7 Tips for Presenting Public Speaking

hello everyone and welcome back to

english with lucy today I have got 7

tips for presenting in English these

tips are really going to help you

improve your presentation skills now the

vast majority of us at some point in our

lives are going to have to give

presentations we’re going to have to

speak in public and it was actually

voted the scariest thing above death and

spiders in a recent study so it’s quite

obvious that it’s something that a lot

of people hate I have to present a lot I

hated it at first but now I really enjoy

it because I’ve learnt how to do it

properly and I’d like to help you guys

out today quickly if you really want to

kickstart your English I cannot

recommend enough the lingo de language

marathon you can get a 90 day language

course worth 567 euros completely

refunded to you but you have to be quick

because a spaces are almost filled and

be if you want to do the English course

you’ve only got until the 19th of April

to sign up I’ve got a video explaining

all of the details which you can see up

here but basically you sign up for the

marathon you do 30 classes every month

for three months and if you complete all

of these classes lingotto will give you

a full refund that’s five hundred and

sixty seven euros there is also a half

marathon option which results in a 50%

refund upon completion and that is just

15 classes per month there are options

for English and German

I feel so passionately about this

campaign as a teacher myself and

somebody who’s worked independently

teaching students for many years it’s

such a generous offer I mean they’re

offering to refund it all back to you to

get the refund all you have to do is

learn loads of English ie 90 classes

with real native qualified teachers

what’s not to like

and you know what even if you don’t

complete it at the very least you’ve

done 90 days

of English if you’re interested and you

feel that you are dedicated enough to do

the language marathon properly all you

have to do is click on the link in the

description box and use the code run

five this will discount your five euro

entry fee all you will pay is fifty

cents and that’s just to make sure they

have your credit card details good luck

to everyone taking part I think you’ve

done an amazing thing and I cannot wait

to hear your feedback right let’s talk

about my first tip this is especially

important for non-native speakers it is

don’t agonize over your accent forget

your accent I always say rather than

working on reducing your accent work on

improving your pronunciation accidents

are part of our culture and our heritage

pronunciation is the way we say sounds

and words and the best way to improve

your pronunciation is slow down

I’ve given lots of presentations and I

have watched lots of presentations and I

can tell you the best presentations are

the slower presentations it’s especially

important at the beginning of your

presentation because everybody has an

accent natives have accents too but we

need to give the audience time to get

used to and to adapt to our accent

another reason to embrace your accent is

covering up an accent or putting on this

fake posh voice might actually come

across as insincere to an audience you

might come across as fake they might not

trust you as much now when I’m talking

to my friends and my family

I don’t always speak like this because

I’m not presenting but I definitely

don’t put on a fake accent I’m simply

working on my pronunciation I want to

make sure I pronounce every relevant and

necessary phoneme so that you guys can

understand me when students come to me

and they say Lucy help me get rid of my

accent I tell them no I’m not going to

help you get rid of your accent I think

that’s very negative I will help you

improve your pronunciation in my opinion

the only people that should be getting

rid of their accents are actors

otherwise unless it’s something you do

for a hobby

it’s a little bit of a waste of time

number two use pauses to your advantage

pauses are great for so many reasons as

we said in the previous point about

slowing down

they give the audience time to

understand what you’re saying a very

clear example of this is when I shout a

question to my boyfriend who is normally

downstairs he will immediately reply to

that question with what I know instead

of repeating myself if I wait three or

four seconds

he will then answer my question because

he’s had time to process what I’ve said

it’s the same for your audience it will

sometimes take them a couple of seconds

to understand what you’ve said so use a

pause to your advantage

pauses also give you time to think and

also time to have a break our tongues

can get in a twist you guys only get to

see the finished cut of what I film here

but I have to repeat things again and

again and again because my tongue

doesn’t always go where I want it to

when I make a mistake I pause I have a

break and then I try again and it

normally comes out a lot better take

three or four seconds to plan what

you’re going to say next and then you

can be confident in your delivery now

the best speakers that I’ve listened to

a people that make the audience feel as

if the pauses have been included for

their advantage so the audience might

think that the pause has been used for

emphasis they’ve said something

important they want them to consider how

important this point is when actually

they just needed to think about what

they were going to say next the speaker

may make the audience feel as if they’ve

left a pause to give them time to think

when actually they’re just skimming the

audience making sure that everyone’s

understood because they’re not sure if

they said it quite right number three

now this one is a controversial one and

I’m not going to say absolutely don’t

say this but I will say reconsider

saying this

at the beginning of your presentations

if I go to another country and someone

is giving a presentation in English

which happens a lot and wow that people

are presenting in another language nine

out of ten times they will start the

presentation by saying sorry for my

English now I’m not sure that I really

like this I feel like you can take more

control over the situation why not try

saying something like English isn’t my

first language but I’m going to try my

best here instead of apologizing and

being all small and seeming a bit I’m

confident you’re taking ownership

English isn’t my first language but I’m

going to try my best

it’s unapologetic its confident and it

makes you seem like you’re totally in

control and the audience is going to

want to work with you so this is an

opportunity to participate here in the

comments below I’d really like to know

if you have heard any great alternatives

to sorry for my English or you can say

if you think sorry for my English is

fine I look forward to seeing what you

have to say now number four you guys

always knew I was going to mention this

one it is practice but I want to say

practice but don’t learn you can tell

when somebody has practiced a

presentation or rehearsed a presentation

and you can also tell when they’ve

learnt a presentation the difference

being that a practiced presentation is

organic its genuine

it flows and it’s it’s trustworthy you

can trust what that person is saying a

learnt presentation is memorized

it’s stagnant and it’s sterile it’s not

interesting which is why you need to use

number five cue cards to your advantage

this really ties in with number four if

you’re allowed to use cue cards or

speaker notes in your presentation for

goodness sake

please use them use them and they are so

so useful you never know when you’re

going to be caught off guard so it is so

essential to have something up there

with you you don’t have to have them in

your hand

but have them up there I’ve seen a lot

of people get stage fright those who

have speaking outs can quickly look back

and figure out where they are those who

don’t stand up there like a lemon cue

cards should be tiny little bullet

points that keep you on track that

remind you where you are they should not

be a hole written presentation I used to

hate it at university we’d give

presentations in class and people would

stand up there with two a4 papers of

their entire speech it doesn’t look good

it doesn’t look professional it looks

like you’ve written it the night before

you need to practice and rehearse

multiple times just using your cue cards

so if you practice it loads it will come

out a little bit differently each time

but that’s good because you’re going to

be preparing yourself for a multitude of


number four think about your body

everyone is different when I present I

like to have my feet apart

I definitely don’t walk around on stage

I have them planted on the floor and I

like to use my two hands and my waist is

a sort of pivot and I’ll kind of talk

like this I’ve got loads of room to move

but I’m not moving up and down that’s

the distraction and also you can trip

over which is not what you want so I

like to stay in one place I like to look

really really confident chest out great

posture and I try not to do my typical

fidget things which is touching my hair

touching my nose touching my neck so I

really try not to do that before you go

onstage you want to think am I going to

walk up and down which is fine but only

if you’re comfortable with the space

what is my sort of stance I like to call

this like a Supergirl stance how are you

going to stand think about it so you go

up there and you know exactly what to do

it’s also a really good idea to identify

the things that you keep doing over and

over again like fluffing hair touching

your eyelash because you

hairs on your eyelash itching fiddling

doing some things think about them

forehand so you can quickly snap out of

it if you’re doing it the last one

number seven is dress to impress this

one can also be controversial especially

in the influencer industry because

people like to look really casual I

would say just go one notch above the

predicted dress code if it’s smart

casual lean towards the smart side if

it’s office wear wear a suit it’s always

better to look overdressed as opposed to

underdressed it makes you look

professional it makes you feel good

about yourself and somebody who looks

groomed is the kind of person that the

audience is going to keep their eyes on

there’s nothing worse than having the

audience drift off at the end of the day

you want to engage with your audience

and if you look scruffy and like you’re

not really meant to be there are you

going to engage with them so have a

think about that one right guys those

are my seven tips if you have any other

recommendations please comment them down

below don’t forget to check out the

lingo de language marathon there’s

additional information in the

description box along with the link and

the code which gives you a discounted

entry fee don’t forget to connect with

me on all of my social media I’ve got my

facebook I’ve got my Instagram and I’ve

got my Twitter and I really recommend

checking out my Instagram because we’ve

got another book giveaway happening very

soon and I will see you soon for another




