ALL Shopping Phrases You Need to Know Improve Your English

see them cuz that’s far away alright

welcome back thumbnail hello there I am

hi everybody welcome back to our weekly

live stream my name is Alisha and today

we’re going to talk about shopping in

English shopping in English so today I’m

going to talk about kind of the flow of

shopping in English how to explain what

you’re looking for to staff I’m gonna

talk about in part two talking about the

price of an item and paying for an item

I’ll talk a little bit about bargaining

or haggling and then we’ll finish today

with returns refunds and exchanges so I

hope that you find something new there

will be a lot of review in today’s

lesson though

hi everybody YouTube is up hello YouTube

chat friends hello da Bloo and peso and

Edmilson and Alfonzo and our saucy and

Josef and belly send Kuno Davide no stop

and um

Azazel and mah fool Ann Hannon sorry if

I mispronounced your name hi everybody

thanks very much for joining send a

message as you arrive in the chat

Facebook is up as well good

hi Facebook on Facebook Oh someone with

the Russian name I’m very sorry I can’t

read it but hello and su-gyeong and tich

and Abdullah and didn’t hi everybody

thanks very much for joining and thanks

for sending a message much appreciated

as I said today we are talking about

shopping today’s topic is shopping in

English so I’m going to begin in about

two ish minutes while we give people a

chance to join the lesson in the

meantime a quick announcement my

exciting announcement I shared shared

this how I still so bad that I shared

this on Instagram last week if you have

not checked the English class 101

YouTube channel we have a monthly series

there that we were making last week

actually as part of the monthly sere

we are collecting video and audio

recordings from

you all from everybody watching so we

were making this last week but if you

want to participate for the next video

and you want to send us an audio or

video file

please check the monthly review series

on the English class 101 YouTube channel

and there’s a link in the description

where you can participate so thank you

so much to those of you who have set

your audio and video files so far it’s

been really really cool to hear from

people from many different countries

like France and Brazil Mexico Azerbaijan

where else have we heard from I think

Malaysia Pakistan Indonesia I want to I

don’t remember if there’s an Indonesian

one but I’m not sure but if you want to

participate please do check the monthly

review a series video you can find this

on the English class 101 YouTube yeah so

this is every month we talk about ways

to learn we’re focusing on kind of

learning tips and strategies so

definitely check this out on YouTube

okay with that said then let’s get into

today’s topic I said today’s topic is

shopping so we’re going to talk about

kind of the flow of shopping in English

so as you join please don’t forget to

hit the like button so other people can

find the video and share as well we

really appreciate it all right I’m gonna

slow down a little bit now let’s get

started with the first part of today’s

lesson I want to begin with some review

before I start this part of the lesson I

want to mention an important grammar

point for today an important grammar

point we’ll see in this first sentence

or these first two sentences so here

yeah here I have explained explained by

this I mean how to explain what you’re

looking for so what do you want when you

come to a shop how do you explain to

staff what you’re looking for so these

two cents

is here feature a key grammar point for

today I’m looking for up or an with a

singular noun or I’m looking for no

article with a plural noun so a singular

noun and plural noun so this means for

regular nouns with singular nouns so

nouns that take an S in the plural form

and nouns that don’t take an S sometimes

I’ll talk about this later but when

you’re talking about just one of

something you’ll need to use this

article up or and a reminder we use up

before consonant sounds consonant sorry

hard to read content and and before

vowel sounds that all sounds so bowel

sounds is AEIOU sometimes why sounds so

make sure to use this article before

your singular noun you do not need to

use this article before plural now so

it’s nouns that end in s okay so this is

a basic and easy to remember way to

describe what you’re looking for so I’m

looking for markers because I’m looking

for shoes I’m looking for a sweater I’m

looking for a watch I’m looking for an

envelope for something I don’t know what

so these are examples simple examples

with just one down here if you’re

looking for something for another person

like you’re shopping for a gift you can

use something like this I’m looking for

and then choose one of these here I’m

looking for a gift for example for your

person I’m looking for a gift for my

coworker I’m looking for a present for

my father I’m looking for a gift for my

excuse me my family member so these are

very simple ways to express what you

want so you can use this in response to

a question from staff

shops staff at shops will often ask you

something like this

can I help you find anything can I help

you find anything

sorry kind of hard to read my writings

bad can I help you find anything can I

help you find anything is asking like is

there something you’re looking for can I

help you find anything so if you are

searching for something you can use one

of these patterns if you’re not you can

say no I’m okay that’s totally natural

no I’m okay

so please send some example sentences

and I’ll try to check them in the chat

today please keep in mind we use these

when shopping really so I think someone

mentioned I’m looking for a doctor

that’s the sentence is like correct but

we might use that when we’re like at an

information hub I suppose so maybe a

little different situation than today’s

lesson I’m looking for a gift for my

husband nice one Mina I’m looking for a

chinchilla that’s very specific Raphael

okay nice one I’m looking for a great

Slovak go on Facebook thanks for that

I’m looking for a gene for my father I

mentioned there are some kind of special

nouns that we use in the plural form so

genes is one of them so some special

ones to think about right here genes we

use in the plural form we do not say a

gene we say genes like there are two

legs and it’s one piece so we don’t use

an article with that so genes is one

pants is another one we always use this

S at the end jeans pants no article

another one sunglasses sunglasses so

here again this es at the end makes it a

plural we always use this s sound at the

end great I’m looking for a super cool

watch nice I’m looking for a present for

my wife good everybody’s got some

nice sentences I’m looking for a pair of

shoes Diego nice point another kind of

special noun when you’re looking for

shoes you can say I’m looking for shoes

that’s great and the plural here or you

can say I’m looking for a pair of shoes

a pair of means to of something great

okay nice one those look pretty good to

me so I’m gonna continue to the next

part for today the next part for today

if you find something you like so this

is especially for clothes I should point

this out for clothes for clothes you can

use this expression can I try this on

can I try this on you find a shirt or

you find a watch you find a hat or

something you want to ask the staff can

I try this on can I try this on means

try this on my body can I try this on in

most cases it’s not a problem can I try

this on is the expression you need to

know that’s pretty much I would say

maybe one of the only ways we ask this

question can I try this on then let’s

imagine you’re trying on clothes you’re

trying on shoes whatever it is and you

need something different from the item

you chose at first here is one pattern

you can use and a few ways to change the

pattern it is do you have this in a size

do you have this in a number or do you

have this in color so let’s imagine you

try on a shirt you’re trying on a shirt

and you realize the size it’s too small

your shirt is too small

so you use this you you when you talk to

the staff person it means do you at your

store have this item this item means the

item I’m trying on

so usually we point or we like grab the

item somehow do you have this in size in

size so we usually will use an article

with this one

in a medium do you have this in a medium

in a small in a large so choose a size

do you have this in an extra small so

again that article there and extra small

you can ask with this you can ask about

a number too so if you’re searching for

like pants for example a waist size like

do you have this in a 40 do you have

this in a 32 do you have this in a 27 so

you can use a number here as well you

could change the color if you want do

you have this in blue notice with color

there is no article here do you have

this in blue do you have this in green

do you have this in red there’s no

article when we use color when we talk

about size we will use an article do you

have this in 29 so this is kind of an

interesting small point nice can I try

this shirt yes flu Tran on YouTube said

can I try this shirt yeah can I try on

this shirt or can I try this shirt on

both are okay do you have this one in a

small perfect do you have this shirt in

pink nice pink okay um what else do you

have this in medium that’s okay - do you

have this in medium or do you have this

in a medium nice do you have anything

else something like this good someone

wrote that in Facebook that was nice

great nice examples do you have this in

44 okay great I think you guys have got

it yeah check out the chat there are

some really nice examples do you have

this in color and so when I wrote color

here I mean please choose a color here

like choose the color do you have this

in blue do you have this in red do you

have this in black so please use that

okay nice sentences everybody let’s take

a break for now that’s the first part a

little bit of review nice examples let

us take a break as always we have free

stuff for you guys let me find the

perfect free thing for this lesson I

will show you over here okay I’ll show

you over here I’m talking about I’m

focusing today a lot on shopping for

clothes so this is a great little bonus

for your vocabulary for clothing so I

just talked about how there are some

vocabulary words we use s with like

number four here pants but this has some

key clothing vocabulary that you’ll

notice sometimes is in the singular or

in the plural like number five here

shorts for example that’s always in the

plural form so this is a free thing

there’s another page I’ll show you later

again but this is a free thing free PDF

along with a whole bunch of other this

is this is a great one for today’s

lesson we have lots of other ones like

for food and for travel and for visiting

school there’s a business one as well

these are all for free you can download

these for free if you’re watching on

YouTube the link is below the video in

the description box if you’re watching

on Facebook the link is above the video

in the description box not a chat box so

this is great to practice your

vocabulary for clothing for clothing so

be singular and plural things I was

talking about here you can get some more

ideas from this one alright let’s

continue on great let’s get back to the

lesson for today then if you are just

joining us today’s lesson is about

shopping in English shopping in English

I started with explaining what you’re

searching for and trying something on

all right so please don’t forget ya send

along your example sentences in the chat

I will try to check for now let’s

continue on I’ll move over here let’s

continue on to talking about price and

payment price and payment so asking

about the price in in most in most shops

you will probably notice the price is

clearly displayed like there’s a price

tag on something so you probably won’t

need to ask these questions a lot but

just in case just in case this is the

basic way to do it how much is this how

much is that how much is this how much

is that this is the pattern for singular

nouns for singular nouns so there’s one

of something how much is this how much

is that over there

so this thing close to me that thing

over there far away from me if you’re

talking about something there are two or

more of that thing use are these or are

those so this is for your floral now if

you have a plural noun how much are

these things how much are those things

how much are these how much are those so

these are the basic patterns you can use

if you want to ask something a little

more specific like there are maybe two

or three of something and you want to

know if there’s a special sale or a

special deal you can try this how much

for how much for number of these or

those so let’s imagine I don’t know

socks for example you’re shopping for

socks you ask the staff how much for

four of these how much for four of those

like pairs of socks how much for three

of these

so sometimes there’s a special price if

you buy in a group

how much for number nice all right so

this is perhaps a review okay someone

said this or these it depends it depends

so as I said this is used for singular

nouns there is one of that noun how much

is this sweater one sweater how much are

these meaning two three or more sweaters

so it’s one or it’s more than one this

okay another couple of expressions you

can use when you’re asking about price

are these two this is a good keyword for

today is this on sale is this on sale on

sale on sale means special price special

price so on sale special price a special

discounted price is this on sale you can

change this part right here is this one

item is that one item two are these on

sale are those on sale you can apply the

same grammar point here so on sale means

a special price another thing that you

will see is this sort of pattern so for

example these are 50% off I’m sorry I

made a question but you can make a

statement to 50% off off means a

discount the discounted rate so these

are 50% off so half price in other words

you’ll see this 30% off 40% off 70% off

so off means removed from the price 50%

off how much is this video this video is

free for you okay so something someone

asked in the chat I noticed on a

shopping lesson we did was after you

check the price and you

learn the price how do you decide what’s

the expression you use to say okay I

want that thing you can use something

like this okay can I have number of

these for example like okay can I have

two of these or okay can I have one of

those for example so you can agree with

this another expression you can use is

I’d like number please

okay I’d like three please okay I’d like

one please

so this is a quick easy way sorry a

quick and easy way to decide and to

express your decision okay

this please or okay to please two of

these please okay um how much are these

pens nice good please check my sentence

I don’t see your sentence Anya can you

give a discount oh thanks thanks control

desk are these in 50% off no are these

50% off are these 50% off so if you want

to use this as a question are these in

this case of plural 50% off no

preposition there so here there’s no

preposition just use your percentage

there alright good

I don’t see anything else do you have

something similar in a lesser price

jothee on Facebook do you have something

similar at a cheaper price or do you

have something similar for cheaper for

cheaper I’ll include that here do you or

even shorter do you have anything

cheaper I think this would be the most

natural way to express this do you have

anything cheaper do you have anything

cheaper I’ve if I want the seller to

reduce the price how can I tell him I

will explain in just a moment with a

cautionary note

okay um and then I will come back to

that yes I promise it’s over there when

you decide to pay um I have two patterns

that you can use just because I want to

make a couple points here first you can

use this one after you decide okay I’ll

pay with cash you’ll notice I can use

with or I’ll pay in cash we use both

with and in there’s not really a

difference in meaning here okay I’ll pay

with cash or I’ll pay in cash if you are

not using cash can I use a card can I

use a card or can I use my card mm-hmm

this is the natural way to ask this or

I’ll use a card another grammar point

here is this aisle I’ll pay with cash

I’ll pay with a card because you’ve just

decided okay um alright let’s me see

what time it is what do you do okay

so let’s take one more break I’m gonna

move along to bargaining and haggling

next if you missed it before I will

share it again today I’m focusing on

shopping and clothes shopping a bit

I showed this earlier but since many of

you are asking this question on the back

of this PDF right here right here it’s

blurry sorry are some questions we have

talked about do you have this in a

different color I talked about earlier


and here - do you have this in a bigger

size do you take credit cards these are

some similar questions so we’ve talked a

little bit about these today down here

there are a few verbs you can use with

shopping I’m using these in today’s

lesson so if you’d like to review take a

look here so sorry it’s a bit blurry but

you’ll find that and then some color

words down here at the bottom so these

are just a couple of little things you

can hopefully find some new questions

and some new vocabulary words

relating to shopping from so check that

out and of course as always there’s lots

of other free stuff from the link too so

go download you can download this from

the link below the video on YouTube and

above the video on Facebook

alrighty moving along if you’re just

joining don’t worry the lesson is being

recorded so you can check this out on

Facebook or on YouTube anytime we’re

talking about shopping in English I’m

going to finish today’s lesson by

talking about bargaining a little bit

and I’m going to talk about returns

refunds and exchanges so I’m gonna I’m

trying to check your chat but please

keep in mind I can’t check everything

because there’s a lot of comments I’m

watching Facebook and YouTube at the

same time so let’s continue on for now

though before I begin this next part

about bargaining and haggling I want to

say we have these expressions in English

but it is not part of our shopping

culture in North America anyway to

bargain a lot or to haggle a lot perhaps

at a small privately owned store like

you have a relationship with the owner

or it’s like a local shop you may be

able to ask for a discount but we do not

have a strong bargaining or haggling

culture in North America so if you go to

a mall somewhere or if you go shopping

somewhere and you try to ask for a

discount it might not be a good

situation like we just don’t have the

same culture of this as other countries

do so please keep that in mind when

you’re shopping that being said a couple

of vocabulary points here I know there’s

a question I’ve seen a few times about

this what is the difference between a

bargain I’m sorry I should’ve written

bargaining bargaining and haggling so to

haggle is a verb to haggle to haggle it

means to discuss the price to try to get

a lower

price so we have this as a verb to

haggle or haggling to talk about that

action to bargain to bargain is also a

verb to bargain and to tackle as verbs

have the same meaning yes but as a noun

a bargain a bargain a bargain means a

good price a good price so like if I’m

shopping and I find this great phone I’m

like oh wow this phone it’s so cheap

that’s a bargain I would express that

this is a bargain so you might see like

bargains sale on advertisements that

means this stuff is a good price so a

bargain is a good price so that’s a

difference between bargain and haggle as

verbs they share they share the meaning

with that said if you decide you want to

try to ask for a discount you can use

something like this how about plus your

price suggestion so you learn over here

how much is this how much is that it’s

$20 you say hmm how about 15 how about


how about 5 you can use this very direct

way to try to get a discount you can use

something like this to get a discount

for a group like how about 5 for $50 or

how about 2 for $20

so in this pattern how about number for

price so number here means the number of

items you watch how about 3 for 30

for example so this is just a quick way

to ask for like a bulk this is something

that we call a bulk price so bulk price

means the total amount for a group of

something bulk price

good so you can try to use that if you

like another one the direct one I think

maybe many of you know is can you give

me a discount can you give me a discount

so quite direct can you give me a

discount your results may vary results

may vary means depending on the

situation you may or may not be

successful may I have a discount is also

okay may I have a discount can I have a

discount and so on Alicia do you bargain

no I do not I do not like I said we

don’t have a culture really of

bargaining or haggling in North America

um yeah so this is how to do it like I

said I don’t I don’t do this and I’m not

sure how common it is but perhaps in

small local shops you can do this okay

thank you let’s move on to our last

points for today the last points for

today are about returns refunds and

exchanges we’ll finish here so what’s

the difference the difference return and

refund when you return an item to the

store it’s like you purchased an item

here’s here’s an iPad so I purchased

this iPad and I found a problem with

this iPad so I want to take it back to

the store so just taking the item back

to the store is a return so I’m

returning this item to the store a


however this word a refund that can be

used as a noun or as a verb a refund

means receiving your money back so you

get money back from something in some

cases you cannot get a refund maybe like

the the problem is your fault or maybe

you don’t have a receipt or or maybe

what you’ll find sometimes is the refund

is in store credit

this is an interesting maybe vocabulary

word store credit so hopefully you can

get your money back you can get your

money refunded but sometimes you receive

store credit instead of your money so

store credit is like getting a gift card

kind of for the store only meaning you

have to spend your money in the store in

the future so store credit so if you

want to make a return you can use this

expression I’ve used this for each of

these last example sentences I’d like to

I’d like to I’d like to I’m sorry not

this one I’d like to return this so the

response to this will usually be do you

have the receipt

do you have the receipt and I use not

here because it’s a receipt specific far

sorry specifically from that item do you

have the receipt that you had when you

purchased this item do you have the

receipt if you say no you probably

cannot return the item honestly so do

you have the receipt the last word for

today and then we’ll finish up is I’d

like to make an exchange an exchange so

let’s imagine that like you buy this

iPad and it’s a gift for someone and

they say oh I didn’t want a black iPad I

wanted a silver iPad I don’t know but

they decide I want a different color and

you go okay well I just want a different

color I want to exchange this for a

different color or a different size so

you like the item but you need to make a

change to the item this is called an

exchange and exchange I’d like to make

an exchange as like a set phrase to make

an exchange and again the question here

will probably be do you have the receipt

or maybe do you have your receipt if you

just want to give the item back you can

say I’d like a refund I’d like a refund


my money back I want my money back is

kind of a direct expect expression so

I’d like a refund please is a bit more

polite yeah give me my money back is a

little bit direct so you’ll sound angry

if you say give me my money back but if

you say I’d like a refund please when

you return an item it’s much softer not

so aggressive so I recommend that all

right someone says the iPad can be

returned in 14 days if it has no damage

good to know all right good to know is

that true I don’t know but we’ll finish

up there for today so that’s a quick

introduction to shopping in English if

you have any other questions please do

send them in the chat on youtube or on

Facebook that would be great I will

check the chat after this lesson I’ll go

and check this so please let me know if

you have other questions I’ll check them

out in the meantime we’ll be back next

week next week we will be back it will

be on October 31st Halloween boo we’ll

be back at 10 p.m. Eastern Standard Time

Wednesday that’s New York City time our

topic for next week we’ll be talking

about media talking about media that

means like TV movies books how to talk

about your opinion

something you saw recently for example

so we’ll be talking about media for next

week’s lesson so please join us again

next week that would be fantastic

in the meantime please be sure to go

download your free stuff from the link

from the link below the video on YouTube

above the video on Facebook and also

please do check out the monthly review

series on the English class 101 YouTube

and then you can send your video or

audio file to us and maybe be in next

month’s video that would be really fun

so thank you as always for joining our

weekly lesson this was fun as always

thank you for liking and sharing the

video we really appreciate it and I hope

you have a good day a good night to

enjoy your weekend and I will

you again next time hey bye