Advanced English Fluency Practice Formula

have you ever asked yourself any of

these questions how can I sound like a

native English speaker or how can I

improve my English speaking ability or

even how can I truly be fluent in

English if so today’s lesson is just for

you because I’m gonna teach you the

two-step formula for actually speaking

like an advanced English speaker I’m

teacher Tiffany let’s jump right in


alright guys so the formula we are

looking at today is 5/3 again very

simple now the number five represents

the five W’s now again remember in our

previous lesson we went over the five

W’s who what when where and why and we

learned how important they are to

speaking English well like a native

English speaker so the number five is

the first part of our formula for

today’s lesson now the five W’s need to

be utilized so that we can organize the

foundation of our thoughts and the

number three is expounding upon your

thoughts using three details now very

quickly guys the word expound just means

to expand or give more details okay so

we have five three that’s the formula

we’re looking at okay so let’s say for

example someone asks you this question

right here what is your favorite book

now guys this seems like a very simple

question I’ve asked my students this

question before and their answer was the

title of the book and they stopped now

these were students who were in my

advanced level classes but for some

reason they weren’t able to speak for a

long period of time about questions like

this the topics just seemed too simple

so I taught them this method this

formula so let’s see how it would go so

we’re starting off with the five W’s the


w is who so for this W answer the

question who is the author of your

favorite book well the author of my

favorite book is Francine Rivers really

quickly guys for pronunciation practice

this F sound can be a little bit tricky

so again after me F very good again F

remember the front teeth your front

teeth on your bottom lip so Francine

Francine excellent job so the author of

my favorite book is Francine Rivers so

the who is done now moving on to the

next W we have what well for this w

we’re gonna answer the question what is

the title of your favorite book well the

title of my favorite book is redeeming

love now guys I’m actually being serious

my favorite book is redeeming love and

at the end of this lesson by the end of

this lesson you will understand so much

about this book and why I like it and

why it’s my favorite okay

so again we have who and what taking

care of alright moving on to our next W

we have when so for this w answer the

question when did you first read your

favorite book so I said in college I was

in college when I first read the book

now moving on to where the question is

answer the question where can you find

your favorite book and I said bookstores

and finally for why why is it your

favorite book and I said it’s an

engaging story now guys if we just

stopped here we would have enough

information I answered who what when

where and why I answered all of the five

W’s but remember at the beginning of

this lesson I said I’m gonna teach you

the two-step formula to help you sound

like an advanced English speaker

basically improving your fluency so we

have to move on to the next step number

three in the formula so here we go we’re

going to do is now this is

where it gets exciting so who remember

its author

Francine rivers but now I’m giving three

details about this author well first

she’s American

she writes Christian fiction books and

she writes inspirational romance novels

so guys you see I again gave more

information or more details about the

author again this step is simple because

we’re just thinking a little bit more

deeply about individual pieces of our

answer now guys some of you may want to

continue studying these topics with me

and learning more with me I just want to

remind you guys that you can join my

Academy it’s on the bottom right here to

speak English with Tiffany Academy

remember the link is in the description

if you want to continue studying with me

and truly improve your English speaking

ability join the Academy and I guarantee

your English will improve all right okay

so let’s go back and learn how we can

expand upon the W for what okay so

redeeming love all right it’s a love

story Hosea and Gomer and unconditional

love now I’m giving you three details

but I’ll expand upon these details in a

second so again I mentioned to people

Hosea and Gomer and I mentioned that the

story is a love story and it’s also

about unconditional love okay so moving

on to the next W we have when so we know

that it was in college but it was

specifically in my sophomore year my

roommate read it out loud and it was in

one weekend so I can tell you’re already

getting very curious to know more

because I’m just writing the basic

details but I haven’t given you my full

answer yet but I know that you’re

curious to know more so just wait it’s

coming don’t worry all right now moving

on to where remember I said book stores

so we can say online bookstores Amazon

and Barnes & Noble now really quickly

guys I’m sure you’ve heard of Amazon but

Barnes and Noble was a very popular book

store I said was because these days is

not a spa

but you can find them still Barnes and

Noble is the name of a popular bookstore

okay all right so I mentioned three

different bookstores that you can find

this book in now finally we have to go

to the why so moving on to the why I

said it’s an engaging story more details

it shows the process of falling in love

it’s emotional and it has a great plot

now remember guys the word plot just

refers to storyline okay taking you

through a story all right

so now remember at the beginning I said

I was going to teach you the formula but

also how to use the formula to practice

so now I’m gonna show you how in your

notebook okay before we get to the

compilation of the or the organization

of all of this information into our

answer I want to show you what you can

do in your notebooks okay so when you’re

at home you’re gonna have your own

notebook alright so this is what your

notebook looks like so again for the who

we have Francine Rivers detail one

detail two and detail three you’ll see

that I’ve written them in this is what

your notebook is gonna look like as you

practice depending on the question that

you’re asked for what redeeming love and

I wrote down all of the information in

my notebook like this going on to the

win going on to the where and then even

going on to the why this is how you need

to set up your notebooks when you’re

practicing okay so for every question

that you’re looking at every topic I

want you to do this in your notebook

having the five W’s and then three

details for each W and now we’re gonna

see what my answer looks like here we go

so after compiling all of this

information this is what my answer looks

like you see it’s very long so here we


my favorite book is redeeming love check

you see that’s the what it is a love

story that shows what unconditional love

truly looks like in a relationship and

it is based on the biblical story of

Hosea and Gomer all three details have

been taken care of

so guys you see what happened I’m only

the first W and already the answer

sounds like an advanced English speaker

that’s why I’m telling you if you guys

use this formula I guarantee your

English is gonna improve and people are

going to be impressed okay so let’s keep

going alright so the next W moving

forward now we move on to the next part

we’re still in my answer the book was

written by an American author named

Francine rivers she writes Christian

fiction books and is also known for

writing inspirational romance novels

again we’ve answered the three details

we’ve put those in our answer

American writes Christian fiction books

and writes inspirational romance novels

again guys you’re noticing that I’m

including all of the information as I’m

giving my answer or my response to the

question okay so again we’ve answered

the who and we’ve also answered the what

so let’s keep going

now we move on I first read this book

when I was in college during my

sophomore year my roommate told me about

the book and encouraged me to check it

out let’s pause real quick this

expression check it out again check it

out very good so when we say check

something out it means to look into

something or to find out more

information about something or to

actually she’s telling me about a book

so I’m going to actually read the book

okay so in English we say check

something out an excellent expression

for you guys to know all right okay

going back to my answer here we go so

one weekend she decided to read it out

loud to me the book was so good that I

ended up sitting and listening to her

read it to me throughout the night again

I answered all three details by giving

them in my answer here

sophomore year roommate read it out loud

in one weekend so you’re getting so much

information about my favorite book

because I’m answering each of the five

W’s and I’ve also given my three w’s the

three details actually okay I’ve given

my three details so here we go moving on

now we’re moving on to the next W ever

since then I have been telling everyone

about this book the story is engaging

because it shows the reader the process

of falling in love it is emotional and

it has a great plot so right there I

answer the why is an engaging story and

you’ll see my three details the process

of falling in love emotional and great

plot now guys one thing I always told my

students when I taught them this in

class was if you guys literally organize

your thoughts first and have your five

W’s with your three details when you

give your answer you won’t be stressed

because your thoughts are already

organized so when your answer comes out

you will sound mmm even more fluent and

that’s what’s gonna happen to you if you

follow this simple two-step formula okay

alright so going back we have one more w

to answer okay alright so going back to

my screen here we go the last w the book

is quite popular so you can find it at

any bookstore you can get it at Barnes &

Noble on Amazon or from other online

bookstores again we answered the where

bookstores and the three details online

bookstores Amazon and Barnes & Noble

okay guys so you see again I answered

all of the five W’s the first part of

the formula then I gave three details

for each of those five W’s okay so again

this is all that you have to do in order

to give an advanced English speakers

answer you can sound fluent if you

follow this formula okay so guys don’t

forget that in your notebook you need to

have it like this using this formula who

what when where and why for the five and

then three details underneath each of

the W’s so guys I really hope you

enjoyed this lesson I was so excited to

teach you this lesson because I know how

powerful this two-step formula is the

five W’s and the three details if you

follow this four

and practice using your notebook I

guarantee your fluency will improve now

guys as I mentioned earlier if you want

to keep studying with me remember you

can join the speak English with Tiffany

Academy you’ll see it on the screen or

you can click the link in the

description I really want to teach you

guys even more formulas and even help

you even more to improve your English

speaking abilities also if you want to

download the PDF that goes along with

this lesson it’s on the screen and you

can click the link in the description I

will talk to you guys next time but as

always remember to speak English
