ALL Phrases to Introduce Yourself like a Native English Speaker

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ten lines you need for introducing

yourself so let’s go hello it’s nice to

meet you hello it’s nice to meet you you

can only use this the first time that

you meet someone if you say this to

somebody after you have met them already

you’re going to see him either a like

you’ve completely forgotten meeting them

or be like you are a very strange person

for saying it’s nice to meet you again

so when you use this the first time you

can shake hands with someone and say

hello it’s nice to meet you my name is

the next phrase is my name is blah blah

in my case my name is Alicia you can use

this again when you’re introducing

yourself or if you need to reintroduce

yourself you can use this pattern when

you meet somebody at a party for example

you can say my name is blah blah blah my

name is Barbara my name is Stevens you

can shorten this you can say my names my

name is blah blah blah I’m from after

you’ve said your name after you’ve

shaken hands you can say I’m from the US

I’m from Japan I’m from Turkey

I am from your mom’s house I’m from I’m

from a cave in southern Europe I’m from

your country or I’m from your city I’m

from the future I live in I live in blah

blah blah you can use your city you can

use your country you can use even maybe

if you live near a certain station you

can use the name of the station where

you live so for example I live in

America it’s fine I live in Los Angeles

it’s fine I live in New York it’s fine

so your neighborhood is fine if someone

says where do you live and you say I

live in an apartment it’s like what so

please use your the region or the

location where you live not the type of

place where you live i’muh if you hear

the question what do you do it it’s

asking about your job in English people

don’t say what is your job that’s not

the question that we ask instead the

question is what do you do

and the correct response to that is I’m

uh or I’m n bla bla bla

followed by your job title so if someone

says what do you do you can say I’m a

teacher what do you do I’m an engineer

what do you do

I’m donut shop tester

I’m years old when someone asks how old

are you you can say I’m bla bla bla

years old

don’t forget the S at the end of this if

you like you can shorten this phrase to

just I’m plus your age so I’m 65 I’m 13

whatever I’m this many sometimes

children will say that how old are you

they’ll say I’m this many it’s kind of

cute first time you meet someone you

might not ask how old are you if it’s in

a friendly case like a party after

you’ve spoken to the person a little bit

it’s okay

but just try to be sensitive to the

context try to be sensitive to the

people around you and if you sense that

maybe there’s a very large age gap

between you it might be better just not

to ask the question at all

I enjoy many of my students say what is

your hobby but that’s not something that

native speakers will say no native

speakers say what is your hobby instead

we ask what do you like to do or what do

you do in your free time this is a much

more natural question than what’s your

hobby the answer to this then is I enjoy

or I like plus a noun phrase so for

example what do you like to do I like

listening to music or I enjoy listening

to music what are you do in your free

time I like watching movies what are you

do in your free time I like baking cakes

what do you do in your free time I enjoy

tap dancing what do you do in your free

time I enjoy making new friends oh one

of my hobbies is one of my hobbies is

blah blah blah with this one it’s

probably better to use a short easily or

easy to understand hobby if you’re

explaining a hobby people are gonna

expect that it’s gonna be something that

they know about like photography or

cooking or dancing or swimming or

whatever so try to pick something that

will allow you to to continue the

conversation that’s why movies are


or books or you know sports are a good

thing to share one of my hobbies is

snowboarding I’ve been learning English

for if you are learning English if

you’re studying English you can use this

expression if someone asks you how long

have you been studying English you can

say I’ve been studying English for

amount of time or I’ve been learning

English or I’ve been practicing English

or I’ve been speaking English for a

certain amount of time I’ve been

studying English since elementary school

is also okay to use

I’ve been studying English since I was

in college just be careful for is used

for a length of time and since is used

for a specific point in time at which

you started something so you can try and

mix it up and use a few different

expressions there so I’ve been learning

English for a long time I’m still

learning English you should do that okay

I’m learning English at English class

this probably could be used in response

to where did you learn English or where

are you studying English or how are you

studying English you can respond with

I’m learning English at English class or I’m learning English at my

school I’m learning English at my

private teachers house for example so a

little bit of grammar in this sentence

why do we use the progressive tense I’m

learning English if you say I’m learning

it sounds like you’re still continuing

your studies if you say I learned

English in English class

it sounds like you’re finished like you

you’re finished studying there’s nothing

else for you to study so you’re done so

it’s it’s much much more natural to

actually use the progressive I’m

learning or I’m studying when you’re

talking about your studies when you’re

talking about your hobbies than it is to

say I learned or I studied ten ways to

say hello in English good morning good

morning is the first thing you say to

someone when you see them in the morning

good morning sir would you like a cup of

coffee good morning could I please get

some orange juice good morning I’m still

tired from the night before

hello hello is the most common greeting

you’ll hear that and hi hello is a

polite night

way to greet someone when you see them

hello everyone says it you cannot go

wrong saying hello hello can be used at

any time of the day no matter whether

it’s morning or at night or at 4:00 a.m.

when you see someone you can say hello

and it will still be appropriate long

time no see long time no see it’s not

necessarily grammatically correct but

it’s a saying that we have hey long time

no see what it means is that you haven’t

seen that person in a long time so it

literally means long time no see long

time no see is something you say to

someone when you haven’t seen them in a


hey John long time no see how are the

wife and kids how have you been

hey how have you been I haven’t seen you

in a long time

how have you been is asking someone how

they’re doing and how they’ve been for

the past however long if you haven’t

seen them in a while you might say hey

long time no see how have you been how

have you been that’s past tense it

implies that you haven’t seen them in a

while and you want to hear about how

they are and how they’ve been for all of

that time that you haven’t seen them Hey

long time no see how have you been how

are you how are you means how are you

doing how are you feeling how is

everything it’s a standard thing that

you might say to anyone even if you’ve

seen them the day before you might see

them today if say hey how are you how’s

it going hey how’s it going how’s it

going is a more informal way to say how

are you so how are you and how’s it

going they mean the same thing it’s

asking how you’re doing how you are

feeling is everything okay with you

what’s up what’s up

is another way of saying hey how is it

going but this one is even more informal

so you might say this to friends hey

what’s up and they’ll say nothing just

living my life you know day in and day

out hey what’s up hey what’s up good

afternoon good afternoon how are you

would you like some lunch good afternoon

is a polite way to greet someone in the

afternoon so if you run into your boss

you might say good afternoon it’s very

nice it’s polite not a lot of people say

it to their friends but it’s it’s a

polite way to greet someone good evening

good evening is a nice way to greet

someone in the evening time you can only

use this phrase in the evening because

it’s wishing someone a good evening it’s

saying hello at a certain time of day

good evening would you like some dinner

good evening have you eaten yet all of

my examples involve food it seems it’s

nice to meet you it’s nice to meet you

this is something that’s very common to

say the first time that you meet someone

you might shake their hand and say hi

it’s nice to meet you my name is Bridget

my name is it’s telling that person that

you are happy to be meeting them it’s a

pleasure to meet them hi it’s nice to

meet you


in this lesson you’re going to learn how

to ask what someone’s hobbies are

without using the word hobbies you’ve

probably seen the question do you have

any hobbies or what are your hobbies

in an English textbook before however

native English speakers almost never use

the word hobbies when asking about them

a much more natural way to ask the same

question is what do you do for fun let’s

practice this question what do you do

for fun what do you do for fun you can

also ask what do you do in your free

time what do you do in your free time so

how would you answer this question let’s

look at how native speakers would do it

the easiest way is to say I like to or

just I like followed by what you like to

do for example if you like watching

movies you could say I like to watch

movies or I like watching movies I like

to watch movies or I like watching

movies and if you like golf you could

say I like to play golf or I like

playing golf I like to play golf or I

like playing golf you can emphasize how

much you like your hobby by adding a

word like really in front of like for

example I really like watching movies on

the other hand if you want to play down

how much you like something you can say

kind of for example I kind of like

playing tennis now it’s time for

Alicia’s advice if you don’t have any

special hobbies or don’t want to be


a good way to reply is I like hanging

out with my friends and stuff like that

I liked hanging out with my friends and

stuff like that

Jews I like an dad hanging out with my

friends and then add and stuff like that

in this lesson you’re going to learn new

more common ways to ask and answer the

question how are you in English

you’ve probably learned how are you and

I’m fine in textbooks before but in the

United States people will usually ask

this question and answer it in a

different way

first let’s review

if someone says how are you you can say

I’m fine I’m fine

here are some other ways to answer

pretty good this means about the same

thing as I’m fine

pretty good we also have not bad you can

use this if you are feeling just okay or


not bad let’s look at our question again

how are you this is the most well known

way of asking how someone is you could

use it when you want to be polite but

now let’s look at some different ways to

ask how someone is these ways are more

casual and much more common first hey

how’s it going hey how’s it going you

can answer this in many ways if you’re

feeling good you can say good good

pretty good pretty good not bad not bad

once more good pretty good not bad

here’s a tip even though these answers

mean the same thing as I’m fine

you can’t answer how’s it going with I’m


it will sound a bit strange if you’re

not feeling good you can say not so good

not so good not great not great

or not so well not so well be careful if

you say one of these the other person

will usually ask why what’s wrong to be

polite then you will have to explain

another casual but very common version

of how are you is what’s up what’s up to

reply use a cheerful voice as you say

not much not much or nothing much

nothing much this means you’re free and

able to chat since what’s up is just

another way of saying hello

you can also reply with hey or hi now

it’s time for Alicia’s advice a lot of

the time when we ask questions that mean

how are you in English we’re not

actually asking about the other person’s

health we’re only asking to be polite

you should think of these questions as

another way of saying hello a way for

the conversation to get started instead

of actual literal questions in fact when

someone asks you what’s up you don’t

even have to answer just say what’s up

in reply in this lesson you’re going to

learn how to ask what someone’s job is

in natural English of course you can

just say what is your job this is

correct English but it sounds too direct

and awkward native English speakers

almost never say this in a social

situation instead they use a different

question but before we master that we

need to compare it to a very similar

question what are you doing I’m

presenting a video about English

what do you do I’m an English teacher do

you see the difference these two

questions what are you doing and what do

you do sound similar but mean different

things the first one is asking what you

are doing right now this minute you

answer it using an ING verb what are you

doing I’m reading I’m watching TV while

the second is actually a shortened

version of what do you do for a living

this is how we asked what is your job in

natural English let’s practice this

question what do you do what do you do

when native speakers of English ask this

question it can come out very fast and

sound more like what do you do in order

to tell it apart from what are you doing

just listen for the sound on the end of

the question if it’s not there then

you’re being asked what your job is so

how would you answer this question just

think of it as if the other person is

asking you what is your job you could

answer with I am plus your job I’m a

teacher I’m a teacher or I’m an engineer

if you want to learn more job names go

to English class

and check out the core word lists these

cover job vocabulary and more and

include a picture and audio to help you

perfect your pronunciation you can also

mention the place that you work at

starting with I work at I work at a

hospital I work at a hospital I work at

a law firm I work at a law firm if you

work for a big company that is well

known you can say I work for and then

the name I work for Microsoft I work for

Microsoft I work for the New York Times

I work for the New York Times

now it’s time for Alisha’s advice when

you ask the question what do you do

and the other person tells you their job

it’s polite to make some kind of

positive comment about his or her job

for example how interesting or that must

be exciting or even oh really

remember to sound sincere 10 different

phrases that you can use to respond to

the question how are you so let’s go I’m


the first phrase is I’m great if someone

says how are you you can say I’m great

try to say I’m great with a kind of an

upbeat voice so something you’re like

how are you I’m great I’m feeling bad

I’m feeling bad if you say I’m feeling

bad the other person is probably if

they’re a friend of yours or a co-worker

going to ask you why what happened so if

you want to use I’m feeling bad make

sure you have an explanation ready

anyway somebody says how are you and you

go I’m feeling bad maybe I went out for

drinks last night with my co-workers


I’m okay I’m okay I feel like this is

one of those intonation practice ones

I’m okay with that

ah I’m okay it’s like sort of upward

intonation you’re like cool but if

someone says how are you and you’re like

I’m okay they’re like oh no what

happened so you can use your intonation

with I’m okay to make it a good thing or

another good thing but either way it’s

not like a very sick super serious

response thank you for asking

yeah I imagine this would be in a more

formal situation like if my friend said

to me how are you and I was like thank

you for asking they’d be like what I

would say I’m fine or I’m doing well I’m

doing great plus thank you for asking so

today how are you I’m doing very well

thank you

mmm oh that’s how I would use it and you

the next one is and you liked the least

natural response to how are you is I’m

fine thank you and you like just get out

of put just take it out of your head

nobody says that I always say how about

you that’s a much more natural

how are you how are you how are you can

be a response again after you have given

your answer to the question how are you

I’m great how are you how are you I’m

good how are you I’m great how are you

I’m okay how are you how have you been

recently how have you been recently this

is only useful if you haven’t seen the

other person for a while I’m not bad I’m

not bad I’m not bad how are you I’m not

bad no I’m not bad hmm

things could be worse I would probably

do this I’m sleepy the next expression

is I’m sleepy Hey

it’s like so specific if someone said

how are you I would probably say I’m

okay but I’m a little sleepy I don’t

know that I would just say I’m sleepy

unless it’s a really good friend of mine

it’s a person close to you you can say

I’m so tired I’m I would say I’m super

tired or I’m really tired and I feel

like that’s a little bit more natural

than just I’m sleepy

I’m good one that I use a lot if someone

says how are you I say I’m good that’s

just probably my go-to response yeah I’m

good I’m good maybe I’ll repeat it while

smiling I’m good I’m good yeah thanks

for asking first you’ll see an image and

here a question next comes a short

dialogue listen carefully and see if you

can answer correctly will show you the

answer at the end

a man and a woman are talking how old is

the man now

your birthday is really soon isn’t it

yep it’s the day after tomorrow how old

are you going to be I’m turning 60


we should celebrate thank you very much

it’s kind of you to say

how old is the man now

a man and a woman are talking

how old is the man now your birthday is

really soon isn’t it yep it’s the day

after tomorrow how old are you going to

be I’m turning 60 congratulations

we should celebrate thank you very much

it’s kind of you to say first you’ll see

an image and here a question next comes

a short dialogue listen carefully and

see if you can answer correctly we’ll

show you the answer at the end

a man and a woman are talking who lives

with the man I’d like to introduce you

to my family is there some time soon you

could come over wow this is a big step

could you tell me a bit more about your

family before I meet them sure my father

works in computers and his hobby is

fishing my mother runs a restaurant and

she’s good at cooking they live nearby

do you have any brothers and sisters yes

I have an older sister and a younger

brother my sister is married and is

living abroad my brother is in law

school over on the East Coast it sounds

like you have a nice family I’d love to

meet them

who lives with the man

a man and a woman are talking who lives

with the man I’d like to introduce you

to my family is there some time soon you

could come over wow this is a big step

could you tell me a bit more about your

family before I meet them sure my father

works in computers and his hobby is

fishing my mother runs a restaurant and

she’s good at cooking they live nearby

do you have any brothers and sisters yes

I have an older sister and a younger

brother my sister is married and is

living abroad my brother is in law

school over on the East Coast it sounds

like you have a nice family I’d love to

meet them
