Advanced English Fluency Practice And Formula Episode 2

hey last Thursday was Thanksgiving and

you won’t believe how much food my mom

cooked I’ll tell you more about it at

the end I’m teacher Tiffany let’s jump

right in alright today we’re gonna be

looking at this formula I owe t now this

formula is gonna help you be more fluent

when you speak in English using this

simple formula so let’s see what these

letters actually stand for okay

the letter i' is step one identify the

letter o is step two organized and

letter T is step three talk now what I’m

gonna do is show you an image and we’re

gonna use this image and apply the

formula to it to show you how to speak

fluently in English here we go alright

so our image is this one it looks like

there’s a young lady walking up some

stairs so we first need to identify this

is the sentence the lady is wearing

sunglasses now again remember we need to

identify what’s the point what’s the

focus of this sentence okay so we can

see right here the focus is the lady so

we identified the focus now we need to

move on to the next step

the Oh organize so we’re gonna use the

five W’s now remember we’ve talked about

the five W’s who what when where and why

when you answer these questions you will

sound more fluent in English so let’s

answer these questions about this lady

in the picture okay so for who I can say

she looks like a fashion designer

possibly a European woman and she also

looks very confident now remember I’m

just giving my opinion and you will do

the same thing when you are practicing

at home pick an image and you can guess

who the person is and what they are

doing okay

all right so let’s move on to what let’s

say she is going up the stairs looking

around and thinking deeply now for the

win I’d say it’s around 1 p.m. after

lunch and before her meeting now again

you see that I’m just giving my opinion

I’m just guessing

it looks pretty sunny outside so it’s

not early in the morning so maybe it’s 1

p.m. maybe it’s after lunch again I’m

giving my opinion or my idea and you

want to do the same thing ok all right

moving on to the we’re in New York in

the stairwell in the old building and

finally for why I said going back to

work hurt her friend and has a meeting


so I’ve given all of its information

three details for each of the five W’s

remember that’s always very important to

give three details I’ve organized my

idea I’ve organized my thoughts about

this individual in the picture now we

have to move on to step number three

talk so how are we going to talk using

these different details let’s see all

right so moving on to step number three

now you see at the bottom we have the

information from step number two so

here’s the first sentence it’s about

1:00 p.m. and a European woman wearing

sunglasses is going up the stairs in a

stairwell well you can see that in my

first sentence I actually have four

pieces of information for details from

step number two I said again it’s about

1:00 p.m.

let me show you I said it’s 1:00 p.m. I

mentioned that she’s European woman

that’s for the who I mentioned that

she’s going up the stairs which is what

and I mentioned that she’s in the

stairwell which answers the where so

again this is just the first sentence of

my speech or what I’m saying about this

image but I’ve already given so

much information and you can too so

let’s move on to the next sentence here

we go

here’s the next sentence from what I can

tell she is in an old building in New

York now for this one we see two pieces

of information that answer the where I

said in New York and I also said an old

building but there’s something unique

about this sentence look once again you

see the yellow part from what I can tell

now this is a pattern in English that we

use often so I want to explain it to you

because I want you to sound like a

native English speaker so going back to

my screen from what I can tell now this

is used to indicate that what you are

saying is based on the information you

have but that there may be things you do

not know remember I said that I was

giving you my opinion looking at the

picture this is what I guessed oh maybe

she’s in New York

maybe it’s 1:00 p.m. oh maybe it’s an

old building

again from what I can see based on the

information I was given this is my

opinion so in English in that situation

we say from what I can tell all right so

let’s look at some examples using this

pattern here we go first

from what I can tell the weather is

great today again looking at that image

it looks blue the sky looks blue it

looks like there are a few clouds but I

can also see the Sun so from what I can

tell from the information that I was

given the weather is great today all

right here’s the next example from what

I can tell they are friends

next from what I can tell she is

extremely busy look at her she’s walking

she has her phone and she’s walking

while she’s looking at her phone so from

what I can tell wow she’s extremely busy

okay and the final example from what I

can tell they are students again we can

see that they have a book bag

gone the girl is holding her book really

tightly so they look like students so

again I want you to practice this

pattern from what I can tell now

remember you can always download the

free PDF that goes along with this

lesson in the description you’ll see the

link for the free PDF so don’t worry

everything we’re learning you can get it

for free to review for later okay

alright so let’s continue now so we have

from what I can tell now we’re moving on

to the next sentence just by looking at

her clothes I can assume that she is a

fashion designer and also a confident

woman now again we have two pieces of

information that answered the who I said

she’s a fashion designer and also a

confident woman so I included these and

these pieces of information in this

sentence okay so we also see some more

yellow okay so let’s go back and check

that out just by looking at and I can

assume that now this is also a very

important pattern in English here we go

this pattern is used to show that you

are making an assumption or guess based

on what you are currently looking at so

again just looking at the picture I

think she’s possibly a fashion designer

why because in my opinion oh wow she’s

wearing a nice coat she has very

fashionable sunglasses on and her body

language kind of hmm shows me that ah

she’s probably a fashion designer again

just by looking at her okay all right so

let’s see some examples

using this pattern as well just by

looking at their clothes I can assume

that they are into fashion now being

into something maybe you’ve never heard

that this actually just means that you

really like it or you are obsessed with

it or you kind of really enjoy it so we

say into something for example I’ve told

you guys before that when I was in high

school in college I played basketball so

I was very into

basketball I’m still into basketball but

I’m a little bit too busy to play these

days but again being into something

means that you enjoy it and you do it a

lot okay

so again they are very into fashion so

here’s the next example just by looking

at their body language I can assume that

they are happy to see each other again

look at the lady and look at the men the

lady looks happy to see him they’re

about to shake hands and they look happy

right okay finally we have this one

right here just by looking at his tie

which seems to be blowing in the wind I

can assume that he is probably late for


okay so again you see that this is a

very useful pattern okay so again just

by looking at dot dot dot I can assume

that so I want you to try to use that

pattern as well okay so let’s go back

here we go all right going back to our

text the next sentence is she probably

just finished eating lunch and is now

going back to work before her meeting so

we see here literally four pieces of

information well we see right here after

lunch before her meeting and also going

back to work and has a meeting so we

answered two of the win after lunch

before a meeting and for the Y going

back to work and has a meeting all in

one sentence and you’re seeing how long

our response is getting we’re learning

how to be fluent okay alright let’s go

down to our next sentence here we go her

friend said that it would be an

important meeting

now I’m mentioning her friend right she

heard something for her from her friend

because we gave that as a Y or as a

reason so now we’re including it in our

response okay let’s move on to the next

sentence here we go so she is thinking

deeply about the meeting and also

looking around to see if she sees any of

her coworkers

so we’ve answered two things for

the what looking around and thinking

deeply all right now I do want to pause

again because we see some yellow we see

another expression okay so here we go

looking around to see if now this is a

pattern that is used to describe the

action of looking from place to place to

find something or someone specific so

again if I was to show you visually it’s

like this huh hmm I’m looking around

right so looking around to see if dot

dot now let’s see some example sentences

they are looking around to see if anyone

saw them steal the purse

oh they’re thieves all right next one

here we go here’s the next one

she was looking around to see if any of

her friends were in her class and

finally she is looking around to see if

her sons are playing outside so you can

see how easy it is to use this pattern

looking around to see if dot dot dot and

I want you to try to use it today when

you speak in English okay so again let’s

go back to my screen now so we used this

simple formula this simple equation

about English fluency step one identify

step two organized and step three talk

now I want you to practice just like we

did in today’s lesson all you have to do

is find an image identify then organize

your thoughts using the five W’s and

finally talk it’s that simple

I really hope you enjoy today’s lesson

remember if you want to download the

free pdf all you have to do is click the

link in the description and you can

download and practice what we learned

today and also if you want to keep

studying with me I know a lot of you

guys are already in the Academy but if

you really want to improve your English

and take your English to the next level

you need to join my Academy you see it

right here on the screen

and the link is in the description I

would love to be your permanent English

teacher and I want to teach you and show

you how much fun you can have learning

English well until next week don’t

forget remember to speak English you

still there

it’s story time all right so I told you

that last week Thursday was Thanksgiving

Day here in America and if you are a

part of my community

you saw the image of the food I have it

right here on my screen right now that

my mom made for us when I say the food

was amazing it was amazing

now I want to tell you just a little bit

about Thanksgiving so in America the

last Thursday of November is

Thanksgiving Day and I love Thanksgiving

as a holiday because you are able to

come together with your family and

friends and just give thanks for what

happened throughout the year and also

enjoy great food that’s what I want to

tell you about so here’s the layout okay

so we had of course cornbread now

cornbread is basically sweet bread it’s

really delicious

and my mom is an excellent cook now my

mom was cooking preparing the food for

about a week that’s how long it took

because she had to cut up everything for

the food now let me tell you what we had

we had cornbread

we had potato salad then we had macaroni

and cheese now you guys know that I’m a

vegetarian but I’m actually a vegan and

as a vegan I don’t eat any dairy

products no cheese no milk nothing like

that so my mom also made of vegan

macaroni and cheese that’s a macaroni

and cheese that has no cheese in it it

has cheese substitutes so you can make a

sauce that doesn’t come from cheese she

used cashews actually very interesting

now again if you’re a member of my

Academy and a few actually tomorrow I’m

posting a video with more details about

our Thanksgiving

with pictures and videos so if you’re in

my Academy you’ll see that video

tomorrow okay so again we had regular

mac and cheese vegan mac and cheese

because my family also came my uncles

and aunts came then we had greens oh my

goodness the food was so good then we

had string beans then we had candied

yams or sweet potatoes so let me explain

how sweet potatoes are made so what

happens you take a sweet potato and you

slice it and then you put cinnamon brown

sugar butter and again she used a vegan

butter because I’m vegan and you drizzle

it over top of the oh my goodness guys

honestly oh just thinking about it makes

me excited okay so you drizzle it over

the sweet potatoes then you put them in

the oven and when they come out they’re

soft they’re sweet other delicious so we

had sweet potatoes then we had because

my uncles and aunts came we also had

turkey chicken and then my mom made a

vegetarian chicken again for us because

we’re vegetarian we also had cabbage so

again my mom is an amazing cook guy so

we had all of this food so it took her a

week to prepare all of this food and

when I say it was good man oh man it was

good so I really hope you’re able to

experience the American style of

Thanksgiving one day if you’re ever in

America during Thanksgiving try to find

someone you can go to their house

someone’s house you can go to and enjoy

the meal I had a great time I enjoyed

the food my mom is amazing

everyone raved or said how amazing her

food was and they weren’t lying I hope

you enjoyed the story guys I will talk

to you next week