Advanced English Speaking Practice 5 English Methods

what if I told you that there were five

methods to help you take your English to

the next level and speak like an

advanced English speaker well there are

and I’m gonna give them to you today I’m

teacher Tiffany let’s jump right in


alright today we’re gonna look at five

methods to help you practice and speak

like an advanced English speaker so

let’s get right to it and jump right in

alright so the first method is talk

about things you do throughout your day

for this method you will focus on your

personal life you know things you

normally do throughout the day eating or

meeting friends or work these are things

that you do on a regular basis now you

will look for ways to describe your

daily routine in English and you’re

going to create multiple sentences for

example if I chose to speak about what I

eat breakfast in the morning well I want

to make multiple sentences I usually eat

oatmeal I like to eat at the table I

like to also drink orange juice when I

am eating my oatmeal okay simple

sentences describing something that I do

in my day or during my day okay now here

are some benefits first it helps you

think in English all day as an English

Learner this is one of the main problems

you probably have having to think in

English and going back and forth well if

you’re constantly thinking in English

even if it’s just making simple

sentences this will help you think in

English throughout the day alright the

next benefit is it helps you expand your

vocabulary because you’re gonna start

thinking of ways to describe certain

things you do throughout your day and

finally the next benefit is it helps you

use what you learn now how can you do

this so in the morning talk about what

you usually eat for breakfast like I

mentioned I eat oatmeal for

breakfast usually on a regular basis

then you can say let’s say on your way

to work talk about the different people

you see I just spoke with one of my good

friends who lives in Korea and she was

telling me about some individuals she

saw on the bus while she was riding to

work okay or at your desk when you’re at

your desk you can talk about the

projects you are working on you can

think about the projects and very

quietly saying this is a very difficult

project or you can say mmm I need to

finish this project by tomorrow start

thinking in English hold on who had a

cough start thinking in English

throughout the day about what you’re

doing or in the afternoon talk about the

chat you had with your friend and even

in the evening talk about the date you

went on if I was gonna speak about my

day I would talk about my exercise


I love exercising and as you can see I

love riding my bike as well but today it

was a little bit difficult so I could

describe this situation like this riding

my bike this morning was not easy or I

can say it was really difficult to

finish my workout this morning all right

now moving on to number 2 the second

method shadow and repeat natural English

phrases now many of you have messaged me

or put in the comments how much you like

this method of shadowing or copying

someone so pay very close attention

alright for this method you will focus

on copying other native English speakers

you will look for different videos and

audio files that interest you and I

always say look for something that you

are interested in because when you’re

copying you’re not only copying what you

hear you’re actually also taking the

information in and connecting it with

information you already have in your

brain remember and your own native

language you talk about your interests

on a regular basis so those connections

are already in your brain now you’re

just adding another connection with the

words or expressions in

English alright so what are the benefits

there are three benefits first it helps

you improve your pronunciation again by

listening to me and watching me when you

start to shadow me your pronunciation

will also improve the same will happen

with the other videos and audio clips

that you find next this can also help

you gain more confidence and finally it

will help you improve your intonation

all right so how do you do this first

find videos on YouTube about topics that

interest you and again I say YouTube but

you can find videos wherever you would

like if you want to find them on Netflix

maybe you have a Netflix account that’s

fine just find a video where you can

watch and copy someone or of course an

audio clip is okay too

alright or you can find an English

podcast and repeat the phrases you hear

I tell my VIP students students in my

Academy I give them some example

podcasts that really help them

understand how we is native English

speakers speak on a regular basis or you

can find English movies Instagram videos

and even practice dialogues in a group

all right so the workout is done it was

rough it was rough it was rough so now

what I’m coming to do is I like to kind

of eat a snack and I usually like to eat

apples but we’re talking about repeating

phrases and things that you learn

throughout the day in English so one a

phrase or expression is throw something

together so right now let me show you in

the switch to the camera right now you

see right here I have apple and

strawberries so I’m gonna throw

something together now throw something

together just means to kind of put

something together randomly so I’m not

making a specific dish but I’m just

throwing something together so for me

the phrase that I’m repeating or I may

have shadowed someone that used the

expression throw something together

alright now moving on to number three

method number three is create or

participate in

an English challenge now for this method

you will focus on a 30 60 or 90 day

English challenge now again the day is

not really as important but I always

like to say a certain period of time

because your brain needs time to accept

the information process it and then

regurgitate or produce it or bring it

out so 30 days 60 days or 90 days these

are really good periods of time for you

to kind of start a challenge or create

or participate in the challenge okay

English challenge now you will look for

something specific that will enhance

your skills so maybe you need help with

pronunciation or maybe you need help

with English expressions you pick the

skill you want to improve now here are

the benefits first it helps you to

improve a specific skill next it helps

you focus on a goal and finally it helps

you learn faster when you have a

determination when you are focused on

one thing for a specific period of time

you will get better in that one thing

all right so how do you do this here we

go first decide on a specific skill you

want to improve then pick a specific

period of time again 30 60 or 90 days

then you’re going to get a notebook and

chart your progress for example use a

new descriptive word every single day

let’s say I’m talking about food I can

say delicious food well I learned

delicious today tomorrow I learned

scrumptious right on the screen

scrumptious and the following day I

learned appetizing food so again you

want to create your own challenge

alright so this method of setting an

English challenge is so good because it

helps you to focus on a specific task or

a goal for a certain period of time for

example right now I am heading to the

store but let’s say my 30-day challenge

was I want to learn a new expression or

a vocabulary word to describe what I’m

doing so instead of heading to the store

let’s say I’m gonna learn

I’m going to swing by the store or I’m

going to run to the store so again every

single day for a 30-day period I’m gonna

learn a new expression and also a new

vocabulary word now so again I’m running

to the store but I wanted to tell you

something really quickly because lingo

des is the sponsor of this video

that’s right lingo des thank you so much

for sponsoring this video and they

actually have a challenge for you guys

now this is a 90-day challenge it’s a

sprint they call it a language sprint

and what happens is for this 90-day

period you are going to learn many

different things in English you can

choose English or you can just choose

business English as well now what’s

gonna happen with this challenge is

every day you’re gonna learn something

new each class comes with three students

usually around three students and a

teacher so you’re gonna have the

opportunity to learn a lot alright but

here’s what makes this language sprint

so awesome this challenge you see this

90-day challenge if you participate and

if you participate every single day you

get a hundred percent of your money back

that’s exactly right

lingo des is awesome they want to see

you achieve all of your goals and they

want to see you do well in this


so again if you actually participate

every single day you get all of your

money back at the end of the challenge

so for ninety days if you follow the

steps you attend class anytime and


you’ll get your money back at the end of

the 90 days so again lingo des thank you

so much for sponsoring this video

remember you can join there only a few

spots so click the link in the

description and use the coupon code

there have been over 25,000 students who

have participated in this language

sprint in the past and I can’t wait to

see you guys really accomplish your

goals so again lingo des thank you so

much for this challenge alright so our

next method is method number four timed

reading out loud over and over for this

method you will focus on speaking faster

by improving your reading skills you

will look for posts books and time

yourself as you read them so again post

or books now this is a method that I

really really like because it helped me

a lot as well so you’re going to find


to read now when you’re reading

something in English it can be a little

bit tricky I experienced the same

difficulties when I was actually

studying Korean sometimes it was

difficult to read I could understand but

reading was a little bit difficult so

when I timed myself I could tell which

words I was having trouble with and then

I could try to practice those words and

the next time I would time myself and

improve little by little all right so

what are the benefits here we go it

helps you gain more confidence it helps

you improve your pronunciation and it

helps you improve your vocabulary so

along with improving your speaking

skills like your ability to speak faster

you’re also improving the sound people

will be impressed with the way you speak

and the way you sound when you speak in

English all right so how do you do this

don’t where I’m going to tell you first

pick an English post or book then set

your timer for 60 seconds now again

remember you can choose the amount of

time I’m just putting 60 seconds as an

example okay see how much you read in 60

seconds and then do it again but try to

read the same amount in 55 seconds try

to improve your time by 5 seconds each

time Alexa set timer for 30 seconds


alright so one thing about this method

of using timed reading to help your

speaking fluency and help you speak

faster or speak like an advanced native

English speaker the important thing is

you want to constantly be improving so

if your timer is set the first time at

30 seconds then the next time you either

want to shorten that time or you want to

actually read faster or read more now as

you can tell thirty seconds may seem

like a long time I’ve been talking to

you throughout this video and the timer

just went off Alexa stop so again you

can decide how long you want to time

yourself but each time push yourself and

get better

alright now moving on to method number

five find a partner and pick one English

topic now for this method you will focus

on speaking longer about a specific

topic this is why a partner is so good

because you and your partner can go back

and forth now you will look for topics

that interest you and then discuss them

with your partner now why is this so

good the first benefit is it helps you

improve your fluency again by going back

and forth you have to listen and respond

to what is being said you and your

partner will help each other right next

it helps you master English conversation

and finally it helps you think more in

English now how do you do this first

find an English study partner remember

you can find a partner online even in

the comments section a lot of you in my

past videos started commenting and

saying hey I’d like a partner here’s my

whatsapp number do that you never know

who you can find now again students in

my Academy they automatically get a

partner when they’re a VIP member but

again you can find a partner somewhere

anywhere just make an effort

alright so find a partner then you’re

gonna pick a topic to discuss then

you’re gonna go online and find

discussion questions for the topic there

are so many questions all you have to do


and got me again guys let’s get some

water hold on one second now again this

is something that’s really I can’t get

this open guys hold on this is real time

hmm finally got it open hold on

sometimes when we talk a lot we have to

get some water alright so again

sometimes when you’re on line and you’re

trying to find questions you may see

that it’s kind of difficult but I’ll

tell you a trick go to google type the

topic and you just say questions about

dot dot dot discussion questions about

dot dot and you will see a ton of

questions pop up that you can discuss

with your partner okay all right now

then you’re going to give your opinion

and ask your partner questions try to do

this as often as possible all right so

this method of finding a partner and

picking a specific topic is amazing you

see when I was studying Korean I lived

in Korea so I was surrounded by Koreans

all the time I heard Korean more than I

heard English but I live in America now

and there really aren’t any Koreans

around me but I do have a partner one of

my closest Korean friends what we would

do is every week now we don’t do this

now because we’re both busy but for a

period of time we take the Korean Bible

to the Korean Bible and we would discuss

the Bible once a week so for the first

part of our meeting our get together we

would talk and only in Korean and it

would help me with my Korean speaking

skills and my listening skills and then

for the other half we’d speak in English

to help her with her speaking skills and

her listening skills now I really really

enjoy this time now we still speak once

or twice or three times a week but we

don’t do this anymore but she’s still

like a partner when it comes to my

language learning because I’m able to

ask her questions and she can ask me

questions and our friendship is much

deeper than that but again you can find

a partner maybe it’s not your close

friend but you can find a partner even

by typing in the comment section if you

want to partner find a partner who you

can study with a specific topic and I

guarantee it’s gonna help your English

speaking skills in

proved very fast all right now you know

the five methods that will help take

your English to the next level and help

you become an advanced English speaker I

really hope you enjoyed this lesson

don’t forget to join Ling gona’s

language sprint the link is right in the

description don’t miss your opportunity

sign up and remember if you participate

for all 90 days you will get a hundred

percent of your money back but you have

to participate alright so click the link

in the description

alright guys again I hope you enjoyed I

will talk to you in our next lesson but

as always remember to speak English


guess what it’s step step step step

story time I said a story time all right

now last time I changed it up a little

bit and a lot of you said teacher no no

no no we want story time at the end so I

brought it back just for you now today’s

story is is good so when I was younger I

was very very adventurous I had no fear

and one of my favorite things to do was

ride bikes I mean I would do tricks on

the bikes I would ride with my friends

for hours and hours I loved

cycling I loved riding my bike now this

passion and love for riding bikes

continued and I still actually love

riding bikes as you noticed in the

beginning of the video you saw me riding

this morning but when I was in college

it was my first time actually riding a

road bike now road bikes have thinner

wheels right they’re meant for riding on

the road but they have thinner wheels

when I was younger I mostly rode

mountain bikes they have thicker tires

and they can you can kind of be a little

bit more rough with them you know kids

are rough so anyways when I was in

college one of my good friends he and I

started riding bikes together we would

go on three four or five hour trips

together and he

also had a road bike now he told me one

day he’s at TIFF hey let’s go take a

ride I said okay and there was a

mountain so I lived in Alabama and there

was a mountain called Mount say no right

mount say no he said tip let’s ride up

the mountain he said it would be a

really good workout I said okay again

always up for a challenge never scared

always ready for an adventure said no

problem I’m in shape we can go up this

mountain no problem at all

now it was a little bit challenging

going up the mountain with a little bit

challenging but what I didn’t expect was

the challenge coming down the hill now

again remember I said when I was younger

I loved riding bikes and I would fly

which means go fast I would fly down the

hill whenever I rode my bike so again

you know I was in my 20s and I felt hey

I’m still young I’m still adventurous

when I was riding with my friend I said

I’m not scared of speed but it was a

little bit different so he and I we went

up the mountain again it was a little

bit difficult and he said now TIFF we’re

gonna come down this mountain really

fast he said you have to be careful I

said okay again I’m a careful you know I

like adventure and I like you know speed

but I’m safe so don’t worry I got it

he said no note if we’re gonna be going

super fast and there are lots of curves

and you know winding roads I said okay

he says well you know make sure you ride

your brakes even though you’re coming

down the hill he said you’re not gonna

need to pedal I said okay so we start

you know to descend we started going

down and I start feeling you know the

wind blowing in my face I said oh yeah

baby I mean I was loving it and then all

of a sudden I said wait a minute I’m

going a little bit fast

I want to go I was trying to pump the

brakes but the brakes they weren’t doing

anything it was kind of like the

pavement was laughing at me like ah your

brakes don’t mean nothing girl and I was

flying now I don’t know what you all use

in your country but I was going 40 miles

an hour that is super fast I was going

like the speed of a car going down this

hill 40 mile

an hour and I was coming up to a curve

and I can still remember this moment

like it was yesterday

so I was coming down 40 miles an hour

and there was this really sharp turn

sharp curve and my friend was in front

of me and I could see him look back

basically to check on me to make sure I

was okay because right behind me there

was a car now I’m flying and this car is

also flying and we both have to make

this turn this curve right and I said

lord please help me again I I was having

a good time but I was a little bit

scared so I come on the curve and if you

slam on your brakes too hard you’ll kind

of no swerve and and you’ll fall if I

fell I was gonna get hit by the car I

said Lord what am I gonna do so I

started tapping the brakes I was still

going 40 miles an hour so I’m coming

down I’m flying and I’m turning and as

I’m turning I see the car right next to

me and it was kind of like we both were

like well we hope this all turns out all

right so I swung and we now of course

the car was fine the car made it around

the curve and I swung around the curve

and I didn’t fall but I swung around the

curb and it was like time Stood Still

and I slowed down and my friend looked

back at me and said are you okay I said

I’m okay I realized I had made it it was


it was exhilarating I was nervous in the

moment but I said okay I like cycling

but riding down hills is not the same

when you’re older so again as you can

see I made it out safely I’m totally

okay but yeah that was a very

interesting experience and I will never

forget it

I don’t know do you guys like cycling if

you guys like cycling let me know as you

can see I still enjoy it I was riding in

my home and my home when I did the video

earlier I was riding downstairs but tell

me if you guys like cycling all right

okay guys I hope you enjoyed this story

time and I’ll talk to you next week