or she says yes tiff i’m ready i
start with letter a
aardvark my partner goes letter b
bashful i have letter c
carrot she has letter d uh distract
and we go back and forth even right now
me doing it i had to stop and think at
the same time right
so it’s really fun and you go back and
forth with your partner and again
this method will help you and your
partner recall the vocabulary you both
have learned
now while you’re practicing there may be
some new words your partner says
that you’ve never heard of guess what
now you have an opportunity to improve
your vocabulary
and your partner has an opportunity to
you something he or she already knew
makes sense right the alphabet
vocabulary method is amazing now there’s
one more method
i want to tell you that can help you as
you study with your partner
this method is the 5ws method
now you use the 5ws to practice
basic english conversation skills this
method will help you
learn how to carry on a conversation
naturally in english about daily life
now i’m going to explain
exactly how to use this method but i
want to remind you
the five w’s i know you’ve been studying
with me probably for a while so you may
already know
what they are say with me who
what when where and what’s the last w
y excellent so you know the five w’s
so we’re going to use these five w’s to
practice with
the partner that you chose here we go
what you’re going to do is
choose one of the five w’s you and your
partner can choose who what when where
or why
you’re going to ask each other a
question based on that w so for example
if my partner and i decide hey let’s
choose what
that’s the w we want to start with then
we each must ask a question using what
so i can say um hey
what did you do yesterday i used what
my partner can say ah tiff
what did you watch on tv last night
still asking me using that w so again
you can get very creative and you’re
also asking questions
about your partner’s daily life all
right here we go
and finally go back and forth until you
have finished
using each w so we started with the what
then we’ll go to when hey when are you
going on your next vacation
my partner may ask me tiff when was the
last time
you sang at church again any question is
as long as you’re using the w that you
and your partner chose
and that’s method number five i really
hope you enjoyed today’s lesson
i hope that these five methods help you
and your partner
study english and enjoy the process
alright i will see you next week
remember as
always to speak english
you still there you know what time it is
come on and join me it’s story
time hey i said it story time
all right so today’s story
now today’s story happened whoo
maybe about two or three years ago so
i’ll give you a little bit of the back
so when i came back from south korea i
decided to do youtube
full-time i decided to become an online
english teacher
now in order for me to continue moving
forward with this business
i needed to buy a lot of equipment i
needed a new computer
i needed a new camera i needed mics i
needed lights
i needed a lot of things which meant i
needed to save
thousands of dollars in order to
purchase everything because i wanted to
make sure i had good quality
lessons and videos for you so it took me
a little while to save up the money and
to figure out how to get the products
and i also
wanted to wait until there was a sale so
in america we have these different
periods of the year that are known as
the sale time so july 4th christmas
black friday and these certain periods
of the year that you can get
products for cheaper and best buy is a
very popular technology store here in
america you can get computers
tvs refrigerators a lot of electronics
electronics and appliances so i decided
to go to best buy
now i wanted to make sure everything i
needed was at
one store so i actually drove quite a
ways from my house because
there was a best buy actually in
alexandria virginia
that had a lot of products everything
that i basically needed
so i drove to the store and again i knew
i was going to spend
several thousands of dollars that day so
i was already prepared
but you know i needed a deal and i
needed some discounts so i walked into
the store and i was there for maybe
about an hour
an hour and a half and i spoke to
different um
individuals that were working there one
gentleman helped me with the computer i
needed to buy
another gentleman helped me with the
camera that i was trying to buy
and uh after they helped me i was still
kind of perusing looking around the
and i noticed there was a little lady
she actually was an indian lady a little
indian lady looked like she may have
been my parents age actually
so i noticed that she was kind of
looking at me and watching me
and i didn’t feel weird or anything i
just was curious why she was looking at
so i was standing by the camera the
camera area
and i was looking at a camera and she
walked over to me and she got really
close to me
so i looked at her and i said hello she
said hi baby how are you again she was
really cute lady but she worked there so
i honestly didn’t
think she was coming to actually you
know tell me the features about any
she just seemed like a sweet lady she
said so you have to buy a camera huh
i said yeah i have to buy a camera um
it’s a little expensive so i’m just
trying to think of you know the best way
to um i guess purchase it you know which
card and and we were just talking and
she said well i’m going to give you a
i said a tip she said you see this right
here it was the floor model so in
english we say floor model it means
the actual example that people can touch
and use so when you go to buy a computer
or a camera or something like that
they have one example model people can
actually pick up and play with
that’s called the floor model so there
was a floor model of the camera i needed
she said you see that right there i said
yes ma’am she said
the floor model i think it was either
two or three hundred dollars cheaper
she said if you get the floor model
there’s nothing wrong with it
i said oh i said you know 300 cheaper is
it’s really a lot
that’s really a blessing that’s a good
thing i said but i need a warranty and i
the warranties usually only apply to
brand new products she said oh no no no
she said at best buy even if you
purchased a floor model you can get a
warranty purchase a warranty
that will cover anything if you drop it
if it breaks
we’ll cover it all as long as you have
that warranty i said what
she said yes honey so we both started
smiling she said
save 300 honey use this get this one
this floor model it works perfectly
and i said you know what ma’am thank you
so much and that day i
saved 300 on that camera the camera was
over a thousand dollars but because of
that lady
i was able to save almost 300
and the moral of the story honestly guys
i needed a discount that day i needed to
get some things for cheaper than they
actually promoted actually as they were
shown in certain magazines or newspapers
i needed a cheaper price
and the lady that i least expected to be
able to help me
was the one that helped me that little
lady who was
about my parents age if not older who
was just walking around the store
looked like she was a sweet old lady she
was the one that helped me the most
out of all the individuals that worked
there that day
so i want to remind you that as you’re
on this english journey
people are going to be around you you’re
going to meet people that maybe they
don’t look like they can help you
but always be open because you never
know how much someone can help you
until you actually give them the
opportunity to help
so i hope you guys enjoyed this story
maybe you also have a story where
someone helped you get a really big
i will talk to you all next week again
don’t forget to get
your cambly tutor click the link in the
take advantage of this wonderful offer
get your
free 10 minute lesson all you have to do
is click the link in the description
start practicing and start improving
your english again i love you all
have an awesome week have a wonderful
evening a great day and i can’t wait to
see you
next week bye