Advanced Pronunciation Practice Which words are hard to pronounce

hello hello welcome to today’s live

English lesson here on the speak English

with Vanessa

YouTube channel today we’re gonna talk

about some difficult words to pronounce

so I’m gonna need your help you’re the

one who knows which words are difficult

for you so I want you to tell me which

words we should practice today I have

some ideas but I’m counting on your

feedback and your ideas if you’re new

here welcome I’m Vanessa and we have

live English lessons right here on the

speak English with Vanessa YouTube

channel every Tuesday at 9 a.m. est at 9

a.m. est that’s the New York time so if

you can join me live great I think you

can learn a lot get some feedback and be

involved in our international community

if you can only watch the replay no

problem I’m glad that there’s a replay

so that you can watch it if you would

like to continue to learn English with

me if today’s lesson is useful for you I

recommend watching some of our other

live English lessons there have been

about 200 video lessons on this channel

and a lot of live lessons I recommend

learning with those and reading my free

ebook the description is the link is in

the description five steps to becoming a

confident speaker I hope to be as useful

and helpful to you today for your

pronunciation muscles thanks everyone

who’s here with me live good morning

from Ecuador hello in China Brazil

Kuwait Vietnam Pakistan Taiwan Brazil

thank you so much everyone I have a

challenge for you today because we’re

going to be talking about pronunciation

you need to participate it’s great if I

can pronounce it but it’s even better if

you can learn how to accurately

pronounce these words so if you’re

somewhere public or maybe somewhere that

you don’t feel comfortable speaking out

loud right now close the door go

somewhere that you feel comfortable

speaking out loud because as I say these

words in a sentence to give some context

as I say these difficult words I want

you to repeat directly after me imitate

my mouth imitate my intonation and

really use it now if you are on the bus

or you can’t get to a private place

right now go back and watch the replay

after this is finished because your

pronunciation muscles need to exercise

and that’s what we’re gonna do today

exercise your pronunciation muscles so

before I give you some of my examples I

want to give you a chance if there are

some words that are difficult for you to

pronounce or maybe a sound like th

that’s difficult for you to pronounce

write it in the comments in the live

chat box write these words and I’ll try

my best to help you learn how to

pronounce them and use them correctly

and I’ll also give you some examples of

words that my students have had

difficulties with so that you can really

use them correctly we have our first

suggestion from try Yujin he says can

you help me pronounce th in the word

they they so what I’m gonna do is I’m

gonna write a nice challenge sentence a

nice challenge then it’s here

they are going over there with them oh

this is our challenge sentence first of

all we’re gonna start with one of the

the most difficult sounds I think for a

lot of people this th sound so what I

want you to do is I want you to put your

hand here on your throat and put your

tongue between your teeth and then we’re

gonna save this word they they do you

feel some vibrations here it’s because

these words have some vibration when we

say the th it’s not just air it’s your

voice so let’s try to say this sentence

using vibrations here plus your tongue a

little bit outside your teeth let’s say

it together they are going over there

with them and of course we’re

emphasizing the th really strongly and

in conversation you’re not gonna say

they are going over there you’re not

gonna talk like that in daily life so

what I recommend is really emphasizing

when you practice pronunciation practice

and then in daily conversation your

voice is gonna feel more comfortable

with those sounds so that you can say it

a little quicker and more naturally so

practice by emphasizing and then when

you have a real conversation you’re

gonna be able to do it more naturally

alright let’s go

to the next sound if this sound is asked

again let’s practice we had some other

great words that people recommended the

word experienced exhausted oh those are

great words I’m gonna write these down

because after this live lesson finishes

the chat box will disappear and I would

like everyone who joins even for the

replay to be able to see your your words

and your suggestions

so let’s write let’s write this together

in a sentence

I had an exhausted experience just to

put it in a sentence so that we can

practice it in a sentence structure I

think it’s a little more realistic the

common sound here is e^x I had an egg

saw stood exhausted it kind of sounds

like something that you eat an egg I had

an exhausted experience of this one

sounds more like an e X exhausted

experience I hope you can repeat this

word directly after me exhausted

experience Oh Eileen a has a great word

here she asks about this huge word she

says let’s sum how can we make this

interesting it’s how about my company

is hierarchical oh we have two different

seas in this word my company is higher

like I’m going to climb higher higher


so this is like a cake higher arc pick

another K Oh hierarchical hierarchical

and this means there’s a CEO there’s

another manager and another manager and

another manager and then the employees

and then maybe another manager and some

other employees kind of like a a pyramid

there’s a lot of bureaucracy so you

could say my company is hierarchical

thanks for saying that with me tawfiq

has a great question with the word

overgeneralization Oh lots of big words

it’s a good challenge for me to let’s

say it’s an overgeneralization


okay so let’s break it down because

these these nice words are pretty long

over we know the word over over general

e let’s keep that by itself is a ssin

and this means if I say all women have

long hair not all women have long hair

this is an overgeneralization

it’s generalizing too much generalizing

everyone so we could say it’s an

overgeneralization overgeneralization I

hope that helps with this word Alejandra

asks please help me with the L sound the

L sound so let’s create some let’s

create a sentence using a lot of L

sounds how about we start with Lucy

likes lots of lemons now this L is all

at the beginning of the sentence we have

L at the beginning at the beginning at

the beginning at the beginning so let’s

practice just this first and

english-speakers like to have our tongue

out a lot o lot with th your tongue is

really active and it’s the same with the

L so are you ready to practice a little

of Lucy likes lots of lemons Lucy likes

lots of lemons but can we change one of

these words to having R instead because

I know a lot of our friends here have

difficulties between L & R so I love

your question Alejandra because we can

use this for a lot of different

situations let’s change this to

really Lucy really likes lots of and

let’s change it to something crazy let’s

make a crazy sentence I’ve never seen a

red lemon before but hey why not Lucy

really Lucy so you can’t see my tongue

at all it’s just rude

I hope that you can say the sentence

with me I’m gonna say it slowly and I

want you to repeat and try to imitate my

mouth Lucy really likes lots of red

lemons so when we slow it down and you

see that my face and my lips are in a

completely different position for the

are and the el Lucy really it makes it a

little bit easier to imitate it yourself

so my recommendation if this sound is

challenging for you read a challenge

sentence like this several times and try

to read it faster and faster this is

gonna help you to train your muscles but

also to feel more comfortable with it

because when you’re speaking and having

a conversation you don’t think about

pronunciation and each word so the more

you feel comfortable with it the easier

it will be to do it without thinking

thank you for this wonderful question

mario has another great question we’re

gonna go back to our th he says vanessa

with needs an explanation too so you

might have noticed

we have another th here at the beginning

at the beginning of this lesson we

talked about them and you need to put

your hand here to feel the vibrations

who them them but this word is gonna be

different this word is similar to let’s

start with on Thursday we have another

th but this th is the second kind this

is the kind that your voice is not gonna

do anything it’s only air so let’s

practice with your hand in front of your

mouth Thursday it’s not Thursday there’s

no voice that’s coming out it’s only air

so this is the main difference on

Thursday I hope you can put your hand

here and feel some air on Thursday they

are going to the

theater theater this is our second aired

th the lot of air is coming out let’s

practice this challenge sentence and

then I’m gonna move on to some of your

other recommendations on Thursday I’m

gonna put a piece of paper a piece of

paper in front of my mouth so that you

can see Thursday Thursday Thursday this

is really strong because we’re

practicing pronunciation so maybe in

daily conversation the air will be a

little bit less Thursday Thursday but

we’re practicing now so I want you to do

the same thing if you have a piece of

paper or if you just want to use your

hand on Thursday they are going to the

theater with them so we have two

different kinds of th one of them uses

your voice this that these those and the

second one usually is with more

descriptive words like Thursday theatre

with these words use air Thursday

theatre with so I hope that this quick

quick guide will help you with th let’s

see what other questions we have from

all around the world oh we have a lot of

questions about words that sound similar

that sounds similar let’s start with

with with some words that are using a CH

a CH we haven’t really practiced much

with a clear CH I’m gonna use a new

piece of paper here all right we have a

question from Estella Estella says I

also find it interesting how these two

words are pronounced chores

and choir let’s make this a sentence the

choir a choir

what’s a choir hmm a choir is just a

group of people who are singing together

so when I was in high school one of my

classes was a singing class and each

year we sang in a choir performance so

we were acquired I was part of the choir

and we sang songs a group of people

usually a pretty big group who sing

together so let’s say the choir does

some chores and chores it’s like doing

the dishes doing the laundry cleaning

your house things that everyone loves to

do right probably not so we have 2 CH

sounds here choir this is like a case a

kW sound can you say the sentence with

me the choir the choir does some this is

a pure CH chores church

chores let’s read it all together I want

you to say it with me

are you ready the choir does some chores

and I’m sorry to say that in English

sometimes there’s not a specific rule

about how to pronounce a specific sound


it could be cook it could be chew or in

our previous example it can be cook

hierarchical so my best recommendation

is to listen to a lot of English

listen to podcasts listen to audiobooks

watch videos like this and really train

your ear because if you hear this word

pronounced correctly each time you’re

not gonna mispronounce it because you’ve

never heard it another way so I really

recommend listening to as much as you

can that’s gonna help to train your ears

with any difficult words let’s see what

kind of other wonderful sentences

sentences we have here we have people

who are practicing hierarchical

overgeneralization with us and

practicing the L excellent excellent

Nina has a question can you help me

pronounce EE D sounds at the end of

verbs and I want to say because this is

a huge question how to pronounce watered

skied wanted because this e D ending is

quite varied I have a full video

dedicated just to this sound

so my recommendation after this live

lesson finishes is to go to my YouTube

channel and watch the video about e D

there’s a playlist called the fearless

fluency Club and you can watch this edie

pronounced pronunciation video or type

in the search bar edie and that will

help you to find it quickly I hope that


we have a good question with W let’s

talk about W we haven’t talked about

that yet

world word work and I’m gonna add one

more worm let’s let’s see how can we put

all these words together in a sentence

oh it’s gonna be a good challenge for me

  • nice challenge in the morning I love


in this in this world in this world even

worms need words this is a crazy

sentence but it’s okay to work okay and

the reason why I’m putting it in a

sentence is to help you see how it

naturally flows with other words because

sometimes if we have a word by itself it

sounds differently when it’s linked with

other words so let’s see this crazy

sentence that I wrote this world in this

world nowadays that’s what this

expression means nowadays in this world

even worms this is a little this is a

little mm bug or kind of like a little

snake that lives under the ground even

worms need words to work so poor worms

they have to learn language to work

nowadays life is hard for them just a

crazy sentence but let’s practice these

and see if there are any similarities so

I’m gonna say this sentence and I want

you to write which words sound the same

to you

because some of these sounds are the

same so I want you to write I want you

to write which ones are the same are you

ready I’m gonna read this and I want you

to think is it world worms words or work

in this world even worms need words to

work world worms words work Oh which one

sound the same to you

hmm world this is the earth here’s a

lovely picture lovely picture of the

earth the world in this world worms need

words to work I have some good news

these are all using this same W plus a

vowel plus R or were it kind of sounds

like were they were hungry they were

hungry world words work worms we’re

saying were plus another sound at the

end LD d M K were good were mmm were


so because we have an L it sounds like

maybe it’s different but that first part

is the same so we’re gonna add were plus

a final part that’s a beautiful question

and with the W make sure that your lips

are like this kind of like a kissy face

world words worms work you got it

great great practice I hope that you’re

saying this at the same time as me we

have some other questions I’m gonna

answer maybe one more question before we

go and if you didn’t have your question

answered today please write it in the

chat box or write it in the comments so

that I can make another video like this

to help you because there’s tons of

words that are complicated and my

recommendation is break it down break it

into specific sections like this listen

for similarities

slow it down to look at someone’s mouth

Lucy really that way that you can really

imitate imitate what someone saying I

agree once as English is crazy but I

love it yes you got it you got it

and we have a good question from waha

dear says how can we do this

automatically because I’m not always

gonna be there if you have a

conversation with a British friend and

you want to say something but you don’t

know exactly how to say it you can’t

just pick up your phone and say Vanessa

how do I say this

help me I wish I could be there in that

way but because there’s not speed dial

for me or for an English teacher to help


I recommend listening to a lot of

English and doing exactly what we’re

doing today shadowing practice I’m

saying something and you’re repeating

directly after me that’s training your

muscles and helping you to see exactly

where it’s difficult for you because

maybe when I say a word you think oh I

understand it I know that word and then

when you try to say it you feel like oh

it is difficult and that’s what I want I

want you to be able to decide which

sounds are the most challenging for you

so that you can learn to really correct

and imitate important pronunciation

let’s see do we have any final questions

before we go oh I think I saw one about

a tea a tea this is something that we

talk about a lot in the fearless fluency

Club because American speakers love to

use this a lot so the tea in the middle

of the word let’s practice a crazy

sentence haters want better sweaters so

a hater is someone who hates stuff

doesn’t like stuff better sweater this

is a sweater it’s the kind of warm

clothes that you wear in the winter

right now it’s not too cold actually

this afternoon it’s supposed to be like

20 degrees it’s gonna be a spring day in

the middle of February I love it but

let’s talk about this sentence anyway in

American English this is American

English so make sure make sure that we

know that there’s a difference what do

you think what happens to this T sound

I’m gonna read the sentence and tell me

the T is gonna change and become another

sound what do you think it’s gonna

become haters want better sweaters

haters want better sweaters they hate

other sweaters they want better sweaters


Paolo want I think you’ve got it it

changes to a D sound and American

English speakers love to do this there’s

one big rule that we can remember for

this we have a vowel and a vowel vowel T

vowel vowel to vowel valve T vowel

oh great eval is a II I owe you so a lot

of these words like the word I just used

a a lot a lot of a lot of this is

linking here vowel T vowel it’s not even

the same word it’s two words lot of the

it’s gonna become a D and I think that

in general a lot of pronunciation is

just trying to find the easiest way to

say something so in this situation the T

haters to - it takes a little more

effort to make a tea and have some air

come out so American English speakers

want to be relaxed and maybe lazy and we

are gonna change that into a D so I want

you to repeat this sentence after me

repeat it out loud are you ready haters

one better sweaters let’s try to say it


haters want better sweaters haters want

better sweater so my tongue is at the

top of my mouth did haters haters want

better sweaters I hope that this is

useful to you and I’m sure that you’re

gonna hear it a lot so if you’re

expecting to hear haters want better

sweaters in American English you’re not

gonna hear that you’re never gonna hear

that so we need to make sure that we’re

listening for a T changing to a deep

because improved pronunciation is also

going to improve your listening skills a

lot because you’re gonna know what in

the world are those characters in this

TV show saying you can hear exactly the

sounds that they’re saying because you

know you know some of these tips for

difficult words so I hope that this

and practice was useful to you would you

like me to do another pronunciation

practice like this again if you would

like a live practice let me know in the

comments and I’ll try to organize one

again I really appreciate your your

feedback and your suggestions because I

have some ideas about challenging words

but you really know because you’re the

one who’s learning English right now so

you know the words that are challenging

for you so let me know if this would be

useful for you again and if you would

like to continue learning English with

me you think oh this 30-minute live

lesson is not enough I need more English

now well I recommend watching some of

the other lessons on my youtube channel

and also downloading my free ebook five

steps to becoming a confident English

speaker today you are practicing

confidence because you’re improving your

pronunciation when you feel confident

all of the other parts of English come

together your vocabulary good grammar

good pronunciation good sentence

structure when you are confident I can

do it oh if I make a mistake it’s okay

it’s part of the process when you feel

confident then you can become fluent

then you can go to the next step in

English so I recommend reading this free

ebook it’s helped thousands of English

learners feel comfortable with the next

step so there’s a link in the

description below this video or you can

click on the screen at the end of this

lesson to download it and thanks again

for joining me really appreciate it

I’ll see you again the next time happy

pronunciation keep exercising those

muscles watch this lesson again and keep

up the good work bye everyone see you
