Are You A Good Multitasker

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm and today we’re going to

talk about something that maybe a lot of

you do but do you succeed doing it let’s

talk about it

the word for today is multitasking what

is multitasking multitasking is when you

do several things at the same time for

example maybe you are listening to

English music while you are reading an

English book or you’re watching this

video while you are trying to finish

your homework or you’re writing an email

while you’re watching this video or

multitasking could be you are driving

and talking on the phone at the same

time this is multitasking now a lot of

people think that when you multitask you

can get a lot more done with a short

amount of time and maybe it’s possible

for some people so some people are good

multitaskers you could say I’m a good

multitasker or I’m not a good

multitasker I’m not good at multitasking

so some people who are good at

multitasking can do several things at

the same time and they do all of them

pretty well but some people may be I

would say the majority of people do best

when they’re focusing on one thing so

let me give you an example from my

personal life in my life now I’ve got a

lot of exciting projects going on I just

finished writing an e-book there’s an

audio version to that ebook you can

click on the links below to get those

and I’m also making some videos with my

husband and expression videos for our

new course 30 days of English that’s

coming out on June 1st and so excited

about it but there’s a lot of tasks to

be done it’s a lot of exciting tasks but

there’s a lot to do so many days I’m

multitasking I’m doing three things four

things sometimes five things at the same

time and you know why it’s not very

efficient and at the end of the day some

I feel overwhelmed and when you feel

overwhelmed it’s not a good place to be

if you want to be creative so my

question for you is if you are um if you

are multitasking do you feel overwhelmed

is it good for you to be multitasking

are you a good multitasker for me

sometimes I can multitask but sometimes

it’s just not a good idea I need to

focus on one topic so I want to know

when you multitask when you feel

overwhelmed what kind of things do you

do to stop feeling overwhelmed I’m going

to talk a lot more about this in my blog

post so make sure you click on the link

and go to speak English with Vanessa

comm to look at the blog post and read

some more examples about being

overwhelmed and what you can do and

hopefully this will help you in your

english studies as well as in your

personal life thanks so much for

watching and I’ll talk to you later good

