9 Tips to Learn English Online 1 MILLION


Incredible! I am gobsmacked!

A million subscribers!

I don’t even know how many people that is,

what does that even look like?

Thank you,

thank you to each and every one of you

who has clicked on that little red subscribe button

down there and joined me every week

to practise English.

With all of your support, I will be here

making lessons for you for a long, long time to come.

So we need to celebrate, right?

I’ve got a super special video lined up for you today.

I wanted to celebrate with you, of course,

and some of my very special friends.

Friends that you might already know.

They are all English teachers on Youtube

and I’m so excited that they are here celebrating with us

because I get to introduce you to them

just in case you haven’t met them already.

What I love most about them is that they are all

really unique individuals and they bring their own

teaching style to their English lessons here on YouTube.

It’s impossible to get bored learning English online

because there are so many amazing, entertaining,

talented teachers here.

And they all work so hard to share their knowledge

and their experience with you for free.

So while we are celebrating 1 million subscribers

here at mmmEnglish, we are also celebrating

the amazing opportunity that YouTube and the internet

has provided for all of us to learn

whenever we want, wherever we want,

with whoever we want.

So who is here celebrating with us?

Listen carefully because they’ve all got

a very important piece of advice for you.

Hello I’m Emma from mmEnglish!

Just kidding, I’m Vanessa

from The Speak English with Vanessa YouTube channel!

Congratulations Emma on 1 million subscribers!

Your lessons have touched so many lives

around the world.

Thank you I love the way you teach English.

Thank you, your video helps me a lot and so many more!

1 million!

In fact, if all of your subscribers were in the same place

at the same time, they would fill the world’s

largest stadium, six times!

I’d like to share one English tip with your

special 1 million subscribers, it’s a little challenge!

Every time that you watch an English lesson on Youtube,

I challenge you to write a comment using

what you learned, every time.

Because you know that repetition is key,

start repeating right away!

Did you learn a phrasal verb? Use it in the comments!

Did you learn how to pronounce an expression?

Write a sentence in the comments

and then read it out loud!

The good news is that you can complete this challenge

right now in the comments below this video.

Congratulate Emma

and tell her that you love what she does!

Congratulations Emma on 1 million, you deserve it!

Hello it is Lucy from English with Lucy!

A massive congratulations to my dear friend Emma

who has just hit a million subscribers.

I’m so proud of her! 1 million students!

When I met Emma, I think we both

had around 40,000 subscribers.

Emma was in London and we filmed a video together

and we just had the best time.

She is such a funny, lovely person

and we’ve been in contact ever since.

My piece of advice, well it actually

relates a little bit to Emma and her channel,

I get a lot of students say “I want to learn British English”

so I’m only going to listen to British people"


You need to listen to as many different accents

as possible.

There are so many accents to be found on YouTube

not forgetting this beautiful Australian accent

right here on this channel.

I don’t mean me, I mean Emma.

So try and listen to as many different ones as you can

and your ears and your brain will get used to

understanding all of the variations in pronunciation

across all the English-speaking countries,

all of the English accents

everywhere all across the world.

That’s my tip!

Hi, I’m Vicki and I’m British

and I’m Jenny and I’m American,

together we’re Simple English videos.

On our channel, we teach American English

and British English and we have jokes

and lots of conversations so you can see

English in action. And lots of jokes.

We’re big fans of mmmEnglish

and we’re so thrilled that you’ve got

a million subscribers Emma!

Congratulations, you totally deserve it!

It’s wonderful that so many students

can learn with you online.

Do we have a tip for people learning online?

Yes, a little and often.

What do you mean?

Well, there’s a lot of research about how to be

successful when you’re learning English.

It doesn’t matter how intelligent you are

or how old you are,

the important thing is regular practice.

So practise on YouTube every day?

Yes 5 minutes here, 10 minutes there

so a little and often.

And Emma thank you for all you do.

Hello everyone my name is Anna

from English Like a Native.

I just want to say a huge congratulations to

Emma from mmmEnglish.

It’s such a fantastic milestone for you to reach 1 million!

Well done!

My top tip for learning English online

is repetition, repetition, repetition.

We all know that by repeating a lesson,

it helps to put it into our long-term memory

so we retain all that fantastic information.

Now the great thing about YouTube,

is it gives you the option to create playlists.

Most people don’t use that feature

but you definitely should.

If you find a lesson is particularly good

and you like it a lot

or you find the lesson it is a little bit difficult to grasp

and you know that you have to go back

to watch it a few more times, add it to a playlist

and then you’ll always remember

how to find those lessons.

Best of luck!

Hi I’m Rachel of Rachel’s English

and congratulations to you Emma on reaching

1 million subscribers.

Look out, the gold play button is heavy and I’ve already

dropped mine and cracked it.

My advice to students studying English online is

when you find a few teachers that you really like,

follow them. Subscribe on YouTube,

follow them on Facebook,

even better if they have a mailing list, subscribe,

it’s their direct line of communication to you

and they want to teach you.

It’s so much better than just watching random videos.

When you really follow a teacher, you can start to know

the path that you should be on.

The sequence that you should watch the videos

to get the most benefit.

Also don’t be afraid to comment on videos,

answer other people’s questions and ask questions.

When you start to engage in the community,

it makes you feel like you’re part of something bigger

and that can be really motivating.

When you really follow a teacher and engage

in that community, it can help online learning feel

less random and it can give you more structure.

Hi everyone I’m Jennifer from English with Jennifer.

You may also know me as Jennifer ESL.

I want to take this opportunity to say Emma,

congratulations on reaching 1 million subscribers!

It’s an amazing accomplishment

and I’m not surprised at all because you came on

YouTube as a breath of fresh air.

You’re lovely and skillful

and I know that mmmEnglish will continue to grow

and reach many more learners around the world.

As for all you English language learners watching,

here’s some advice.

Remember to set realistic goals and don’t fear mistakes

as you take steps towards reaching those goals.

Mistakes are learning opportunities.

For example, after having a difficult conversation

replay it in your head.

When you have time to think clearly and calmly,

change your words to what you should have said

or could have said,

you’ll be better prepared next time.

Hi everybody! So we are Love English!

I’m Leila, I’m Sabra and we’re coming to you from


That’s right. Yes, England. Great Britain,

the country of rain, scones and beer.


So we are British University English teachers

and we teach English as a foreign language.

We would love you to come and watch our channel,

we have videos about pronunciation, grammar,

lots of things like that.

So our top tip for learning English is

love it, enjoy it!

That’s right guys. Make learning English

an enjoyable experience.

So let’s face it, you’re going to find some things difficult

but try and find ways that you can actually enjoy it more.

Like for example Leila?

Rather than picking up a grammar book,

why don’t you find a lesson on the grammar point

you need on YouTube.

That’s right or why not get out into the streets

and try and have conversations with native speakers

or go to conversation practice clubs.

Find a way that works for you

to actually enjoy the experience of learning English.

So congratulations to mmmEnglish.

Well done Emma, what a fantastic achievement!

Thank you so much for having us

on your amazing channel.

Hi Emma, how’s it going? It’s your friend

and fellow Youtuber Gabby Wallace

from the Go Natural English channel.

I want to wish you my biggest congratulations

for your huge milestone of 1 million subscribers

here on YouTube.

So let me add my tip for your viewers.

It is about cultivating a learning mindset.

Yes before we even learn the specifics

of English grammar and pronunciation and so on,

we have to have an open learning mindset.

Basically, this means that you must believe in yourself

and believe that you are capable

of learning something new

because you don’t want to start thinking

I can’t do this, it’s so difficult I’ll never reach my goal.

That is a sure way for setting yourself up for failure.

So what we want to do is start with a positive, open,

learning mindset and tell yourself things like

for example, I can learn English!

I am learning a little bit each day, I’m doing a great job

and I am 100% capable of becoming fluent in English

if I try hard and focus.

So I hope you enjoyed that tip and again

congratulations! Bye for now!

So good, right?

Thank you to all of my amazing wonderful friends.

Thank you for helping me and my subscribers

to celebrate and thank you for making Youtube

such an incredible tool for education and for learning.

You are doing a really, really good job.

And to my amazing subscribers,

oh my goodness, you guys are the best!

I have one last piece of advice for you.

Now you can make up any reason why someone else


You can tell yourself that they were lucky

or they’re smarter than you

or they’ve got more opportunity

or more money

or more time.

No, the people who reach their big goals

are not looking around themselves at everyone else,

comparing themselves to others.

They are focused on their goal

and they are doing something

every single day to get there.

Little steps every day.

And yes there are going to be days when you feel

like giving up, you’ll feel frustrated and angry.

You’re going to tell yourself really rubbish things like,

I’m not good enough and I don’t have enough time.

You need to push all of that aside.

You need to keep focused on your goals

and you will get the rewards.

They won’t happen instantly,

you won’t find a magic button

that you can suddenly press and become

fluent in English or whatever else you want in life.

But what you need to do is simple.

You need to show up.

You need to be here practising with me

or any of these other amazing English teachers

that you saw today.

That’s it.

Big life-changing things are not easy to do in a day.

You need to stay focused,

you need to take responsibility,

you need to learn from your mistakes,

you need to keep getting up

every time that you fall down

and then you will get there.

So thank you,

thank you for coming on this incredible journey with me.

Let’s not stop, let’s keep going!

I will see you next week for another lesson.

Bye for now!