7 Tested Ways to Learn English

Hey everyone welcome to the monthly
review the monthly show on language

learning where you discover new learning
strategies motivational tips new study

tools and discover new resources by the
way all the lessons and bonuses I’m

about to mention are available for you
right now on the website so click the

link in the description to sign up for
your free lifetime account and start

speaking in minutes okay
today’s topic is technology meets

technique the 7 tested timeless ways to
learn a language what’s the best way to

learn a language when you first started
learning the language you probably

thought about this there are a ton of
study methods but do they all work and

are they worth your time in today’s
episode you’re going to learn number 1

the 7 tested learning techniques and
number 2 the technologies that you can

use for each one but first listen up
here are this month’s new lessons and

resources first the brand new must know
bow cab and phrases for food ebook if

you love eating and learning languages
and want to talk about food fluently

then you’ll love this new PDF ebook
download it right now

next the how’s the weather PDF cheat
sheet if you can’t yet talk about

weather in your target language then
you’re missing out download this cheat

sheet to start speaking more then
there’s the top 15 ways to improve your

listening skills discover the language
learning hacks and tricks that will

improve your listening skills in minutes
and finally learn how to express

negative emotions with this one-minute
lesson you master the top 21 words for

negative emotions to get these free
lessons and resources just click the

link in the description below

let’s jump into today’s topic technology
meets techniques the 7 tested timeless

ways to learn a language so for each of
the 7 you get a learning technique and

the technology this technology will help
you learn how to apply the technique

these learning methods and tools will
help you get fluent faster guaranteed

alright the first learning technique
here is having talking points and the

technology for it
vocabulary lists so one big problem most

beginners have is you run out of things
to say your vocabulary is limited you

can’t talk about your interests and you
can’t last long in a conversation and

the solution talking points or topics to
talk about like whether food or hobbies

just imagine a conversation you start
with greetings you move on to what you

did over the weekend weekend
that’s one talking point you went to a

restaurant that’s another talking point
you can explore if you know all the

words and phrases for these points you
can speak more of the language so how do

you build a list of talking points use
our free vocab lists our vocab lists

give you all of the relevant words and
phrases for specific topics sports

travel food hobbies holidays daily
routines if you want to talk about food

pull up the relevant vocab lists and
you’ll quickly learn all the necessary

words phrases and questions now you can
use food as a talking point in a

conversation then you can jump over to
weather or sports the more talking

points you have the more you’ll be able
to speak number 2 shadowing a powerful

way to speak more of the language the
technology here is the line by line

dialogue shadowing is simply repeating
what you hear you can apply this

technique with any resource that has
audio but if you’re using our lessons

listen to a lesson dialogue read along
and try to read out loud and shadow the

native speaker this is a proven
technique that will seriously improve

your speaking and the line-by-line
dialogue tool makes it easy for you to

listen and shadow one line at a time
this way you’re not overwhelmed by a

fast native level conversation okay
technique number three building your own

language profile the technology you’ll
want for this is the word bank first

what’s a language profile a language
profile is your personal list of words

and phrases that are relevant to you
what do I mean by that let’s say you’re

20 years old you’ll want to talk about
school your life your goals your weekend

plans you’ll want to learn slang and if
you’re 40 you don’t want to talk about

school right you may want to talk about
your kids your work and vacations so a

language learning profile is a list of
words and phrases relevant to you your

age where you’re from your culture your
interests and your passions if you’re

passionate about baseball then your
profile would have a list of words and

phrases about the sport so how do you
build a profile if you’re using our site

use the word bank this is your personal
collection of words when you come across

new words or phrases in our lessons or
vocab lists you can save them to the

word bank and the result is you have a
collection of words and phrases that

match your interests and lifestyle your
language learning profile number four

spaced repetition learning a great way
to learn new words fast the technology

that helps you apply this method is

but first what spaced repetition
learning imagine you’re sitting in front

of a teacher they’re quizzing you on
vocabulary by showing you flashcards

with the word on the front and the
answer on the back if you don’t know a

word you’ll see it again today and
tomorrow and again and again until you

get it right but if you get it right
you’ll see it maybe in four days then

seven days then in 14 days that’s how
spaced repetition works you review words

over a spaced amount of time so you
never forget them this is a powerful

method for memorizing new vocab and
phrases but you don’t have to sort words

and force yourself to review at later
dates that’s where the technology comes

in the flashcards if you’re using our
website just head over to our space

repetition of flashcards to take
advantage of this learning method

the fifth technique focus on the high
frequency words or the most common words

first the technology the mm core word
lists a list of the mm must know words

and phrases so why is this technique
powerful well the fact is there are tons

of words out there that you don’t need
to know if you’re a beginner you need to

learn hello and how are you and not
random words like aardvark and cement

and with the mm core word list you get
2,000 carefully selected words and

phrases broken down by category and this
is more than enough for conversational

fluency you can learn the top 100 words
first then the top 200 300 and so on

until you know them all remember you can
use flashcards or the word bank to study

them number six
learning with timely relevant and

cultural lessons the technology the free
daily dose of language app for the

iPhone iPad and Android let’s say today
is a holiday like Valentine’s Day or

something seasonal like the start of
spring something everyone knows and

talks about can you talk about it in
your target language the truth is most

learners can’t they’re not getting
timely relevant lessons from their

textbooks or apps but with a daily dose
of language app you get timely lessons

holiday lessons and cultural lessons to
improve your language and if you can

talk to a native speaker about a holiday
or a cultural point you’re making some

serious language progress
what makes this tools so powerful is

that it also keeps you on track with
daily reminders you can download our

daily dose of language app for free on
the site or search for it on the App

Store or Google Play
all right the 7th technique is getting

feedback from a native the technology
one-on-one learning with your Premium

Plus teacher so without a doubt getting
feedback and corrections is the best

language practice you can get if you
have a Premium Plus plan you can send

questions have casual exchanges or just
practice with your teacher

they’ll send corrections and feedback so
that you’re always improving your

teacher will also send you a
assignments and they’ll hold you

accountable you can also record yourself
and your teacher will do a voice

analysis they’ll tell you just how close
you are to a native speaker and how to

improve and that’s it I’ll write
everyone in the last monthly review we

asked you to submit a video or audio
file of yourself speaking the language

introducing yourself in the language so
thank you to all of you that sent in

submissions you’ve all received a
premium plus subscription as a reward

now let’s take a look at some of the
videos ok so I am about to check out the

audio files that you have all sent to us
for this month so I’m very excited to

have a listen let’s begin

hey Alicia how are you doing
misery I am from India have been

learning English since one year with the
help of your YouTube channel English

calm I am learning English to advance my
career to improve my communication

skills and to get better job
opportunities learning English is very

easy and fun and I learn English through
your YouTube channel watching movies TV

series and etc reading books and they
are helping me to improve my English and

thank you teacher once again for improve
my English with your YouTube challenges

cosmonaut 1.com cool thanks very much
for this message that sounds like a good

idea using lots of media to help you
with your studies I think that’s good

because you pick up lots of really
natural expressions that way so thank

you so much for sending this that’s
really cool and good luck with your

continued studies that’s awesome
okay I’m gonna go to the next one lay

hello others show how are you doing I
hope you’re doing great my name is Rajan

I’m from Columbia Columbia I think I’ve
been studying English for almost two

years and I’ve been watching your video
lessons for five or six months months

maybe yeah something like that
and I’m just reading this because I’m

really into like we just you know I love
language again I want to learn many

languages and also and because I want to
start just letting translation one of my

long-term goals is like to leave and
study in Canada so I really like to

improve my English right I focus a lot
in pronunciation and in comprehension

you know because I think it’s really
hard to understand a series or a TV show

or anything right I think you stop I

so hard but anyway I just kept trying in
China and yeah I want to thank you

because your channel is amazing yes it’s
actually amazing I love your lessons

you’re really you’re always trying to
keep us motivated and that’s amazing you

always teach allies no strategies to
keep going and going so thank you so

much I hope everyone loved you listen
aside as I do and thank you so much

awesome buddy that was super nice that’s
really interesting message I think so

far that’s the first person who’s
mentioned wanting to study translation

in the future and just having a general
interest in learning languages that’s

really really cool and thanks so much
for the feedback about our videos and

the stuff that we make so I’m really
happy to hear that it’s motivating and

it’s useful so thank you so much for
sending this audio file that was awesome

okay I’m gonna go to the next one now

hello Alicia hello English class one one
team my name is aroma from Indonesia I

am 22 years old and I am a programmer I
really have to improve my grammar and

pronunciation because in September I’m
going to build a web application and

there is some foreign people in the team
so I hope we do a good communication and

there is no misunderstanding right Thank
You Ali sure thank you in this class 101

TM good bye
oh that’s a really good point like

working in an international team so when
you’re using English as the common

language among like your team members it
can be really important to make sure

like you’re communicating clearly like
I’ve been a part of an international

team like we have an international team
here and it’s really good to like check

in with each other a lot if you ever
think there’s a misunderstanding but

that’s so cool but you’re thinking like
I really want to improve my grammar and

my pronunciation to avoid like any
problems or miscommunications so that’s

cool and good luck with that
cool 22 and a programmer that’s amazing

awesome thank you so much for this okay
let’s go to the next one hi Alicia I’m

Karthik from India actually I don’t know
how to start I do love to speak in

English but actually I can’t because of
my low confidence and fear about my

grammar mistakes but after watched your
YouTube channel I lost my fear I can

easily speak with my colleagues through
English with the help of your YouTube

videos and website so I give you a big
thank you books and watching English

movies I know it won’t be possible
without English but I now I watched my

favorite movies in English as well as
reading my louder books reading is one

of my biggest hobby but English reading
is possible by you guys only thank you

and I’m still learning cool that’s

awesome so this person mentioned he was
like kind of feeling low in the

confidence in the confidence area about
his English speaking but wanted to

you know work on actually using it in
his life and was able to do that like

partially through like watching our
videos and checking things out with us

so I’m so happy to hear that and I think
that’s like really cool that you were

able to do that too so I hope other
people who are worried about you know

their pronunciation or making mistakes I
hope other people try to push past that

fear and practice too and this person
said he really enjoyed books reading

books too so that’s something I like as
well so reading books in English now too

is possible that’s awesome that was a
really positive update thank you so much

for sending that very cool okay let’s go
to the next one

hello my name is hi Izzy I’m from Brazil
hello and I’m longing to see because we

like it this language it is a global
language in me sure that I get a good

level English I will have more
opportunities of jobs and travels and I

love to make friends around the world in
the use English to try to communicate

with others mm-hmm so this is a reason
that I mean learn English cool

so she mentioned yeah like wanting to
make friends around the world and just

having more opportunities as well I
think those are some really big common

themes but yeah that was really cool so
I hope that you continue with your

studies that was easy to understand and
you sounded very positive as well nice

thank you for sending this okay
on to the next one

hello Alicia hi I am how much room isn’t
I’m 28 years old my dream is to speak

English fluently I am studying English
in order to get a better job

you know more about American culture so
I watch you all your videos on YouTube

thank you can follow you on facebook
nice I want to thank you for your

efforts that you make to learn me the
best way to master English Wow cool

thank you very much for watching our
videos and for following our Facebook

page that’s great I hope that you
continue with your learning and I hope

that we can continue to make things that
are useful for you and you mentioned

like your goal is to speak English
fluently too so I hope that you can like

you know make really specific goals as
well that can help you in achieving your

goal of getting a fluent in English
someday so good luck with your continued

studies and thank you so much for
sending this message that’s awesome

okay onward

hi Alicia Howard I hope you’re doing

my name is Vlad and I’m from Ukraine
I’ve been learning English for a few

I’m studying because I want to live and

to work in the USA I also want to travel
to the USA in the next year for a

vacation to improve my skills and have a
goal for the next year to become fluent

in English so help me God I have an
arrogant e-courses

for learning English so I think I’m
making good progress thanks for your

videos bye that’s super cool so he wants
to go to the USA to improve his skills

but he says he’s never taken like an
official course to study English he’s

been using our videos and I assume like
using lots of different media resources

on the Internet to practice that’s great
you sound very confident and you have

like this clear goal to go to the States
and it’s a good luck with your improving

English goal for the next year I hope
you have lots of good experiences and

you can use English in your travels a
lot - that’s awesome great so we had a

lot of super positive
as always super positive and some very

confident sounding people with some
great goals for this year so good luck

to everybody with your goals for the
next year and thank you so so much for

sending us some audio files to listen to
you this month thank you so which entry

did you like the best leave a comment
below or do you think you can do better

here’s the challenge for you yes
everyone watching this record a 30

second to 1-minute video or audio clip
and tell us why are you learning the

language you’ll win a one month premium
plus subscription to submit click on the

link in the description sign up for your
free lifetime account then fill out the

form attach the audio or video file and
press submit we may feature you in next

month’s episode so a lot of learners
will see you and your progress and will

hopefully get inspired to improve and
master the language to submit a

recording click the link in the
description and follow the instructions

on the page so thank you for watching
this episode of monthly review next time

we’ll talk about how to fight language

failure if you enjoyed these tips hit
the like button share it with anyone

who’s trying to learn a language and
subscribe to our channel we release new

videos every week and if you’re ready to
finally learn language the fast fun and

easy way and start speaking from your
very first lesson get our complete

learning program sign up for your free
lifetime account right now click the

link in the description see you next
time bye