and everyone and welcome back lipstick

lipstick lipstick lipstick hello

everyone and welcome back to english

with Lucy today I have got fifty phrases

for you that you can use in conversation

before we get started I would just like

to thank the sponsor of today’s video

it’s lingo de lingo de is an online

language school where students can study

English business English Spanish French

and German you can take classes 24 hours

a day 7 days a week in their virtual

classrooms from anywhere in the world

with native qualified teachers prices

start from just 8 euros per group class

and you can choose from over 1,000

classes as part of a structured

curriculum and work towards gaining a

CEF are recognized certificate you can

use this certificate on job applications

university applications on your CV it

can be very useful to have the group

classes are an excellent size a maximum

of five students that the average is

actually only three students one point

I’d like to make you aware of is that

the lingo de business English course is

now more flexible and more affordable

you can now start the business English

course and speak better English in

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79 euros per month and you can get three

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tried lingo to myself and I was blown

away by how easy convenient and

affordable it is you can get 25 euros

off your first month lingo des by

clicking on the link in the description

box and using my code lucie 12 please

note that if you want to try the free

classes this code can’t be used right

let’s get on with the lesson

firstly let’s discuss some common

phrases for asking how somebody is

firstly we have what’s up what’s up this

is quite informal and you’re likely to

receive an informal answer number two is

what’s new what’s new

is asking for an update on what’s been

happening since you last saw that person

number three how’s it going how’s it

going you might be wondering what it

refers to it refers to everything which

brings me on to my next one how’s

everything how’s everything you can also

ask how are things this is very casual

and very vague in general or how is life

how’s life a slightly more formal one is

how’s life treating you how’s life

treating you or what have you been up to

recently now let’s talk about common

phrases to respond to all of these to

say how you are the most common one I’m

fine thanks how are you if you are okay

not amazing then you can say something

like pretty good yeah pretty good or

number eleven if nothing’s changed

everything is just the same as usual you

can say same old really if things aren’t

going well then you can use number

twelve not so great really not very good

or number thirteen could be better could

be better or number fourteen if

everything’s going very well but you

don’t want to show off you can say

something that’s very popular now which

is can’t complain I can’t complain

meaning others have it much worse than

me so I’m not going to say anything

negative about my own life now let’s

talk about some phrases that you can use

to say thank you number fifteen we have

I really appreciate that or I really

appreciate it depending on the context

this is quite heartfelt it’s slightly

more formal another formal one number

sixteen I’m really grateful I’m really

ever so grateful that’s even more formal

number seventeen if someone has shown

you an act of kindness you can say

that’s so kind of you or if you want to

imply that you are also going to return

the favor then you can use number

eighteen which is I owe you one

or I owe you big time now let’s talk

about some common ways to respond to

thank you now I have got a whole video

on this which I’ll link in the

description box but just a couple to get

you started

number 19 you’re most welcome I much

prefer this to your welcome which i

think is so overused but I talked about

that in the video number 20

very casual no worries no worries 21

another favorite of mine

my pleasure which can also be shortened

down to pleasure which is very very

casual and number 22 any time any time

now let’s talk about some common phrases

that you can use to ask for information

you can say do you have any clue or do

you have any idea those are

interchangeable do you have any clue

where the supermarket is or do you have

any idea about the homework this evening

or number 24 this one’s lovely you

wouldn’t happen to know X would you so

you wouldn’t happen to know about

geometry would you or you wouldn’t

happen to know William would you or

number 25 I don’t suppose you’d know

something for example I don’t suppose

you’d know where the taxi rank is and if

people ask you for information and you

don’t know how to respond you need to

know ways to say I don’t know so here

are some common ways of saying that you

don’t know something 26 very easy I have

no idea or I haven’t got any idea number

27 very similar is I haven’t got a clue

and you will also hear British people

say I haven’t a clue sorry I haven’t a

clue it’s even the name of a radio

program I think 28 sorry I can’t help

you there or sorry I can’t be any help

number 29 oh I’m not really sure I’m not

so sure and number 30 actually I’ve been

wondering the same thing or I’ve been

wondering too now let’s talk about some

common phrases for agreeing with people

you can have number 31 which is exactly


or number 32 which is absolutely

absolutely I love this one I use it far

too much I think

number 33 usually said with a an

agreeing finger that’s so true that is

so true or an alternative 34

is so right you’re so right number 35 if

you completely agree with something

someone says I agree 100% sometimes

shortened down - i 100% agree a hundred

percent agree that’s very slang that’s

only in spoken English we wouldn’t write

that thirty six this is very British I’m

sure it’s used in American English but

it’s something we say a lot couldn’t

agree more

I couldn’t agree more sometimes we get

rid of that first I couldn’t agree with

you more

Oh number thirty-seven very informal

tell me about it tell me about it

totally agree it’s funny because we’re

not asking you to tell us about anything

but it’s a common way of saying oh yes I

feel the same way now naturally we need

some phrases for disagreeing with people

and we usually like to do this in quite

a polite way so these are some polite

common phrases of disagreement we have

number 38 which is oh I’m not so sure

about that

I’m not so sure about that so there is

very important or 39 that’s not how I

see it I don’t quite see it like that or

number 40 we normally stretch this one

out not necessarily not necessarily

that’s a great one Oh number 41 I can’t

really agree with you they’re like no I

can’t agree with you there now one of

the most difficult things that we have

in English this is a huge problem for

British people is ending a conversation

because normally the other person wants

to continue it and it’s very hard to

convey that you want to leave well I

have three lovely phrases to help you

with leaving and ending a conversation

in a polite way

number 42 a great one to say is well it

was lovely chatting to you well it was

nice chatting to you normally started

with well well it was lovely to talk to

you or 43 a word we always use is right

and then followed by I’d better be going

or I need to get going

or number 44 right I must be off I must

be off normally looking at your watch

and it’s a bit awkward now that we have

phones because we often duck our wrist

uh-oh look at the time I must go no

watch it and now let’s talk about some

common phrases for saying goodbye you’ve

ended the conversation now you need to


number 45 is speak to you soon or speak


number 46 if you know their family or

their partner or somebody they live with

you can say Oh

send my love to your family or send my

love to Margaret that’s a really nice

one we don’t actually expect them to go

and say oh so-and-so sends his love

well we might but it’s just a nice

sentiment a nice gesture number 47 very

basic bye bye or bye that’s probably the

most common way that we say goodbye to


goodbye really isn’t that commonly used

I’ve made a video about this topic as

well with loads and loads of options for

you for saying goodbye again links down

below 48 a very American one but we’re

starting to use it more and more is you

take care now you take care now

probably in Britain were more likely to

say take care and the you and now isn’t

so necessary 49 this one has exploded in

popularity it’s have a good one

what is the one no one will ever know

but you make sure it’s a good one and

number 50 is talk to you later talk to

you later and it can be made as an

acronym which is ttyl talk to you later

to deliver know you dope to say like

that just they talk to you later right

that’s it for today’s lesson I hope you

enjoyed it I hope you enjoyed learning

your 50 common phrases that you can use

in conversation don’t forget to check

out lingo des you can get twenty five

euros off your first month by clicking

on the link in the description box and

signing up using my code Luci 12 and

don’t forget to connect with me on all

of my social media I’ve got my facebook

my Instagram and my Twitter and my

personal Lucy Bella L channel where I

talk about everything that isn’t

if you want to learn a little bit more

about me and what I like to do go and

check it out you might like it you might

hate it and that’s absolutely fine I

will see you soon for another lesson

