Advanced English Expressions And Idioms For Daily Life

are you ready to sound like a native

English speaker no I mean really sound

like a native English speaker well if

you said yes that means you need to

learn advanced English expressions and

advanced English idioms and I am gonna

teach you them today I’m teacher Tiffany

let’s jump right in alright idioms and

expressions now here’s a very popular

quote from John Powell communication

works for those who work at it now I

like this quote because basically it’s

saying if you put in the work if you put

in the time to learn these expressions

and idioms you will see results now

another quote that I really really like

is right here communication is your

ticket to success if you pay attention

and learn to do it effectively I’m gonna

teach you how to do just that so let’s

get started with the first idiom number

1 to be in the limelight now this means

to receive attention and interest from

the public or to be at the center of

public attention now let me help you

understand this idiom even even more so

think about a light right now I have a

light directly in front of me why

because I’m recording a video lesson for

you but you need to see me good right

you need to see me very clearly so I

have to use a light so the light is

making you focus on me so to be in the

limelight refers to being the center of

attention all right now I’m gonna give

you some examples in into so that you

know how to use this idiom properly

alright so here we go first we have this

one right here he’s been in the

limelight recently following the release

of his new movie

so think about Will Smith Will Smith is

a very popular actor not just in Amer

but around the world so when he produces

or stars in a new movie he usually is in

the limelight everyone’s looking at him


what’s Will Smith doing he’s in the

limelight alright now the next example

here we go Sally loves being in the

limelight or basically Sally loves

having other people focus on her all

right makes sense right and the third

example we have is right here

the reporters made sure the attractive

new actress was in the limelight

basically the reporters wanted everyone

to focus on the new actress okay

so again this idiom number one is to be

in the lime light you got it all right

let’s move on to idiom number two again

very useful idioms take a trip down

memory lane now this idiom means to

deliberately recall pleasant or

sentimental memories so here’s the best

way for you to remember this idiom you

know at the end of each video what I

usually do what’s that called again

story time I usually tell you a lot

about my past something that happened

that either made me happy or sad but

taking a trip down memory lane usually

refers to a pleasant memory from the

past okay all right so let’s look at

some examples that can see or show us

how to use this idiom properly we were

just taking a stroll down memory lane

and recalling the days of our youth Oh

real quick stroll so taking a stroll

just means to take a nice walk a very

pleasant walk we say stroll in English

all right so again this individual says

we were just taking a stroll down memory

lane recalling the days of our youth

remembering when he or she was in high

school or in grade school and the many

things they did when they were in school

all right so here’s another

let’s see let’s go there and take a trip

down memory lane now I want to tell you

this is such a useful idiom you can

start using it right now and you will

sound like a native English speaker

because we use this idiom so often

alright now the last example sentence we

have is right here before we take a trip

down memory lane let’s look at the facts

now this is very interesting because

again remember a trip down memory lane

is recalling what happened and thinking

of pleasant memories but this person is

saying hey hey hey hey hey wait a second

let’s look at the facts and let’s go

down memory lane get makes sense alright

good so again idiom number two is take a

trip down memory lane

now idiom number three again another

very useful idiom crank out something

now this means to produce something

continually like a machine or to make

something in a casual and mechanical way

now let me give you a good example of

what to crank out something means or how

it can be used okay so you all follow me

on Instagram I think most of you follow

me on Instagram I’m gonna open it up on

my phone now for Instagram I produce two

videos every single day I produce a

vocabulary lesson and also a lesson on

slang so in order to do that I have to

usually record a lot of videos now I’m

gonna show you what my timeline looks

like hopefully you can see it alright

there we go let’s see and now it’s there

so you see there are so many videos on

my Instagram account now I have to

record a lot of videos continually so I

have to crank out a lot of Instagram

video lessons kind of makes sense I know

you got it now let’s see some examples

and it says using this idiom here we go

first Stanley can crank out a lot of

essays in a single day okay Stanley I

see you

Stanley is legit I

legit means awesome or amazing another

slang turn alright next we have this one

right here the new robot they created

can crank out over 100 mechanical parts

in one hour now you’re seeing how you

can use this idiom in real life

think about robots robots are created

because they can move faster than humans

and do certain processes faster than a

human being they can crank out things

faster than humans make sense all right

all right now let’s see the last one

here we go the last one is right here

the director cranks out one movie a year

so like a machine

the director keeps producing keeps

producing keeps producing kind of makes

sense all right now let’s move on okay

so we have our three idioms but what

about expressions so our first English

expression is know or learn the ropes

now this means to understand how to do a

particular job or activity or to learn

how to do something so again right now

you are learning English right you’re

kind of learning how to use these

expressions properly let me give you

another example that may be helpful

think about when you first learn to

drive a car right you don’t know what to

do you don’t know how to turn the wheel

you don’t know how to turn the car on so

you have to learn how to actually drive

a car you need to learn the ropes

alright again a very very useful English

expression so let’s see some example

sentences using this expression here we

go first anyone who’s been doing the job

for a few months should know the ropes

by now it’s like hey come on you’ve been

at this job for a few months now you

should know what you’re doing or you

should know the ropes make sense all

right now let’s go to number two here we

go once I learned the ropes at my new

job I won’t be so nervous it’s true when

you learn how to do something and you


you suddenly kind of relax like I got

this it’s okay

right okay and now our last example

sentence is right here we need someone

to teach the new staff someone who knows

the ropes and is good at explaining

things someone who understands and is

able to explain things well make sense

all right so number one expression

number one is to know or learn the ropes

now let’s move on to number two here we

go all right the second one is line of

work now this literally just means job

or occupation or the principal activity

in your life that you do to earn money

so again very useful expression we as

Americans native English speakers use it

on a regular basis it literally just

means your job or applicant occupation

application occupation all right so this

is what happens let’s say for example

someone walks up to me and says Tiffany

can I ask you what your line of work is

I can say oh yes I’m an English teacher

and I love my students I really do so my

line of work is I’m an English teacher

and right so again your job or

occupation so let’s go back and check

out some example sentences here we go

first we have I believe that the

majority of you chose your line of work

because you want to help so basically

you chose your job because you want to

help people again

we replaced job with line of work all

right now number two the second example

sentence is in my line of work being

surrounded by gadgets is an occupational

requirement so ah in jobs like mine we

usually are surrounded by gadgets again

the exact same meaning now the last

example sentence is right here this line

of work

requires lots of effort so this type of

job require

a lot of effort makes sense alright so

again expression number two line of work

just meaning your job or occupation now

expression number three another good one

on the back burner alright on the back

burner now real quick um let me explain

what a back burner is so in America I’m

sure in your country too we have a stove

right and on the stove there are usually

four unless you have a really big stove

on top there are four we say burners

right where you put the pot on top of

you turn it on either you have a gas

stove or you can have an electric one

and sometimes our induction as well but

you put the pot on top or the pan and it

heats it up well we used to call those

burners we still do the burner so

they’re usually four burners now when

you’re cooking something the most

important thing is usually in front on

the front burner because you need to

cook it and cook it in a way you’re

comfortable right you’re not having to

reach over things but when you finish

something or it’s not the main dish you

can put it to the back on the back

burner make sense now we don’t have

expression that says front burner I know

someone’s gonna ask me but we don’t have

that one we have on the back burner so

let me explain what this actually means

here we go having low priority or

something that is temporarily not being

dealt with or considered like I

mentioned I’m cooking but I finished

kind of the side dish so I’m putting it

to the back and now I’m cooking the main

dish on the front okay all right so

let’s see some example sentences here we

go first we’ve all had to put our plans

on the back burner for a while think

about it right now we are all

experiencing a kind of a serious

situation across the world right so

people are staying at home to work or

some people unfortunately have lost

their jobs so things that were our

priority in the past have now been moved

aside to try to figure out how to adjust

to the new situation so we can say I put

my vacation on the back burner or I put

that paper I was writing on the back

burner kind of make sense

good all right now number two let’s move

on number two the building project is on

the back burner for now okay we’re gonna

do it later and finally this matter was

on the back burner for a long time again

this matter and one time it was very

important but now we’ve kind of put it

to the side and it’s not as important

right now kind of makes sense all right

now listen if you want to see part two

of this lesson all you have to do is

click the link in the description and

you’ll also get the free ebook remember

students in my Academy all of my Academy

members can see part two of my YouTube

English lessons and I know you’re gonna

enjoy it but I really hope you enjoyed

this lesson as well remember I want you

to sound like a native English speaker

and I taught you literally three English

idioms that we use on a regular basis

and three English expressions that we

also use on a regular basis so I really

hope you enjoyed today’s lesson remember

to review and remember if you want to

watch part two hit the link in the

description well I will see you next

week but as always remember to speak



you know what time it is it’s story time

eh I said it’s story time

all right now I have kind of a funny

story for you guys today um all right so

when I was in South Korea remember I

taught in South Korea for about ten


now I speak Korean now but when I first

went to South Korea I did not speak

Korean but I loved teaching so anyways I

was assigned a class and one of my

classes was a room full of I think there

are about 20 of them 20 and they were I

think they were about 6 years old their

routine 6 they weren’t 7 they between 5

and 6 years old so there were little

people now I love children I truly love

children but when you have five and

six-year-olds and English is not their

first language there’s a bit of a

barrier to kind of overcome sometimes

children are very active right they’re

very active and they like to have fun

and again I love children and I love

having fun so one day we’re in class and

again they weren’t bad kids but they

were kids and they were talking a lot

and they were laughing and they weren’t

paying attention to the lesson I was

teaching them I was their English

teacher so I asked them okay guys I need

you to be quiet

now remember English is not their first

language and now that I speak Korean I

realize how important it is at certain

times to use the mother tongue if you

want to immediately get someone’s

attention so fast forward now when I did

learn Korean I had no problem with

little people because I would speak in

Korean really quickly to get their

attention so anyways back to the story

so I was getting a little bit frustrated

because I was a little tired that day

there were 20 little munchkins munchkins

is another word for little people that I

use it’s kind of a cute term I actually

call my nieces munchkins so I was I had

20 munchkins running around the room and

I was getting frustrated and I said I

need you guys to sit down and be quiet

the boys looked at me the girls looked

at me

I mean they were adorable cute so okay

my level my tolerance level was going

like this I said okay you guys are about

to make me upset so they’re just yappin

just talking just talking so at the top

of my line I said I said shut your mouth

and everybody froze everybody in the

class froze now remember these are five

and six year old Korean kids and I love

them they again they were just being bad

that day and I said I said shut your

mouth so they all got quiet including me

and one little girl leaned over to her

friends in perfect English and said the

teacher just told us to shut up I said I

did not tell you to shut up I said shut

your mouth and I was trying not to laugh

because I should be little kids because

I would never tell a child to shut up

because shut up is rude and as a teacher

you shouldn’t say it to your kids again

every teacher is different but I never

told my kids to shut up because it’s

rude so I said shut your mouth but again

there were little kids English was not

their first language and all they heard

was shut and then they saw my facial

expression and I was loud so they said

oh she told us to shut up and all I

could imagine was these little kids

telling their parents my English teacher

told me to shut up in class or I was

like I did not tell you to shut up I

said shut your mouth so again I was

trying not to laugh but I they looked at

me and they said okay teacher needless

to say the rest of the class they were

angels they were quiet they listen to

the lesson and they were fine but I

always remembered that story because it

reminds me of the importance of

understanding a language because they

knew one expression they knew shut up

but they had never heard shut your mouth

so they immediately assumed I had said

shut up so anyways the kid I loved the

kids they loved me we had a great time

the rest of the semester there was no

problem at all but um yeah sometimes you

know you

to a breaking point and you express

yourself but this is why it’s important

to know many different English

expressions all right I really hope you

guys enjoyed this story remember uh tell

me something that happened to you that

was funny in your past you put it in the

comments section alright guys I’ll see

you in next week’s video